Worldwar II:
fortifications: overview  |
Battle guide Normandy, the beaches, Sainte Mére Eglise
Pegasus bridge, Point du Hoc, some batteries, Eben-Emael, Mimoyecques, Bastogne, Terezín |
Bunkermuzeum |
site a geografical overview of our information of the Atlantikwall, an
overview of the main areas in Europe |
military bunker installations in Britain and France |
Bunker pictures
On this website you can find pictures, locations, information about bunkers from
WW2, The Atlantikwall and the Cold War |
bunkers in Europe |
bunkers in Europe, photographs |
in Europe photographs |
Fortresses of Northwest Russia and Finland |
Fortweb a group of sites
of all kinds of 19th and 20th century fortifications all over Europe |
German fortifications |
German headquarters in former East-Prussia |
Lost in
France bunkers in France |
Malta military history |
Military ruins
a guide for those with interest in abandoned military sites, places forgotten by
everybody and that had a certain importance and a specific use several years ago |
Places of world war II during world war II, the Germans build a large number
of constructions, setup large numbers of labor camps, setup concentration camps,
build large factories to produce war materials, ..., a
tip! |
Subterranea Britannica
study and investigation of all man-made & man used underground places,
at war |
WW2 & cold war history in Britain |
Horizontaal |
Worldwar II:
fortifications  |
Alpine wall
dedicated to the underground fortifications of the Alpine Wall (Vallo Alpino),
takes us through a virtual itinerary inside some of the Italian underground
works constructed to defend the Italian-French boundary in the period preceding
the 2nd World War |
Atlantikwall The
German Atlantikwall, one of the last major defense lines of this century. It was
built by the German occupation forces in the period 1941-1944 along the coasts
of France, Channel Islands, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Norway and Denmark.
The main goal was to prevent allied landings on the shores of these countries |
Atlantikwall |
Atlantikwall & other
German WWII fortifications in Norway |
Atlantikwall archiv
in German |
Atlantikwall in Denmark
the "wall" consist of concrete buildings, bunkers, built by the
German occupation forces in the period 1941-1945 during their occupation of
France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark and Norway |
Atlantikwall in the Netherlands the localization, design and photo's of
bunkers, and radar systems of the Atlantic Wall in The Netherlands |
Antwerpse Brialmont fortengordel,
in Dutch |
Berlin Bunker Network forum and info |
Bunker of
Eperlecques in the Nord Pas de Calais |
Defence of Britain |
Eben Emael: glider assault on Eben Emael |
Fermont fort Fermont,
maginot line |
Festung Norwegen German fortifications in Norway |
Festung Saint-Malo archives
pictures and infos about Atlantic wall and bunkers from
this area |
Findon village
1940 |
Forten en vestingen Noord-Brabant in Dutch |
underground hospital, Jersey, Channel Islands |
Gothic line the last
German defensive line in Italy |
Komarno fortification system
from the point of view of the historical fortifications on the territory of
Slovakia represents the important memorial with well-preserved construction
elements |
Kvalvik fort (Norway) |
Liège (1914 et 1940) |
Liezele: fort Liezele |
Maginot line the Maginot Line was built between 1929 and 1940. It was built to
protect France from her longtime enemy, Germany, and to defend the traditional
invasion routes across her eastern frontier, casemate, bunker |
line world |
Mannerheim line Mannerheim line:
Finnish fortifications of Winter War period |
Mannerheim line |
Marienthal |
towers the South Coast Martello towers charts the history, construction,
siting and individual history of each of the 74 English south coast Martello
towers |
Mutzig |
Needles battery
constructed between 1861-95 as a defence against French invasion. The Battery is
on the most westerley point of the Isle of Wight and overlooks one of Britain's
most famous coastal landmarks |
Nordhausen KZ tunnels – V 2 factory |
in German |
pillboxes & WW2 coastal defences of Kelling North Norfolk |
Pillboxes and invasion
defences in the UK in 1940 a network of defences was hastily built all over the British Isles to prevent an
anticipated German invasion. Sited at road junctions, canals and other strategic
points these constructions were called "pillboxes" |
Pommerstellung |
in Polish |
Portsdown tunnels |
Scotland's secret bunker |
Siegfried line the Siegfried Line or Westwall was a defence system stretching more than 630km (392 miles) with more than 18,000 bunkers, tunnels
and tank trap>s. It went from Kleve on the border with the Netherlands, along the western border of the old German Empire as far
as the town of Weil am Rhein on the border to Switzerland |
Siegfried line |
Siegfried line |
Site fortifié du Bois de Cattenom |
Souterrains de
la Cité d'Aleth en Français |
Stony Batter: fort Stony Batter
Fort Stony Batter on Waiheke Island |
Technique and operation
of German anti gas shelters in World War II |
Tilden: fort Tilden Norway |
Wehrbau Forschung |
Westwall in Dutch |
Westwall damals |
Westwallforschungsgruppe the Westwall is a defence line created along the German west border, from the Netherlands, following the Belgian, Luxembourg and
French borders, to Switzerland,
Westwall Photos |
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