English related subject:
Dictionaries |
Group Names A pride of lions, a murder of crows, a crash of rhinos, and
every other collective noun for animals |
Book of cliches The Book of Clichés, phrases to say in times of trouble |
Cliche Finder
Cliche Finder |
list of cliches |
confused words |
famous quotes, funny quotes, movie quotes, inspirational quotes, friendship
quotes, motivational quotes and love quotes |
conversation online listen to native speakers talk about various topics, learn useful idioms, learn common words and phrases, test your vocabulary skills
in everyday English |
learning (BBC world) |
literature on the web |
English poetry
Representative Poetry Online, version 3.0, includes 3,162 English poems by 500
poets from Caedmon, in the Old English period, to the work of living poets today |
Famous Quotations
several pages of Famous Poetry Quotations and a number of other pages (our
"Introductory Quotations" page, our "poetry insights" page and "poetry wisdom"
page) that attempt to demonstrate something of the range of deep wisdom that has
been discerned by the Poets |
English pronunciation |
homographs are those words which have one spelling but two pronunciations and
two distinct meanings or usages |
glossary a glossary of terms used in the morphological, syntactic, and pragmatic analysis of text |
rhymes Nursery Rhymes - Lyrics and Origins |
Oneliners and proverbs provoking deep thoughts with a smile |
Oxford English dictionary |
an introduction to theoretical and practical phonetics primarily for future
teachers of English enrolled in the education program |
The Physics and Physiology of Speech, Consonants: Voicing and Place of
Articulation, Consonants: Manner of Articulation, Vowels Acoustics, Formants, Extracting Formant values |
Phonetics Articulation and Acoustics, Phonology and Phonetic Transcription,
Performance Exercises, The Consonants of English, Performance Exercises, The
Vowels of English, English Words and Sentences |
Phonetics is the study of the articulatory and acoustic properties of the sounds
of human language |
dictionary a machine-readable pronunciation dictionary for North American English that contains over 125000 words and their transcriptions |
English Sounds The purpose of this section is to help learners of English
with the pronunciation of specific sounds. On these pages you will find:
Pictures of how your mouth looks when you say sounds. A description of how to
make the sound. Audio recordings of some words |
quotations on every topic |
Quotations |
Quotations page
26,000 quotations online from over 3,100 authors |
Rhymes, synonyms,
antonyms and more a language arts reference tool and comprehensive search engine for words |
Sayings and everyday expressions sayings and expressions you use everyday, search for their meaning, history and origin, find sayings, expressions, phrases, quotations, cliches, unusual words |
Top 1000 words in UK
English |
Varieties of
English English, American Indian English, British English, Canadian English,
Chicano English, Northeast U.S., Southern States English, Phonetics, Phonology,
Vocabulary training
exercises in English, German, French and Spanish |
Who was Charles
Dickens? |
Wordtree reverse dictionary |
wide words exploring the English language |
Word wizard
anything concerning words and the English language |
Horizontaal |
English grammar  |
Protection Society the rules concerning the use of Apostrophes in written English |
errors in English |
English grammar
Grammar and Style Notes |
grammar online English grammar online, Guide to grammar and writing,
grammar and English usage, over 170 computer-graded quizzes, recommendations on
writing, from basic problems in subject-verb agreement and the use of articles
to exercises in parallel structures and help with argumentative essays, and a
way to submit questions about grammar and writing |
English grammar - word power |
Grammatical terms
Glossary of Grammatical Terms |
Guide to
grammar and style |
Guide to Grammar and
Writing and Principles of Composition a tip |
Grammar, punctuation,
and spelling |
grammar of English The Internet Grammar of English is an online course in
English grammar written primarily for university undergraduates |
Plague Words and
Phrases |
Spelling it Right - Learn to Spell
Confidently |
Horizontaal |
online word games, tools - online test  |
create sets of items from a few examples |
Anagram maker
online anagram maker, an anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the
letters of another word or phrase |
Chinese Number
Conversion module |
dictionary hear the spoken word!!! |
Crypto cracker a tool that can be used to crack Word Ciphers. A Word Cipher, also
known as a Cryptogram or Cryptoquote, is a puzzle where one letter in the
puzzle is substituted with another |
Rhyming dictionary |
Rhyming dictionary |
Rhyming dictionary and
thesaurus type in a word to find its rhymes, synonyms, definitions |
helper this tool is designed to assist you while you are playing scrabble
or literai |
free online spell checker |
Spelling Page |
test Interesting Things for ESL Students. A fun study site for learners of
English as a Second Language. Word games, puzzles, quizzes, exercises, slang,
proverbs and much more |
BBC Schools Online website Spelling with the Spellits presents 9 spelling
strategies for Key Stage 2 pupils from 7-9 years |
Woordenschat-tests |
anagrams a tool that can be used to generate Anagrams |
jumbles enter the characters of a scrambled word in the space provided and the unscrambled words will be displayed |
wise wordgames innovative educational content, resources, games and multimedia design promoting creativity and literacy,
visit als Wordles |
Word morphs
enter a word and the computer will come up with a list of words differing from
the original word by one letter |
Words in a word enter a
word and a list of the words that can be derived will be displayed |
dictionary and thesaurus, type in your word and listen |
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