Concentration camps - POW camps  |
AIF Singapore and beyond
the story of the 2/20th Battalion, Australian Infantry Force (AIF) which took
the brunt of the Japanese assault on Singapore in 1942 and became soldiers in
captivity dispersed throughout Asia as slaves of the Japanese |
Alliance for preserving the truth of Sino-Japanese
war |
Alphabetical listing of POW camps in Japan |
Ghost of Bataan |
Bataan death march the Bataan Death March began at Mariveles on April 10, 1942. Any
troops who fell behind were executed. Japanese troops beat soldiers randomly,
and denied the POWs food and water for many days |
Bataansurvivor |
Raiders Executed! USMC the nine Marines left on Makin
and captured by the Japanese in 1942 later executed (beheaded) and buried on
Kwajalein atoll |
O'Donnell battling bastards of Bataan, death march |
camp1 Japan an insight into life and death at a POW camp in war-time Japan |
Hell ships |
Hell ships
hellships were unmarked Japanese freighters used to transport American POWs during WWII. Because these ships were unmarked, Allied forces
frequently targeted and torpedoed them. We had no way of knowing that our troops
were packed like sardines in the holds of these freighters with no chance of
escape, if the ship were hit |
In hell there is a place called
death's railway Stanley Willner, Former Japanese Prisoner of War Death's
Railway, Thailand Changi Prison, Singapore (Syonan) 1943 - 1945 |
imperialism and the massacre in Nanjing |
internment camps in China Japanese internment camps in China |
order to murder all POWS Japanese order to murder all POWS |
Japanese POW camps |
war crimes today of 60 years ago, many died in their pains and cries. Men, women, children, were killed with bayonets, swords, bamboo sticks, ..., their
bodies sexually mutilated, Nanjing Massacre, rape of Nanking, Japanese culture, Japanese war crimes,
crimes against humanity, Japanese war crimes |
war crimes |
Kwajalein |
Map of POW
camps in Japan |
massacre photo archive |
Nanjing massacre
300,000 Chinese people killed, 20,000 women raped ... |
Nanking massacre
on December 13, 1937, the Imperial Japanese Army stormed the Chinese city of
Nanking. During the following six weeks, they murdered and tortured countless
civilians whose only crime was being Chinese. Over 300,000 people were killed
and over 20,000 women were brutally raped. However, over the decades, the
Japanese began to deny that this massacre ever occurred |
North China
marines as prisoners history of the North China marines as prisoners of war under the Japanese from 8 Dec 1941 to Sep 1945, fukuoka, japan, prisoner of war,
north china marines, peking, tientsin, chinwangtao, world war II, slave labor, hokkaido, hakodate, POW |
Boroe death railway the forgotten death railway through the jungle on Sumatra, built by Japanese Prisoners Of War and Indonesian
slave labourers |
POWs in
Japan, World War II, POW camps |
Rape of
Nanking 1937-1938 300,000 deaths |
Rokuroshi |
Taiwan story of
the Japanese prisoner of war camps on the island of Taiwan (Formosa) during the Second World War and of the men who were interned in them,
Taiwan camps |
other holocaust Nanjing massacre angry at the Japanese atrocities in Nanjing during WWII, German diplomat George Rosen sent Magee's film to Nazi
government and equested film be shown to Hitler and claimed Japanese army was a "violent killing machine",
biological warfare - unit 731, 100, chemical warfare - unit 516 |
Zentsuji POW camp |
Horizontaal |
Japanese medical experiments  |
Biochemical warfare-Unit 731 |
Experimants on
American POWs |
Gen. MacArthur takes over
Unit 731 |
other holocaust Nanjing massacre angry at the Japanese atrocities in Nanjing during WWII, German diplomat George Rosen sent Magee's film to Nazi
government and equested film be shown to Hitler and claimed Japanese army was a "violent killing machine",
biological warfare - unit 731, 100, chemical warfare - unit 516 |
The marutas - live human used for experiments |
To die in Unit 731 |
Unit 731
about Japanese doing vivisection of human beings for germ war experiments,
mostly at Unit 731 |
Unit 731 Japan's secret biological - chemical warfare experimentation program, that used human guinea pigs as
terminal experimentation material |
Unit 731
biological warfare unit, Japanese Imperial Army's Unit 731 killed thousands of Chinese and Russians held prisoner in Japanese-occupied
Manchuria, in experiments to develop chemical and biological weapons |
Unit 731
Unit 731 was a secret military medical unit of the Imperial Japanese Army that
researched biological warfare and other topics through human experimentation
during the Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945) and World War II era |
Unit 731 |
Unit 731
the unit was disguised as a water purification unit. It was based in Pingfan,
near the city of Harbin in northeastern China, the region which was sometimes
referred to as Manchuria or Manchukuo, activities: vivisections, grenade tests
using humans at various distances and positions, frostbite experiments |
Japanese warcrimes: comfort women  | - Japanese comfort women ruling overturned |
Comfort women
comfort women is a euphemism for women used in brothels in Japanese-occupied countries during World War II. Many surviving women have testified to being
tricked or coerced into serving the Japanese army as prostitutes during its occupation of Korea, China and much of South East Asia. The "comfort women" were coerced into
sexual service by Japan, and in some cases raped by Japanese soldiers |
Comfort women
the comfort women, which is a translation of the Japanese euphemism, jugun ianfu, (military comfort women), categorically refers
to women of various ethnic and national backgrounds and social circumstances who became sexual laborers for the Japanese troops before and during the Second
World War |
women: a history of trauma "comfort women," a term that most people might have heard of but have no idea of the bloody stories behind it. Although few
forced comfort women are still alive, what this event has revealed to us should not be ignored: the way that women were tourtured and hurt |
Comfort women |
Comfort women from Taiwan women web |
Comfort women jugun ianfu, military comfort women |
Comfort women project
this ongoing project examines the issue of Comfort Women in the context of violence against women and the patriarchal sexual culture and militarism.
Comfort women are the young females of various ethnic and national backgrounds and social circumstances who were forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese
Imperial Army before and during the Second World War |
Korea comfort women |
Jan Ruff O'Herne speaks about her time as a comfort woman for the Japanese |
war crimes |
war crimes beginning in 1931 or 1932 and continuing throughout the duration of the Asian/Pacific wars, the Japanese Government instituted a system of sexual
slavery throughout the territories it occupied. During that time, women were recruited by force, coercion, or deception into sexual slavery for the Japanese
military. These women were euphemistically referred to as "comfort women" by the Japanese Imperial Army. Although historians often disagree about the number of
"comfort women," the most widely used figure is estimated at 200,000 |
Japan's mass rape and sexual enslavement of women and girls from 1932 - 1945 |
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