activities - general overview
Celestial Sphere, Different Constellations at Different Times
of the Year, Retrograde Motion of Mars, Star Rise and Set Caused by Earths
Rotation, The change in number of hours of daylight as seasons change,
Animations, Different Constellations at Different Times of the Year, The
Suns Motion North and South in the Sky as the Seasons Change, The Earths
Rotation Axis, The Movement of the Moons Nodes, ... |
Celestial Sphere, Earth Wobble, Sun in Ecliptic, Solar
verses, Sidereal day, Seasons, Seasons and Sunlight, Moon Phases, Moon's
motion and phases, Moon tilt orbit, Total, Partial and Annular Eclipses |
Astronomy and the Universe
click below animations and videos |
Astronomy Education
animations and simulations for astronomy education,
Solar System, Galaxy, and Universe, scientific notation, metric prefixes,
special units, speed of light, and look-back time, basic observations in the
sky, angular diameter, celestial timekeeping, constellations, Coordinate
systems (terrestrial, celestial equatorial, and horizon), celestial sphere,
ecliptic, seasons, hours of daylight, meridional altitude, paths of the sun,
and declinations ranges, Phases, eclipses, synchronous rotation, and tides.
Special emphasis is placed on the geometrical cause of phases, Copernicus,
Kepler, Galileo, & Newton including sidereal/synodic periods, eccentricity,
elongation, and special planetary configurations. Special emphasis is placed
on Kepler's Laws, EM spectrum, electron energy levels, Wien's Law,
Stefan-Boltzmann Law, the Doppler shift, and inverse square law, ... |
Astronomy Interactives
This site provides ranking tasks for teaching introductory astronomy.
Pencil-and-paper versions as well as computer-based versions are available
grouped by topic |
Astronomy movies
A movie which shows the celstial sphere, A simple movie that shows the
celestial sphere rotating about an observer in the Northern Hemisphere, The
Earth orbits the Sun within the celestial sphere, showing the Sun's position
on the celestial sphere at various times during the year, The motion of the
Sun around the ecliptic over the course of a year, The Sun's Declination.
Shows how the tilt of the Earth's axis means that the Sun is sometimes above
the equator, and sometimes below the equator. The phases of the Moon over a
month, looking "down" on the Earth/Moon system, and zooming in to show how
it would look to somebody on the Earth |
Astronomy web simulations stellar parallax, eclipsing binary stars,
binary star system, stellar evolution |
Astronomy Workshop
Solar System Viewers, Working With Orbits, Newton's Universal Law
of Gravity, Solar System Calculators |
Exploring Earth Visualizations |
applet collection Java Applets for detailed solar and lunar data and observe the daily and
annual path of the sun and moon for any location |
Java Applets for
Teaching of AstroPhysics
Space Exploration and Solar System, Stars and Nebulae, Milky Way, Galaxies
applets on astronomy
Kepler's laws |
Astronomy Applet Project Solar System Models, Basic Coordinates and
Seasons, The Rotating Sky, Motions of the Sun, Planetary Orbit Simulator,
Lunar Phase Simulator, Blackbody Curves & UBV Filters, Hydrogen Energy
Levels, Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram, Eclipsing Binary Stars, Atmospheric
Retention, Extrasolar Planets, Variable Star Photometry, Cosmic Distance
Ladder, Habitable Zones |
a series of Java applets to show solar system motions |
Planètes en Français,
Référentiel terrestre en Français |
Space &
earth java applets
Space &
earth java applets, Julian Date/Calendar Date. Calendar, sidereal time,
obliquity of ecliptic, nutation, precession, Observer's location. Kepler
Elements and State Vector, Visualize Kepler Orbit. Orbit Elements of the
Solar System at a given epoch, Visualize Solar System at a given Epoch,
Simple transformations of reference frames, Planet's position in different
reference frames. Comet's position in different reference frames, Day and
Night Sky |
Space animations
nasa, moon, astronomy,
Introduction to the Earth, Day and Night & Seasons, Northern Lights,
Introduction to the Moon, Lunar Surface, Phases of the Moon, Solar and Lunar
Eclipses, Tides and Tidal Interaction |
Space animations
Kepler's Laws of planetary motion, Planetary Spectra, animated display of
the formation and evolution of a terrestrial planet based on your choices of
mass and orbit distance, View visual and graphical representations of the
visible spectra of various objects, Change the temperature and see how the
spectrum and visual color impression of a star change, See how transitions
within the energy level structure of an atom produce a unique line spectrum,
Evolution of a Star Cluster |
Space animations |
Horizontaal |
Astronomy animations and java applets
demonstrates gravity described by a Newtonian central force and
the motion near a black hole described by Einstein's theory of general
relativity differ qualitatively |
Comet simulation |
Coriolis force Coriolis force simulation |
Coriolis force and noninertial effects |
Halley's Orbit in the Solar System |
Comet's passage through the solar system
These animations simulate the
orbit of comet Halley, which takes about 76 years to orbit the sun, Observe
an animation of a comet's passage through the solar system |
Cruithne, some simulations of Cruithne, also known as asteroid 3753, or 1986
TO, or "Earth's second moon" |
Doppler Effect, Red Shift |
Doppler shift
flash |
Doppler shift
effect Doppler shift effect |
Doppler Shift Demonstrator Doppler
Shift Demonstrator |
Elliptical orbit and circular orbit mov file |
Evolution of a
Star Cluster See how the HR diagram and visual appearance of a star
cluster change with time |
Examine the vast distances between planets in the solar system |
universe flash |
Gravity Simulations |
Galaxy |
Gravity |
Gravity and
planetary orbits interactive gravity simulator |
Gravity Simulation
This applet simulates Newtonian mechanics with
gravity |
stellar database internet stellar database |
first law |
Kepler’s laws |
Kepler’s laws
Kepler's Laws animation, construct your own planetary orbits
and check Kepler’s Laws |
Kepler's Laws
Examine Kepler's Laws of planetary motion by picking masses and orbit shapes and
viewing the resultant motion. |
the planets move in elliptical orbits with the sun at one focus |
motion |
second law
Kepler's second law of the undisturbed planetary motion: The
line joining the planet to the Sun sweeps out equal areas in equal intervals of
time |
second law |
third law shows the planets mercury, venus and earth revolving round the
Sun. The distances and times of motion are scaled correctly |
Kepler's third law
applet |
Lightclock Einstein’s famous clock bouncing
light between two mirrors |
Lois de Kepler en Français |
Michelson-Morley Experiment |
Milky Way Galaxy at different scales view images of our galaxy at
different scales |
Milky Way Our Home in the Milky Way |
Motion in the gravity-field |
Orbit and Tail of a Comet |
shows the trajectories of two bodies orbiting a central object |
Orbits: Exploring orbits |
Orbits: Gravitational Orbits Kepler's Laws |
Orbits in Strongly
Curved Spacetime |
of a binary star Orbits of a binary star |
Orbits: Projectile Orbits and Satellite orbits |
Orbit simulator |
Orbit simulator
The applet is a gravitational simulator of orbits in space |
Planetarium |
detection via Doppler wobble of the host star |
Planetary Orbit Simulator (NAAP) Models the motion of a hypothetical
planet that orbits the sun according to Kepler's laws of motion. This
simulator includes controls for investigating each of Kepler's laws.
Planetary motion animation, shows the motion of a moon around a planet
under the influence of gravity |
Refracting Astronomical
Telescope simulates a simple refracting astronomical (inverting) telescope,
consisting of two lenses which are called the objective and the eyepiece
(ocular) |
Slingshot effect |
Slingshot effect
Slingshot effect |
Space calendar
the space calendar covers space-related activities and anniversaries for the
coming year |
Space Station
Human Space Flight (HSF) -
Orbital Tracking, showing the day and night regions
at this moment |
paradox applet twin paradox applet |
Universe Timeline |
Visualize Comets' and Planets' positions for a given Observer |
Kepler Orbit due to Kepler's third law the satellite is moving fast when
near to the center body and slowly when far away from it, Keppler ellips |
van Newton, ontsnappingssnelheid in Dutch |
Horizontaal |
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