list of battles: Pacific battlefield  |
Aleutian islands
3 june 1942 --> 24 august 1943 |
campaign |
Asia under Japanese
occupation |
Bataan Bataan |
Bataan: battling bastards of Bataan |
Bataan Corregidor memorial foundation of New Mexico starving and diseased, the men held out
for four months against an overwhelming enemy until Bataan was surrendered on
April 9, 1942, and Corregidor on May 6, 1942 |
death march and the 1945 battle for Manila |
Bataan: sacrifice at Bataan
the loss of the Philippines was the greatest defeat of the United States Army but it has not received the attention that such distinction deserves. How was
it possible, with perfect knowledge of the enemy's plans and greatly superior forces, that the U.S. lost a strong defensive position? |
Battle For Australia
Bombing Darwin, Coral Sea, Kokoda Trail 1, Milne Bay, Kokoda Trail 11, Battle
Bismarck, Battle Beaches, The Battle for Australia Historical Society presents
an illustrated history of the Japanese attack on Australia in 1942 |
the men and women who fought and served in the Burma campaign against the Japanese during 1941-1945 |
Burma: lost
battalion of Texas in WWII Burma who survived 42 months of
"hell" as prisoners of the Japanese during world war II |
Burma campaign the campaign was the longest fought by the British in the Second World War. In December 1941 it began, for the British, with
disaster, retreat and irreversible loss of face in front of the subject population. It ended, in August 1945, in triumph with the total defeat of the
occupying Japanese army |
Burma campaign |
Borneo Island,
1941-1942 The conquer of Borneo Island, 1941-1942, The Japanese occupation
of Samarinda, 1942, The Japanese occupation of Pontianak, January 1942 |
sea battle coral sea battle, battle of the Coral Sea |
Corregidor Manila Bay, one of the finest
natural harbours in Asia, was a bottle, then the island fortress of Corregidor
was its cork. Whoever controlled Corregidor controlled Manila Harbour |
Battle of Guadalcanal, The Battle of Guadalcanal was one of the most important battles
of World War II, although quite small in comparison to others. The assault on
the Japanese-occupied island of Guadalcanal by the Allied navies and 16,000
United States troops on 7 August 1942, was the first offensive by US land forces
in the Pacific Campaign, ... |
chronology, 7 August 1942 - 6 March 1943 |
Guadalcanal, 1942-1943
after Midway, Japan emphasized defense, fortified Rabaul, built airfield on
Guadalcanal |
Guadalcanal: fighting
over Guadalcanal fighting
over Guadalcanal |
Guadalcanal: the
first offensive |
Guadalcanal: the
first offensive |
Guadalcanal: Pacific counterblow the 11th bombardment group and the 67th fighter squadron in the battle for
Guadalcanal |
Hiroshima: atomic attack on Hiroshima, 1945 |
Hiroshima, Japan - July 6, 2000 - every year, in Hiroshima, Japan, people
float lanterns with prayers, thoughts, and messages of peace down the rivers
in commemoration of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima |
the atomic bomb named Little Boy was dropped on Hiroshima by the Enola Gay, a
Boeing B-29 bomber, at 8:15 in the morning of August 6, 1945 |
IWO JIMA: battle of IWO JIMA |
Iwo Jima
raising the flag over Iwo Jima, 1945 |
Iwo Jima |
Iwo Jima on 19 february 1945, the 5th marine amphibious corps
(consisting of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th marine divisions) landed on Iwo Jima
(Sulpher island). When the battle was over, 6821 American marines, sailors, and
soldiers , along with an estimated 20,000+ Japanese defenders had
died |
Iwo Jima
Operation Detachment: The Battle for Iwo Jima February - March 1945 |
Japan in Indies
on 7 December 1941 Japan turned its war on the Asian mainland south and
eastward into the Pacific |
Java Sea
battle of the Java Sea |
1939 (Soviets vs Japanese), Khalkin-Gol 1939 between Soviet Union and Japan |
Kobe and Osaka: firebombing of Kobe and Osaka
13 mars 1945 |
Kwajalein: battle for Kwajalein |
Kwajalein: battle for Kwajalein in pictures-1944 |
Leyte Gulf: battle of Leyte Gulf |
Leyte Gulf: battle of Leyte Gulf
1944 |
15/12/1944 --> 4/07/1945 |
Midway: battle of Midway, 1942 |
Battle of Midway animated |
Battle of Midway, The Japanese Story of the Battle of Midway |
Battle of Midway chronology |
Battle of Midway |
Midway |
the Battle of Midway has often been called the turning point of the Pacific
War. Before Midway, Japan's vaunted First Air Fleet had attacked Pearl Harbor,
domintated the Indian Ocean, and was the strongest air unit in the world |
National Geographic, Attack
at Pearl Harbor: the Japanese view |
Nagasaki: remembering Nagasaki |
Nagasaki: the bombing
of Nagasaki bombing of Nagasaki |
Netherlands East
Indies |
New Guinea |
New Guinea
New Guinea 24 January 1943 --> 31 december 1944 |
after the war |
the last battle |
the last battle The Ryukyus, Capture of Okinawa ("The Great Loochoo"), The
Battle for Okinawa |
Battle of Okinawa, The Battle of Okinawa, fought on the Japanese island of
Okinawa, was the largest amphibious assault during the Pacific campaigns of
World War II, ... |
Okinawa Operation Iceberg: The Assault on Okinawa - The Last Battle of World
War II (Part 2) April - June 1945 |
beachhead 6 june --> 13 june 1944 |
Operation forager -
the invasion of Saipan |
Pacific War |
Pacific War animated
The Doolittle Raid, Battle of the Coral Sea, Midway, Guadalcanal Land Battle,
Battle of Savo Island, Battle of the Eastern Solomons, Battle of Cape Esperance,
Battle of the Santa Cruz Islands |
Papua 23 july 1942 --> 23 january 1943 |
Pearl Harbor |
Pearl Harbor
attack on Pearl Harbor |
Harbor: de Japanse aanval op Pearl Harbor
de aanval op Pearl Harbor door de Japanners op 7 december 1941 was de directe
aanleiding voor Amerika om betrokken te raken bij de Tweede Wereldoorlog, in
Dutch |
Pearl Harbor attack
documents (1941) |
Pearl Harbor: attack on Pearl Harbor |
Harbor remembering Pearl Harbor. multimedia map and time line: photos, footage, firsthand accounts, and narration bring the attack to life-moment by moment,
Attack at Pearl Harbor: the Japanese
view |
Pearl Harbor to
Guadalcanal |
Pearl Harbor
remembered Pearl Harbor, on the island of O'ahu, Hawaii, (then a territory
of the United States) was attacked by the Japanese imperial navy, at
approximately 8:00 A.M., sunday morning, december 7, 1941. The surprise attack
had been conceived by Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto |
Pearl Harbor
ships and planes |
Pearl Harbor
strike force |
the amphibious invasion of the island of Peleliu |
Peleliu: battle of Peleliu
Peleliu was a fight to capture an airstrip on a far-flung speck of coral in
the western Pacific. And, as with previous island battles, the Americans would
prevail, but at a cost no one anticipated, against a fanatical enemy whose new
defense strategy would make the invaders pay dearly for every chunk of coral
taken |
Philippine Islands 7
december 1941-10 may 1942 |
Raising the
flag over Iwo Jima, 1945 |
River Plate: battle of the River Plate
battle of the River Plate |
the bloody battle of Tarawa, 1943. Tarawa is located approximately 2,500 miles
southwest of Hawaii. It isn't an island but a series of barren islets formed by
the exposed tips of a submerged mountain sticking above the waters of the blue
sea. The military importance of Tarawa lay in its strategic location at the
gateway of the US drive through the central Pacific towards the Philippines |
Tarawa: battle for Tarawa |
Tokyo: Halsey-Doolittle raid on Tokyo |
Wake: battle for Wake
Island monday, 8 december 1941 |
Wake: defense of Wake,
Dec 1941 |
Zamboanga: Japanese
landings at Zamboanga |
Horizontaal |
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