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Worldwar II topics                 NAZI = ‘National Socialist’
1939 (30 January) Reichstag speech ( Hitler)
American concentration camps
Codebreaking and secret weapons in World War II
Collaboration during World War II
Death tolls for the man-made megadeaths of the twentieth century
Decoding Nazi secrets chronicles how the Allies succeeded in cracking the infamous German message-coding machine, the Enigma
ENIGMA machine the German Enigma Cipher machine, history of solving, a tip
Enigma The Enigma machine, first patented in 1919, was after various improvements adopted by the German Navy in 1926, the Army in 1928, and the Air Force in 1935
Enigma machine the German Enigma cipher machine
Enigma machine crypto machines page
Enigma part of The Battle of the Atlantic: Allied Naval Intelligence in World War II
Enigma Simulator This page is about the famous Enigma cipher machine, well known for the vital role it played during WWII. Below are descriptions of the various models, their manufacturers and a number of accessories
Events Leading to World War II
Gefusilleerden en Terechtgestelden in Dutch
German Antiguerrilla Operations in the Balkans (1941-1944) The purpose of this study is to describe briefly the German campaign against the guerrillas in the Balkans during the period of the European Axis occupation, from the end of hostilities against Greece and Yugoslavia in April 1941 to the capture of Belgrade by the Soviet forces and the Partisans in October 1944
Greater East Asia War
Het parool: archief toegang tot afbeeldingen van de uitgaven van Nieuwsbrief van Pieter 't Hoen en Het Parool die tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog zijn gepubliceerd, in Dutch
Indigenous Australians at war
In the forest of Compiégne
Kodiak Alaska military history
Losses in the second world war
Marshall plan
Mein Kampf
Memorandum regarding the enlistment of Navajo indians
Military map symbols
Nazi and East German propaganda
Nazi gold
Nazi propaganda the story of the Nazi rise to power in the Germany of the 1930s is often seen as a classic example of how to achieve political ends through propaganda
Nazi propaganda Nazi propaganda 1933 - 1945
Nazi prison escape
Norwegian volunteers in the wehrmacht and SS
Pieces of paper: Japanese air balloon bombings against north America
Psychological Operations Most WWII veterans and historians are familiar with the Office of War Information (OWI). However, little has been written about how these psychological warfare specialists were trained and how they performed their duties in a combat situation, part of
Riots in Duindorp and treatment of suspected Nazi colaborators in Netherlands
Roosevelt & Churchill on the Baltic states during the war
Russian collaboration with the Germans in WW2
Song of Japanese Navy in the Greater East Asia War
Swastika The swastika, hackenkreuz, gamma cross, gammadion, St. Brigid's cross, or fylfot cross is a symbol found around the world, ...
Swastika an equilateral cross with its arms bent at right angles, in either right-facing form or its mirrored left-facing form
The turning point of the Pacific War: two views doc file
The war ends in Europe, 1945
U.S. army special operations in World War II special operations—in this context, commando or guerrilla activities—conducted by the U.S. Army in World War II
Voices of World War II
War isn't this century's biggest killer
War museums in Europe
World war II: abbreviations, acronyms, codewords, terms
World War II analyzed
World War II codes and ciphers history, science and engineering of cryptanalysis in World War II
World War II death count
Worldwar II: maps 
Battle maps: Europe
Battle maps: Pacific
Europe on the eve of World war II
Interactive maps of world war II
Maps of world war II provides an overview of WWII through a collection of maps that present the battles and campaigns fought in the various theatres of war
WWII Blitzkrieg 1939-1940
WWII Eastern front
WWII Eastern front 1941-1945 timeline of the events of the Eastern Front of World War II, the conflict between the Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union from 1941 to 1945, ...
WWII Eastern front 1943-1945
WWII Eastern front 1944-1945
WWII Western front 1944-1945 the Western Front was the theater of fighting west of Germany, encompassing France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxemberg, and Denmark
Worldwar II: tradies, policies, agreements 
A look back at Nuremberg in early October 1945, the four prosecuting nations (the United States, Great Britain, France and Russia) issued an indictment against 24 men and six organizations
Big 3 at Teheran - Europe 1943
Casablanca conference from January 14 to January 24, 1943, the first war conference between the Allied Powers, was held in Casablanca, Morocco
Casablanca conference the Casablanca Conference (codenamed SYMBOL) was held in January 1943, and was attended by the Prime Minister of Great Britain, Winston Churchill, and the President of the United States, Franklin Roosevelt, as well as by all their top generals
Casablanca conference images
Causes of the second World War causes of the second World War
Causes of the second World War
Causes of the second World War Causes of the second World War
Causes of World War II
Causes of World War II
Causes of World War II
Causes of World War II
Conferences of World War II
Conferentie van Ieper in Dutch
Conventie van Genève in Dutch
Diplomatic history of World War II
Formal surrender of Japan, 2 September 1945
Hitler receives an ultimatum, 1939
Hitler - Stalin pact
Hitler-Stalin pact. 23th of August 1939
Harry Truman and the Potsdam conference on May 8, 1945, the Allies accepted German surrender terms at the conclusion of the European conflict of World War II
HyperWar: diplomatic documents of WWII
Locarno treaties Locarno, 1925
Locarno treaties
Munich pact a treaty concluded at the four-power Munich conference of Sept. 29-30, 1938, by Neville Chamberlain and Edouard Daladier, prime ministers of Britain and France, and Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, dictators of Germany and Italy
Munich pact: Hitler takes over Sudetenland area of Czechoslovakia.
NATO basic documents: the North Atlantic treaty
NAZI-SOVIET PACT the Government of the German Reich and The Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, directed by the wish to strengthen the cause of peace between Germany and the USSR . . . have reached the following agreement: ...
Peacemaking with Germany’s allies – 1923-23
Potsdam conference the leaders of Britain, America and the USSR met again in Potsdam, near Berlin, in July 1945. Germany had already been defeated. Victory over Japan seemed a short distance away. There were many similarities between Yalta and Potsdam but also some important differences
Potsdam conference Truman, Churchill, Stalin met in a suburb of Berlin for the Potsdam Conference July 17-Aug. 2
Potsdam conference
Potsdam conference
Soviet-Japanese neutrality and denunciation the presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and his majesty the Emperor of Japan, guided by a desire to strengthen peaceful and friendly relations between the two countries, have decided to conclude a pact on neutrality
The Covenant of the League of Nations
The legacy of Versailles
The Munich agreement
The Munich agreement and appeasement 1938 in September 1938 British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, met German Chancellor Adolf Hitler in Munich to settle the future of the Sudetenland. Hitler's demand that this Czechoslovak land be ceded to Germany was agreed because it was settled by Germans and would therefore be in line with the principle of national self-determination
The peace treaty of Versailles
The sentencing and execution of the Nazi war criminals, 1946
Treaty of Locarno, October 16, 1925
Versailles treaty
Versailles treaty June 28, 1919
Wannsee conference
Yalta conference President Roosevelt, prime minister Churchill, generalissimo Stalin, Yalta conference
Yalta conference 1945 the conference at Yalta held in the Crimea on February 4-11, 1945 brought together the Big Three Allied leaders. During this conference, Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt discussed Europe’s postwar reorganization
Yalta conference 1945
Yalta conference 1945
Yalta conference 1945

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