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Français  |
Exercices français |
Fast and
friendly French for fun letters and numbers, gender and articles, subject
pronouns, basic verbs and conjugations, introduction to regular verbs, adjectives,
all purpose phrases, going further: past and future tenses, 101 French nouns,
verbs, and adjectives, also a linl to explore France |
language course prononciation, articles and genders, pronouns and verbs,
adjectives and plurals, sentences structure
Picture Dictionary
French Picture Dictionary is a new online resource to learn French (or English)
words in a fun way. Each word in the dictionary has an English - French
translation and a photograph of the item |
Grammaire française |
de grammaire en ligne |
Prononciation Francaise
Manuel de typographie |
Vocabulary training
exercises in English, German, French and Spanish |
Voici la France
diplomatie, ministere des affaires etrangeres, pays, histoire, etat, vie politique, societe, economie, science, technologie, culture, media,
environement, population, climat, relief, immigration, demographie, revolution francaise, federation, declaration des droits de l'homme, montesquieu, rousseau, empire, bonaparte napoleon, monarchie,
republique |
Voyageons |
Woordenschat-tests |
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Tools  |
Ce site vous apprendra à mieux conjuguer les verbes français |
Conjuguer sur le
site |
Dictionnaire des synonymes français |
Dictionnaire des synonymes français |
Francophone World Map |
Französische Verben konjugieren |
Phonétique Apprendre à
prononcer le français avec des exercices de phonétique |
conjugation conjugate a verb by selecting the tense and entering the
infinitive form of the verb in the box. Franse vervoegingen |
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