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Encyclopedia of 1848 revolutions complete history of all the 1848 revolutions
World history topics
Revolutions: China 
Bokseropstand in Dutch
Chinese posters in Dutch
Chinese revolution (1911)
Boxeraufstand in China 1900/01 in German
Revolutions: Cuba 
Cuban posters
Revolutions: France 
Franse revolutie 14 juli 1789, bestorming van de Bastille, in Dutch
Franse revolutie in Dutch
Franse revolutie in Dutch
Revolutions: Mexico 
Revolutions: Spain 
Spanish civil war 2 1936 to 1939: a military rising originating in Morocco, headed by General Francisco Franco, spreads rapidly all over the country, thus starting the Spanish civil war
Spanish revolution of 1936 a history of the Spanish libertarian and anarchist movement with a look back at the Spanish civil war
Spanish revolution of 1936 - Spanish civil war
Revolutions: Russia 
America's secret war intervention in the Russian civil war, 1918-1920
Images of Leading Socialist Revolutionaries
Lenin and the First Communist Revolutions, IV
The Revolution of 1905 - Russia
The Russian revolution a tip
Revolutions of 1917 Revolution of 1917, russia
Russia: from revolution to counter revolution
Russian civil war and the Russo-Polish war
Russian revolution picture gallery
Russian revolution
Russian revolution
Russian revolution FAQ
Russian revolution in dates
Russian revolution of 1905
Soviet posters with the Russian Revolution of 1917, for the first time in history an entire nation is governed by a communist system
The path to revolution since the reign of Ivan the Terrible, the Russian Tsars had followed a fairly consistent policy of drawing more political power away from the nobility and into their own hands
The november revolution, the Bolshevik "Coup d'Etat" november 7, 1917
War and revolution in Russia

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