Physics experiments - physics demonstrations - labs  |
Bizarre stuff you can make in the kitchen classic home science experiments |
Science Centre
The focus of the centre is to stimulate enthusiasm and
experience of science by providing ideas, resources and supervision to enable
students to create experiments for themselves |
activities |
Experiments in electrochemistry
lemon battery, ... |
Experiment to measure the acceleration due to gravity a magnet and measure
the time taken for the magnet to travel between two points |
Exploratorium: science
activities, classroom activities, experiments, demonstrations,
Experiments in physics motion and forces, conservation laws, rotational motion,
thermodynamics and fluids, electricity, magnetism, oscillations and waves,
optics |
science snacks miniature science exhibits, teachers could make using ,
inexpensive, available materials. |
Exploratorium: hands-on activities try the Salt Volcano, Bubble Bomb or
other hundreds of other hands-on activities from the Exploratorium |
Fun science gallery
fun, simple, low cost science experiments for amateur scientists |
Fysica proeven |
Science Camp
A Lemon Battery, Vinegar Battery, Electromagnet, Basic Speaker,
Electric Motor, Build a Speaker, Engineering, Trebuchet, Solar Energy, Build a
Solar Reflector, Simple Traffic Light, Paper Airplane, Build a Kite, Build a
Dome, Inclinometer - measure trees, Classroom Project - Inclinometer, A Humane
Mouse Trap, Anemometer, Simple Event Detector |
Home Experiments
This collection of experiments will add joy to your science experience. Share
the fun of scientific experimentation with friends or family members |
Idea sheets
Science Experiments |
demonstration manual |
demonstration manual |
Leerlingen experimenteren thuis |
Two Ball Bounce, Cartesian Diver, Straw Flute, Bernoulli Ball,
Imploding Pop Can, Balloon in a Bottle, Vanishing Rods, Cat Static, Root Beer
Float, CD Spectroscope, Fun with Flatware (Knives, Forks and Spoons), Building
Better Bubbles, Head Shrinker, Raspberry Shake, Screen Dimmer, Screen Blaster,
Computer Radio, Rubber Pencil, Sticky Tape, Hooray for the Cyan, Black and
Yellow!, Ghost of the Little Shop, Finding Your Blind Spot, Anti-Social Balloon,
Magnetic Disk, ... |
Phun Physics
Magdeburg Hemispheres, Marshmallow Man, Pencil Drop, Pencil Shoot, Rocket
Bicycle, Shuttle Tile, Standing on Light Bulbs, Swinging Tray, Van de Graaf
Generator, Vortex Generator,
Educypedia |
Physical science activities |
demonstrations |
Astronomy, E&M, Fluid Dynamics Mechanics, Modern Physics,
Optics, Oscillations/Waves, Thermodynamics |
Newtonian Mechanics, Oscillations & Waves, Thermal Physics,
Electricity & Magnetism, Light & Optics, Quantum Physics & Relativity, Condensed
Matter, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Geophysics, Mathematical Topics |
demonstrations |
Physics demonstrations Human Atoms, Liquid Nitrogen and Balloons, Liquid
Nitrogen Cannon, Banana Hammer, Racquetball in LN2, Tablecloth and Dishes,
Action-Reaction / Fire Extinguisher Cart, Magdeburg Hemispheres, Bernoulli Ball,
Vortex Generator, Human Charges, Van de Graaff Generator, Plasma Ball, Lasers
and Lenses, Prism, Sound Waves, Soap Suds Explosion |
Physics Demo Videos |
Physics experiments |
Physics experiments |
experiments |
Physics experiments
Chemistry, Electricity, Geology, Insects, Light, Magnetism, Measurement,
Newton's Tool, Box Plants, Gases, States of Matter, Scientific Method, Simple
Machines, Sound Weather |
Physics experiments
Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, Oscillations and Waves, Thermodynamics, Electricity
and Magnetism, Optics, Modern Physics, Astronomy |
experiments with the slinky |
Physics Laboratory
Interference of Sound, Ideal and Non-Ideal Gases, Electrostatics, Electric
Potential and Field, RC Circuit, Electric and Magnetic Forces, SPRING BREAK,
Magnetic Force on Current, Ampere's Law, Geometrical Optics, Interference and
Diffraction of Light |
Physics demonstrations labo motion, heat, sound electricity, magnetisme,
light |
Physics lab tutorials |
Physics lecture demonstrations mechanics, waves, properties of heat and
matter, electricity and magnetism, optics, odern and contemporary physics,
astronomy and perception,
Movies and images for demonstrations |
Physics: Past Experiments of the Month |
Physics Teaching Technology Resource
Motion, Circular and Rotational Motion, Energy, Harmonic Motion and Waves,
travelling and standing waves, processes of matter, Fluids, gas laws,
Electricity and Magnetism, electrostatics, magnetism and electrodynamics, Optics |
Practical Physics website This website is for teachers of physics, enabling
them to share their skills and experience of making experiments work in the
classroom |
Proefjes over natuurkunde in Dutch |
Science Bob |
Science experiments at home |
explorer |
Science Fair Project Ideas
Aerodynamics & Hydrodynamics, Astronomy,
Biotechnology, Chemistry, Cooking & Food Science, Electricity & Electronics,
Genetics & Genomics, Music, Photography, Digital Photography & Video, Physics,
Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Electricity & Electronics,
Energy & Power, Environmental Engineering, Materials Science, Mechanical
Engineering, Photography, Digital Photography & Video, Video & Computer Games |
Science hobbyist
Tesla coil, ball lightning, tesla coil construction, physics teaching articles, electricity articles,
electrostatics projects |
Science projects and
energy activities |
Sciences physiques |
Science toys
non-commercial site for people who like to roll up their sleeves and make fun,
mysterious toys and projects that entice scientific investigation. It is a
resource for inspired parents, kids, teachers, teenagers, home schoolers and
science fair participants |
Simple electric
motors brushless DC motors |
Spark, bang, buzz and other good stuff fun scientific and technical projects that are easy to build and informative |
experimenteren (of op school) scheikunde proeven, natuurkunde proeven,
biologie proeven, in Dutch, a tip |
Toys |
from Trash a tip |
activities |
Horizontaal |
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