topics about ancient Egypt |
Ancient Egyptian art
Egyptian history |
Ancient Egyptian
lives daily life in ancient Egypt |
Before the Mummies- Desert Origins of the Pharaohs The Western Desert of
Egypt, near the Dakhleh Oasis, appears to be one of the most uninhabitable
places on the planet, ... |
Date converter for
Ancient Egypt this website is a scientific tool for converting calendar
dates mentioned in Greek and Demotic Papyri from Egypt into Julian dates,
from the reign of Psametik to Diocletian |
Djed Pillar
The djed pillar, was a roughly cruciform object with at least three cross
bars, but almost always four that became one of the most recognizable
symbols in ancient Egypt |
Early Dynastic
Period This is a detailed account of the History and Archaeology of the
Egyptian Early Dynastic Period |
Egypt from space
Egypt from space |
Eunuchs in
Pharaonic Egypt |
Giza plateau mapping project
The Giza Plateau Mapping Project, under the direction of Mark Lehner,
Visiting Assistant Professor of Egyptian archaeology at the Oriental
Institute, is dedicated to research on the geology and topography of the
Giza plateau, the construction and function of the Sphinx, the Great
Pyrimids, the associated tombs and temples, and the Old Kingdom town in the
vicinity, ... |
history of Hathor's worship in Ancient Egypt, mythology, hymns,
archaeological sites |
Hierakonpolis, one of the most important archaeological sites for
understanding the foundations of ancient Egyptian society |
House of
Ptolemy Ptolemy |
Mataha Expedition
Lost labyrinth of Egypt discovered The Mataha-expedition discovered the
lost labyrinth of Egypt at Hawara. A colossal temple described by many
classic authors like Herodotus and Strabo, to contain 3000 rooms full of
hieroglyphs and paintings |
Medicine in Ancient Egypt
Medical Papyri |
The great pyramid, the golden ratio and the royal cubit |
Treasures of the
sunken city explore the map of one of the largest underwater
archaeological sites in the Mediterranean |
Valley of the Kings
the valley of the Kings, in Upper Egypt, Thebes, the burial place of the
pharaohs of the New Kingdom, 18th, 19th, and 20th Dynasties. To date, more than 62 tombs have been identified |
Valley of the Kings
king Tut-Ankh-Amun, king Ramses II, king Amenhotep II, hieroglyphic alphabet chart |
Virtual Kahun |
Horizontaal |
Animals and the gods of ancient Egypt |
Animals and the gods of ancient Egypt animals and the gods of ancient
Egypt |
Animals of ancient Egypt |
the god of embalming |
Benu (Bennu) |
goddess this website focuses on historical information regarding the
ancient Egyptian (Kemetic) goddess (Netjert) Bast (sometimes erroneously
referred to as Bastet, as explained later in the essay). Information in this
section is strictly historical, with some debunking of modern myths and
misconceptions thrown in for good measure |
in Egypt |
Coffin art: birds |
Lions of Egypt |
Horizontaal |
Egyptian religion |
Ancient Egyptian
mythology photographs and paintings of ancient egyptian art, archeology, mythology and dynastic
history |
Ancient Egyptian religion |
Ancient Egyptian religion
Apis, Aten, Atum, Bastet, Bes, Geb, Hapy, Hathor, Imhotep, Khnum, Khonsu,
Maat, Mandulis, Mut, Neith, Nekhbet, Nephthys, Nun, Nut, Onuris, Opet,
Osiris, Ptah, Renenutet, Reshef, Serapis, ... |
Ancient Egyptian religion |
Animals and the gods of ancient Egypt animals and the gods of ancient
Egypt |
Egyptian mythology
Egyptian mythology |
myths a tip |
Gods of ancient Egypt |
Gods of ancient Egypt
Gods and Mythology of Ancient Egypt |
religion Phoenician religion was inspired by the powers and processes
of nature. Many of the gods they worshiped, however, were localized and
are now known only under their local names |
Mythology gallery |
Symbols and gods of Ancient Egypt
dictionary of Ancient Egyptian Religion, Ancient Egypt, Amun, Atum, Ankh,
Anubis, Bast, Bes, Geb, Hapi, Hathor, Horus, Isis, Khepri, Khnum, Khons,
Maat, Min, Montu, Neith, Nephthys, Nun, Nut, Osiris, Ptah, Ra, Re, Sekhmet,
Selket, Set, Seth, Shu, Sokar, Sobek, Tefnut, Thoth, Wadjet, Wedjet Eye |
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