- overview  |
Byzantine Emperors This is a list of the Emperors of the Eastern Roman
Empire, commonly known as the Byzantine Empire by modern historians. This list
does not include numerous co-emperors who never attained sole or senior status
as rulers
This list begins with Constantine I the Great, the first Christian emperor
reigning from Constantinople. Diocletian before him had ruled from Nicomedia and
replaced the republican trappings of the office with a straightforward
autocracy. All Byzantine Emperors regarded themselves as Roman Emperors
Byzantine pages choose your emperor, Constantine the Great, Byzantine
artifacts |
caesars of Rome |
Monarchs down to the Roman Empire Macedonian great kings, kings of Epirus,
Bosporan kingdom, Antigonid kings, kings of Thrace, kings of Macedonia,
Seleucids, Macedonian kings of Iran, Iraq, Syria, etc., kings of Armenia, kings
of Pontus, seven wonders of the world, kings of Bithynia, attalids of Pergamum,
kings of Cappadocia, Macedonian kings of Bactria, Parthian arsacids, leaders
& kings of Judaea, kings of Commagene, Ptolemies, Macedonian kings of
Egypt |
Imperium romanum
list of roman emperors: List
of Roman emperors |
Roman emperors
an on-line encyclopedia on the rulers of the Roman empire from Augustus (27
BC-AD 14) to Constantine XI Palaeologus (1449-1453) |
Roman Gods
Jupiter - King of the Gods, Juno - Queen of the Gods, Neptune - God of the Sea,
Pluto - God of Death, Apollo - God of the Sun, Diana - Goddess of the Moon, Mars
- God of War, Venus - Goddess of Love, Cupid - God of Love, Mercury - Messenger
of the Gods, Minerva - Goddess of Wisdom, Ceres - The Earth Goddess, Proserpine
- Goddess of the Underworld, Vulcan - The Smith God, Bacchus - God of Wine,
Saturn - God of Time, Vesta - Goddess of the Home, Janus - God of Doors, Uranus
- Father of Saturn, Maia - Goddess of Growth |
Stemmata of
imperial dynasties large, detailed family trees |
Who was who in
Roman times |
Women of ancient Rome |
Biographies of people of
Rome and Greece  |
and Troy Achilles is part of the Achaean force Agamemnon has taken to Troy
to win back Helen for Agamemnon's brother Menelaus |
Alexander the great
Alexander the Great's first web site |
Alexander the great
Alexander the great |
Alexander the
Great on the web |
Alexander the Great- The Path to Deification |
Alexander the Great website
Alexander the Great, his life, his family, his conquests, and
his battles |
Antony, Octavian, and Cleopatra |
images of power |
Julius Caesar july 13, 100 - march 15, 44 BCE |
Caligula |
Cleopatra |
Cleopatra |
Constantine the Great |
Constantine the Great |
Constantine the Great |
Roman coins of Constantine the Great |
Galen |
Hadrian Hadrian ( 76 CE – 138 CE ), born in Spain of provincial Roman stock,
became Roman Emperor in 117, succeeding to his uncle Trajan. Hadrian’s reign was
marked by a distinct will to preserve the ‘Roman Peace’ and renunciation of
further conquests, though towards the end of it he was forced to lead a
disastrous war caused by a revolt in the province of Judaea, afterwards
Palestine |
having won the battle on the Trebbia river, Hannibal kept heading South, thus
making the Roman Consuls and Senate believe that he was planning to attack
Rome itself ... |
Hannibal and The Battle of Trasimeno |
Hannibal |
Herodotus |
In the
footsteps of Alexander the Great |
Caesar the last dictator |
Marcus Antonius
Gordianus |
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Marcus Tullius Cicero was born on January 3, 106 BC and was murdered on December
7, 43 BC. His life coincided with the decline and fall of the Roman Republic,
and he was an important actor in many of the significant political events of his
time |
in Dutch |
Plato |
Plato |
Sophocles Sophocles (497 - 406 BCE) was one of three great Greek tragic
poets. He came from wealth, and moved easily in society. Over his productive
life of over sixty years he wrote over 123 plays, of which only seven remain |
Spartacus |
Thucydides |
Timeline of
Alexander The Great follow Alexander The Great
throughout his Asian conquests in this full color timeline, that traces his 10
year journey |
Trojan's Rome
who was emperor Trajan? |
Horizontaal |
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