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Ancient Egypt
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i am married, two girls, and ...., Tears


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Non German crualties 
Armenian genocide and the twentieth century Armenian genocide
Armenian genocide 1915
Armenian genocide 1915
Armenian genocide 1915, the Armenian Genocide, the first genocide of the 20th Century, occurred when two million Armenians living in Turkey were eliminated from their historic homeland through forced deportations and massacres
Armenian genocide refers to the deportation and murder of Armenians by the Young Turks government in 1915-1916
Armenian genocide Armenian genocide information
Bleiburg massacres Bleiburg massacres information
Bleiburg massacres as soon as Tito was in power, he set up concentration and slave labor camps throughout the country. Hundreds of thousands of citizens of all ages, sexes and from every walk of life were imprisoned, tortured, and finally liquidated
Bleiburg massacres, one soldier's story Bleiburg massacres
Cambodia: accountability for the crimes of the Khmer Rouge Communist Party of Kampuchea (CPK)
Cambodia: statistics of Cambodian democide statistics of Cambodian democide
Cambodian border refugee camps 1975-1999
Cambodian democide camp s21 Khmer rouge, Cambodia
Cambodian genocide S-21 was a secret prison operated by the Pol Pot regime in the capital city of Phnom Penh from mid-1975 through the end of 1978.  Individuals accused of treason, along with their families, were brought to S-21 where they were photographed upon arrival. They were tortured until they confessed to whatever crime their captors charged them with, and then executed
Cambodian genocide program the Cambodian genocide, in which at least 1.7 million people (20% of the entire population) lost their lives, stands as one of the worst human tragedies of the modern era
Cambodian holocaust
Cambodia killing fields Cambodia killing fields, digital archive of Cambodian holocaust survivors
Legacy of Pol Pot
Dresden 13/14. Feb.1945
Rwandan genocide
Russian terror and crualities 
A forgotten odyssey: the Polish experience of deportation into the Soviet Union deals with the forgotten tragedy of 1.7 million Polish citizens of various faiths and ethnicities (Polish, Ukrainian, Belorussian, Catholic, Orthodox, Jewish) deported from eastern Poland (Kresy) in 1940-42 to special labour camps in Siberia, Kazakhstan and Soviet Asia, a tip
Azerbaijan: to Siberia and back
Butygychag - Death Valley Butygychag - Death Valley
Communism and crimes against humanity in the Baltic states
Deportations Crimean Tatars
Deportation of minorities in 1943-44, approximately one million people were removed by the NKVD from their homelands in the North Caucasus and Crimea for resettlement in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. These were the Chechens, Ingushi, Karachai, Balkars, Kalmyks, Meskhetian Turks, and Crimean Tatars who were collectively charged with treason for having collaborated with German occupiers
Exiled to Siberia Laima's story
February 23 1944 Chechen deportation day as far as we know 387.229 Chechens and 91.250 Ingush were loaded on the trains, a total 478.479. Not more than 400.000 arrived in Central Asia, the others died en route - nearly 20%. As far as we know. There were probably a lot more. Half of them were children. Those who had not been in their villages at the time of arrest were caught and deported
Forced labor camps
Genocide in Ukraine 1932-33 the artificial famine/genocide in Ukraine 1932-33. A Man-Made Famine raged through Ukraine, the ethnic-Ukrainian region of northern Caucasus, and the lower Volga River region in 1932-33. This resulted in the death of between 7 to 10 million people, mainly Ukrainians. This was instigated by Soviet leader Joseph Stalin and his henchman Lazar Kaganovich. The main goal of this artificial famine was to break the spirit of the Ukrainian farmer/peasant and to force them into collectivization
Internal workings of the Soviet System
Katyn forest massacre
Katyn forest massacre
Katyn forest massacre Polish POWs were shot by the Soviet NKVD on Stalin's orders in May 1940
Katyń - Kharkov - Mednoe the massacre of 15,131 harmless prisoners of war - perpetrated in 1940 on commissioned and non commissioned officers of the Polish Army and Military Border Guard Corps and mobilized State Policemen, Border and Prison Guards - is an unprecedented crime in history of the civilized world, committed on the armless soldiers of the enemy side taken prison by the victorious country
Katyn massacre
Kolyma, the land of gold and death Stalin's prisoners, or "lagerniks" as they were commonly called, referred to the frozen land of Kolyma as a planet, although it physically remained part of Mother Earth
Latvia: year of horror
Le bilan du communisme - holocaust of communism
Pictures from Siberia from the life of a Polish Soldier after September 1939
Poland's holocaust: a family chronicle we now know that during the war, Stalin actually killed more of his own people than Hitler killed during the holocaust
Polish deportees in the Soviet Union
Russia under the Bolshevik regime
Russian genocide over Chechen people, Endless genocide at Caucasus and Chechen tragedy
Russian POW and gulags in USSR 800,000 people were officially recorded as shot during the Soviet period. But up to 30 million people are estimated by Western historians to have died between 1918 and 1956 in Stalinist repression, civil war, famine and collectivization, although the true figure may never be known
Siberian diary this is a part of the story, comparatively neglected by historians and publishers till the recent events in Russia and the availability of KGB files - of thousands of families deported by the Russians from former Eastern Poland in 1940
Soviet genocide website
Soviet Union's GULAG links
Stalingrad: missing since Stalingrad the story of the experiences of a German WWII war returnee.  It was recorded to set down for future generations what thousands of German men and women experienced and suffered in the steppes of Russia during the last days of Stalingrad and almost six years of war imprisonment in the Soviet Union
Stalin's killing field one of the earliest--and certainly the most infamous--mass shootings of prisoners of war during World War II did not occur in the heat of battle but was a cold-blooded act of political murder. The victims were Polish officers, soldiers, and civilians captured by the Red Army after it invaded eastern Poland in September 1939
The Finns and Karelians murdered by Stalin 1937 - 1938
The great famine-genocide in Soviet Ukraine, 1932-1933 (Holodomor), Ukrainian genocide
The gulag: communism's penal colonies revisited
The white holocaust
Ukranian famine posters

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