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Beasts after the dinosaurs Dinosaur species Dinosaur topics Fossils General

Beasts after the dinosaurs - ice age mammals: overview  related subject: Geology
American mastodons
American mastodons
Animals, plants, people and geology ice age animals
Australia's reptiles, birds and mammals from the Cretaceous to the present
Beasts walking with beasts
Cenozoic mammals Cenozoic mammals, ppt file
Dynasties of stone
Evolution of fishes
Ice age animals the ice age is also known as the Pleistocene Epoch, which lasted from about 2 million to 10,000 years ago, and was a period of recurring widespread glaciations
Ice age mammal printouts the last ice age started about 70,000 years ago and ended about 10,000 years ago
Mammal paleontology mammal paleontology
Mastodons, mammoths, and other Pleistocene giants
Palaeos vertebrates: bones
Paleocene mammals the most interesting facts about Paleocene mammals
Paleocene animals Paleocene animals
Paleocene animals ppt file
Paleocene mammals of the world mammals appear first in the late Triassic, at about the same time as dinosaurs. Throughout the Mesozoic, most mammals were small, fed on insects and lead a nocturnal life, whereas dinosaurs were the dominant forms of life on land
Paleocene mammals Paleocene mammals
Prehistoric beasts Prehistoric beasts
Prehistoric geologic time line site with information about biological and geological changes during Earth's history, prehistoric, geologic time, dinosaurs
Remarkable beasts that walked the same Earth we now live on
Siberia recover bones and teeth of mammoths and other now extinct mammals that once lived. Wrangel Island is of great interest because this is the last place on earth where mammoths are known to have lived
Transitional vertebrate fossils overview of the cenozoic, primates, bats, carnivores, rodents, lagomorphs (rabbits & hares), condylarths (first hoofed animals), cetaceans (whales & dolphins), perissodactyls (horses, rhinos, tapirs), elephants, sirenians (dugongs & manatees), artiodactyls (pigs, hippos, deer, giraffes, cows, etc.), species transitions from other miscellaneous mammal groups
Beasts after the dinosaurs - ice age mammals 
Archaeocetes Archaeocetes: Archaic Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises
Berezovka mammoth
Diprotodon The hippopotomus-sized Diprotodon was the largest marsupial that ever lived, ...
Fossil horses in cyberspace
Giant sloth
Ground sloths
Giant Beaver (Castoroides ohioensis)
Giant sloth
Giant sloths the giant ground sloth was one of the enormous creatures that thrived during the ice ages. Looking a little bit like an oversized hamster it probably fed on leaves found on the lower branches of trees or bushes
Gigantopithecus gigantopithecus was the largest primate that ever walked the Earth. He would have risen 9 to 10 feet high if he choose to stand up on only his hind legs, and probably weighed about 600 lbs
Mammoth: woolly mammoth often considered to be symbolic of the last ice age
Mammoth site woolly mammoth, Columbian mammoth, ice age mammoth, fossils, paleontology, extinct animals, excavation
Mammoths Columbian mammoth, Jefferson's mammoth, woolly mammoth
Mammoths and mastodons mammoths are also extinct elephant relatives, but they were larger than mastodons, their tusks were more curved and their heads had a more domed shape
Mammoths of Tolo Lake during the Pleistocene-era, Tolo Lake was used as a watering hole by animals that roamed near the area. The animals that used this watering hole likely included saber-toothed cats, bison, dire wolves, giant mammoths, and Clovis wanderers (man)
Mastodon discovery
Mastodon skeleton
Megaloceros giganteus
Millennium tusk page
Perissodactyla ppt file
Phorusrhacus inflatus
Pygmy mammoth
Sabertoothed cats
highlights the life and mysteries of saber-tooth cats, includes interactives, rich imagery, a history of big teeth, Photo of a complete skeleton Saber toothed cats
Smilodon of California
Smilodon populator
Taeniodonts and Tillodonts
Uintatherium robustum Uintatherium was the largest, most spectacular, and most bizarre animal discovered in the Eocene deposits near Fort Bridger
What killed the mammoths?
Wollnashorn (Coelodonta antiquitatis)
Woolly mammoth
Woolly mammoth
Woolly mammoth: catastrophic origins
Woolly mammoths woolly mammoths
Woolly mammoths survived on island woolly mammoths survived on St. Paul Island in the Bering Sea for thousands of years after the species went extinct on the mainland of North America and Asia
Woolly rhinoceros the woolly rhinoceros (Coelodonta antiquitatis) is an extinct species of Rhinoceros that lived throughout Europe and Northwestern Asia during the last ice age (+10,000 years ago)
Woolly rhinoceros
Woolly rhinoceros (Coelodonta antiquitatis)
Woolly Rhino

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