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Holocaust biographies: victims & war criminals  related topic: World war II biographies
Abba Kovner and Resistance in the Vilna Ghetto in the Vilna Ghetto and in the Rudninkai Forest (both in Lithuania), Abba Kovner, only 25 years old, led resistance fighters against the murderous Nazi enemy
Abba Kovner
Adolf Eichmann Adolf Eichmann was the principal logistical military officer of the Nazis' mass murder of 6,000,000 Jews during World War II. After the war, he escaped a prisoner of war camp in Germany, and eventually made his way to Argentina. In 1960, agents of the Israel government captured him and transported him to Israel where he was put on trial for his Nazi war crimes, from
Adolf Eichmann timeline
Adolf Eichmann photos, Eichmann tells his own damning story
Adolf Eichmann trial Adolf Eichmann trial
Adolf Eichmann trial
Adolf Eichmann
Albert Speer Albert Speer
Albert Speer German Nazi leader Albert Speer, born March 19th 1905, died Sept. 2nd 1981, directed Germany's war production, using slave labor, during World War II. Speer, who joined the National Socialist party in 1931, became Adolf Hitler's architect, designing the Nuremberg stadium and other Nazi monuments
Albert Speer
Albert Speer cross-examination of Albert Speer
Alois Brunner
Alois Brunner the last leading Nazi still believed to be on the loose and Eichmann's second in command - was a key figure in the planning and execution of the Final Solution, the murder of 6 million Jews during World War II
Anne Frank the Anne Frank guide is a simple collection of WWW resources about Anne Frank (1929-1945). Anne's famous diary does not only give a face and a voice to the victims of World War II, but it is also an impressive portrait of a courageous and wise person
Anne Frank
Anne Frank 1929-1945, in Dutch
Anne Frank 1929-1945
Anne Frank 1929-1945
Anne Frank: a scrapbook: photos of Anne Frank
Goering Albert Albert Goering loathed all of Nazism's inhumanity and at the risk of his career, fortune and life, used his name and connections to save many Jews and gentiles
Harold's story
Heinrich Himmler
Heinrich Himmler
Hitler and the holocaust a theory on the origin of Hiler's fanatic anti semitism
Holocaust rescue efforts of Rabbi Chaim Michael Dov
Holocaust survivors
Irene Muskal: memoirs of a holocaust survivor from Hungary Bergen Belsen
Josef Mengele Josef Mengele, march 15, 1911 - february 7, 1979?
Josef Mengele Josef Mengele, Victims of Mengele
Josef Mengele- the Angel of Death, Angel of Death
Klaus Barbie trial
Klaus Barbie: the butcher of Lyon the "butcher of Lyon", responsible for the torture and death of more than 26,000 people, was a wanted man in France, particularly for the torture and death of Jean Moulin
Klaus Barbie: the butcher of Lyon head of the Lyon gestapo, Hunt for Klaus Barbie , Barbie trial
List of SS personnel following list of SS personnel gives the names of persons who counted among the organizations most famous, influential, and sometimes notorious members
Living words: voices of the holocaust
Norman Finkelstein
Mary Seah: angel of Changi Changi was a very bad prison camp in Singapore where many Australians were kept during the second world war
Mengele's children: the twins of Auschwitz Mengele's children: the twins of Auschwitz, Medical Experiments- Auschwitz-Birkenau
Mordecai Anielewicz leader of the Ha-Shomer ha-Tsa'ir underground in 1940, in Warsaw
Mr. Death- the Rise and Fall of Leuchter
Oskar Schindler: a righteous among the nations, Aerial evidence for Schindler’s List
Over een kleine joodse jongen uit Erwitte in Duitsland in Dutch
Per Anger
Pope Pius XII and the Nazis
Reinhard Heydrich 1902-1940, in Dutch
Reinhard Heydrich
Reinhard Heydrich
Rescuers' stories
Schindlers List Oscar Schindler, itzhak stern, emilie, Josef Mengele, plazow, nazi deathcamps, auschwitz, majdanek, treblinka
Simon Wiesenthal center the history and social action activities of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, about Simon Wiesenthal, holocaust restitution, publications, and traveling exhibits
SS - Doctor DDR. Josef Mengele
Stalin, The Commissar Vanishes when photographs can lie
Tanya Savicheva
The SS men masters of death
The Story of Elsie V
Wiesel Elie

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