war II biographies: general related topic:
Holocaust biographies |
Principal functionaries of the third reich |
Sounds of war
listen to radio newscasts from World War II |
SS-Officer research |
The generals of World
War 2 a biographical database covering the army generals of the Second World
War of all participating countries |
The world at war 82 biographies |
Third reich
roundtable |
U-boat commanders
U-boat commanders |
Who is who in
nazi Germany who's who in Nazi Germany looks at the individuals who influenced every aspect of life in Nazi
Germany. It covers a representative cross section of Germany society from 1933-1945 |
Who's worse: Hitler or Stalin? |
World at
war |
World war two famous people |
Horizontaal |
list  |
man of the year: Adolf Hitler |
man of the year: Joseph Stalin |
Adolf Eichmann
Karl Adolf Eichmann (1906-1962) headed Gestapo Department IV B4 for Jewish Affairs, serving as a self proclaimed 'Jewish specialist' and was the man
responsible for keeping the trains rolling from all over Europe to death camps
during the Final Solution |
Adolf Eichmann |
Akiro Muto |
Anne Frank |
Adolf Hitler a biography of Adolf Hitler and archive of Adolf Hitler's Speeches,Hitler's artworks and Adolf Hitler's books. Also a
growing collection of related documents, photos and Nazi era posters |
Adolf -
Hitler’s death supposed death on April 30, 1945 |
Albert Speer
Albert Speer (March 19, 1905 - September 1, 1981), sometimes called 'the first architect of the Third Reich', was Hitler's chief architect in
Nazi Germany |
Murphy |
Benito Mussolini
Benito Mussolini, (1883-1945), fascist dictator of Italy from 1922 to 1943. He centralized all power in himself as the leader (il duce) of the Fascist
party and attempted to create an Italian empire, ultimately in alliance with Hitler's Germany |
Benito Mussolini in 1918 Benito Mussolini was one of thousands of Italian soldiers who had returned from the fighting during the First World War. In
October 1922 he became prime minister of Italy, and from 1925 ruled as a dictator |
Benito Mussolini in pictures
Benito Mussolini (1883 - 1945), fascist dictator of Italy from 1922 to 1943 |
Bernard Law Montgomery
1887-1976 |
H.W. Langsdorff |
Carl Friedrich Goerdeler
31.7.1884 - 2.2.1945 |
Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970) |
Chester Nimitz |
Chuichi Nagumo |
Churchill |
Churchill and the Great Republic examines the life
and career of Winston Spencer Churchill and emphasizes his lifelong links with
the United States--the nation he called "the great Republic." |
Count Claus von
Stauffenberg |
Colonel Stauffenberg
1907 - 44, planted a bomb under Hitler's table at staff conference meeting -- the bomb exploded but Hitler escaped serious injury. The Nazis responded by torturing and
executing 5000 suspected anti-Nazis |
Douglas MacArthur |
Dwight Eisenhower Dwight David Eisenhower
34th president of the United States (January 20, 1953 to January 20, 1961)
Nickname: "Ike" |
Edward "Butch" O'Hare |
library the Eisenhower Presidential Center in Abilene, Kansas commemorates the spirit of the Allied Expeditionary Forces of World War
II, as well as the administration of the 34th president of the United States |
Erwin Rommel
tribute |
Rommel commits suicide, 1944
Erwin Rommel: The forced suicide of field Marshall Rommel, 1944 |
Erwin Rommel |
Erwin Rommel |
Erwin Rommel
German Field Marshall. Also known
to the Allied Forces as 'The Desert Fox' for his brilliant desert battle tactics |
Eva Braun
A private photo album containing previously unpublished pictures of Hitler's
girlfriend Eva Braun has been discovered in the US |
Eva Braun |
Eva Braun Feb. 6, 1912 - Death: Apr. 30, 1945, Adolph Hitler's Mistress. On April 30,
1945, on Hitler's orders, he and Eva Braun were cremated with diesel fuel in the
Reich Chancellery garden above his bunker, ... |
Field Marshal Erwin Rommel: The forced suicide of Field Marshall Rommel, 1944 |
Flossenburg |
D. Roosevelt 1882-1945 |
Franz Halder |
Friedrich von Paulus |
George S. Patton, Jr. Historical
society anyone who has ever viewed the motion picture PATTON will never forget the opening. George Campbell Scott, portraying Patton, standing in
front of an immensely huge American flag, delivers his version of Patton's "Speech to the Third Army" on June 5th, 1944, the eve of the Allied
invasion of France, code-named "Overlord" |
George S. Patton |
Omar Nelson Bradley, Omar
Bradley, Omar Nelson Bradley |
Georges Guingouin,
the French resistance leader |
Georgi Konstantinovich Zhukov
1896 - 1974, World War II, Georgi Zhukov successfully defended Moscow against a German attack, surrounded and routed the Nazi army at Stalingrad, won the
pivotal Battle of Kursk, and personally led his forces into Berlin to end the war. Just as adept politically as militarily, Zhukov survived the purges of
Stalin and subsequent Soviet leaders and maintained power during the postwar era |
Georgi Zhukov
general Georgi Zhukov was one of the few generals to survive Stalin's 1937-39 purge of the Red Army |
Gerd von Rundstedt |
Goering Albert |
Harry S. Truman
Harry S. Truman, president, the decision to drop the atomic bomb, the recognition of Israel, the Marshall Plan, the Truman
Doctrine |
Heinz Guderian |
Henri-Philippe Petain |
Hermann Goering |
Hermann Göring
rijksmaarschalk van het Derde Rijk, in Dutch |
Hitler, leader of the German Nazi party and, from 1933 until his death, dictator of Germany. He rose from the bottom of society to conquer first
Germany and then most of Europe |
Hitler: the
making of a fuhrer an account of the life of Adolf Hitler up to the beginning of his political career when he claimed the title of
Der Fuhrer |
the rise of Adolf Hitler |
Hirohito |
1901-1989, 124th emperor of Japan, who succeeded to the throne in 1926 after a
period of five years as regent, Emperor Hirohito |
Isoruku Yamamoto Admiral Isoroku
Yamamoto |
Yamamoto in the first six to twelve months of a war with the United States and Great Britain I will run wild and win victory upon victory. But then, if the
war continues after that, I have no expectation of success |
John Gort |
Joseph Goebbels. Mastermind of
the Third Reich biography of Hitler's propaganda minister Dr Joseph Goebbels |
Joseph Goebbels
minister of propaganda for the German Third Reich under Adolf Hitler, generally accounted responsible for presenting a favourable
image of the Nazi regime to the German people |
Josip Broz Tito (may 7, 1892 - may 4, 1980) |
Jozef Haller
the story of general Jozef Haller and the Polish army in France has long gone untold. The Army, also known as Haller's Army and the Blue Army, fought under
French command in World War I, as well as in the Polish Soviet War of 1918-1921 |
Karl Dönitz
last president of a united Germany |
Klaus Barbie:
the butcher of Lyon head of the Lyon gestapo, Hunt
for Klaus Barbie |
Léon Degrelle 1941-45 |
Lieutenant Hiroo Onoda
when world war II ended in 1945, a Japanese soldier stationed on the tiny Philippine island of Lubang refused to accept word of his nation's surrender.
For nearly three decades he remained there, hiding in the jungle |
Omar Nelson
Bradley |
Omar Nelson
Bradley General Bradley's decision at Argentan (13 August 1944) |
Otto Günsche
an aide to Adolf Hitler who burned the Nazi dictator's body to keep it from the
advancing Soviets in the final days of World War II, has died at age 86 |
MacArthur |
general Douglas (1880-1964) |
Mannerheim and WW II, WW II, Finland, a tip |
Masaki Honda |
Bernard Law British military leader who played a prominent role in the Allied victories in Africa and Europe during the second world war |
Bernard Law |
Montgomery |
Neville Chamberlain |
Neville Chamberlain
1869-1940, British prime minister, whose policies failed to avert the outbreak
of World War II in Europe in 1939 |
Julius Robert Oppenheimer was born on April 22, 1904 |
Oscar Schindler |
Wolf - Hitler Adolf Hitler's younger sister |
Paul Reynaud |
Paul von Hindenburg |
Paul von Kliest |
Reinhard Heydrich
Reinhard Heydrich (1904-1942) was second in importance to Heinrich Himmler in the Nazi SS organization. Nicknamed "The Blond Beast" by the
Nazis |
Reinhard Heydrich |
Rokossovsky, Konstantin
Soviet General at Kursk |
Rudolf Hess
Rudolf Hess (1894-1987), deputy Führer and considered to be the number 3 man in Hitler's Germany after Göring |
Rudolf Hess |
Rudolf Hess |
Siegmund List |
Joseph in Dutch |
library |
Josef Stalin |
Kumrovec, 7.5.1892 - Ljubljana, 4.5.1980, all you ever wanted to know about Josip Broz Tito |
Tomoyuki Yamashita |
Traudl Junge,
Interview with Traudl Junge, Hitlers final witness |
Truman |
William Frederick Halsey, Jr. |
Winston Churchill |
Winston Churchill |
Winston Churchill
biography |
Horizontaal |
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