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World war I
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The Trenches


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World war I, the great war: general overview
'Around the War in 80 Postcards' - Brave Little Belgium
BBC news the war to end all wars
Biographical dictionary brief biographical sketches and photographs of prominent people of the Great war era
Blindganger educatieve site over de eerste wereldoorlog aan de Ieperboog ( en de IJzer ), in Dutch
Charles Fiel's battlefield guide
Chronology of events
Chronology of the first world war The First World War, also referred to as the Great War, lasted from 1914-1918. It was supposed to be "The War to End All Wars." On this site you will find information about this War, as well as pictures of the trenches, cemeteries and memorials
Das Archiv zum 1. Weltkrieg Darstellungen des Kampfes 1914-1918 aus der Sicht der damaligen Zeit in Dutch
Eerste wereldoorlog de eerste wereldoorlog 1914-1918 - over oorzaken en gevolgen: literatuur, veldslagen en vluchtelingen, eerste wereldoorlog, vrede van Versailles, volkenbond, in Dutch
EyeWitness to world war I gas attack, battle at Gallipoli, 1915, U-boat attack, 1916
First world war
First world a multimedia history of world war one origins of world war I, machine guns, chemical warfare, Iraq in world war I, photographs of world war one, ..., a tip
Geography of the Great War
Great war: learning curve the great war
Hellfire corner Verdun, Ypres, latest news about WW I, a tip
Heritage of the great war 1914 1918 the official war photographers were not supposed to photograph the vast numbers of dead. The resason was simple. Their pictures had but one purpose: keeping up morale. Their pictures were checked and destroyed if they set the wrong tone
The great war The great war
The great war series War Times journal resources relating to the first world war, the fighting in France and Belgium between 1914 and 1918, the major offensives on the Eastern front during World War one, Germany's Naval airship division, the naval war and its policies, Manfred von Richthofen, the Royal Navy's home fleet from 1914 to 1918
The great war in a different light siege of Antwerp, siege of Liege, battle of Namur, battle of Dinant, first gas attack, Gallipoli, christmas in trenches, eyewitness, Ieper, Salient, Passchendale, Marne, Dardanelles, Austria-Hungary, Albert 1 King of the Belgians, Battle of Champagne, Alsace, Vosges, censored photos
The great war: interactive timeline
De Grooten Oorlog, dag na dag in Dutch
The First World War Arras, Amiens, Passchendaele, the Somme, Vimy and Ypres - where thousands of Canadians fought and died more 90 years ago
The Western Front during the First World War
The Western Front West Front Summary
Time line of world war I
Timeline 1839 - 1914 the long fuse click here for Artillery, the Somme, Vimy Ridge, Tank warfare, Delousing, Canadian red cross
War and Peace: The First World War
W.O.I in de Westhoek in Dutch
World war I
World war I a tip
World war I la grande guerre 1914 1918, 14-18, en Français
World war I la grande guerre 1914 1918, 14-18, en Français
World war I World War I (The Great War) from its beginning to the Armistice including the Marne, Somme, Verdun, gas, trench war, poems and music
World War I National Rivalries, Alliance System, Militarism, Economic Rivalries, Colonial Rivalries, Pre-war Crises, Immediate Cause of the War 1914, Course of the War 1914-18, Results of the First World War
World War I explore in detail the causes, course and consequences of the war which shaped the nature of 20th century history
World war I the causes of world war one, Archduke Ferdinand's assassination, the July crisis, events of July 1914 leading to war, how the war was planned, Schlieffen plan, Balkan causes of world war one, Austria's ultimatum to Serbia
World war I internet history of world war I: trenches of the web
World War One Battlefields
World war I document archive
World war I document archive
World War I Links
World War I, World War I
World War one - BBC
World War one - BBC the war lasted from 1914-18, claimed 10 million lives and forever changed the political map of Europe
World War one the western front, late during the summer of 1914, train stations all over Europe echoed with the sound of leather boots and the clattering of weapons as millions of enthusiastic young soldiers mobilized for the most glorious conflict since the Napoleonic Wars, ...
Armies and navies 
13th battalion black watch Royal Highlanders of Canada History of the 13th battalion Black Watch
Austro-Hungarian land forces 1848-1918 the organisational history of the land forces of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy from just prior to the outbreak of the Great War until the collapse of the monarchy in 1918
Belgian army in World War one
British army in the great war of 1914-1918
Canada in the first world war
Canada in the first world war
Canada and the first world war
German armed forces in WWII German armed forces in WWII
German armee: Prussian  machine
Newfoundland and the great war
Were the British generals of World War I "butchers and bunglers"?
WWI uniforms
WWI uniforms: Artifact Galleries

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