Geometry 3D animations and java applets  |
3D Curves and Surfaces
animations of 3D Curves and Surfaces, All animations on this page are AVI
files |
3D-XplorMath surface gallery |
3d gallery part
of Homepage of Sándor Kabai |
3d Walk
Animation 3d Walk Animation |
surfaces in geometry torus, sphere, Gauß curvature, negative Gauß curvature, pseudo sphere, hyperboloid, catenoid helicoid deformation,
Enneper surface, Henneberg surface, Catalan surface, helicoid in hyperbolic space, cylinder, Dupin cycloid, Möbius strip, klein bottle,
the ellipsoid, elliptic paraboloid, hyperbolic paraboloid, hyperboloid and two sheeted hyperboloid, Fresnel |
Surfaces from Differential Geometry sphere, stereographic sphere
football, sphere, barrel, conic type, pseudo sphere, hyperboloid type kuen,
catenoid, helicoid, enneper, henneberg, catalan hyperbolic helicoid,
cylinder, torus, clifford, hopf dupin cycloid, moebius strip, klein bottle,
ellipsoid, elliptic paraboloid, hyperbolic paraboloid, hyperboloid fresnel |
Catenoid animation |
Catenoid-Helicoid Deformation cone, cylinder, ellipsoid, Möbius strip,
klein bottle, sphere, torus, catalan, ... |
Cubeoctahedron animation |
Conic sections
a gallery of demos for illustrating selected families of conic sections |
Coniques |
Packing of Spheres in a Cube |
Geomorphs Bullet, Descendants of Bullet, Paper Bag, Trash Can, Vase,
Spear Head, Descendants of Vase & Spear Head, Bucket, Descendants of Bucket
Cup, Cochlea, Descendants of Cochlea, Broken Accordeon, Descendants of
Broken Accordeon, Chess Queen, Cone, Descendants of Cone, Amphitheater,
Boat, Multi-cone, Sphere, Descendants of Castañuela, Chestnut, Facing
Snails, Facing Snails, Cocoon, Conch, Onion Slice, Brush |
- Catenoid |
dimensional objects Java applets for displaying and rotating images such
as Steiner surfaces, Klein bottles, and minimal surfaces |
Horn to
Snail |
Twisting |
the process of visualizing n-dimensional space |
Hypercube |
Hyperspace Star
Polytope Slicer |
Interactive Models of Platonic and Archimedean Solids Java and VRML
models of the 5 Platonic and 13 Archimedean solids, Cube, Dodecahedron,
Icosahedron, Octahedron, Tetrahedron, Cubeoctahedron, Icosidodecahedron,
Rhombicubeoctahedron, Rhombicosidodecahedron, Rhombitruncated
Cubeoctahedron, Rhombitruncated Icosidodecahedron, Snub Cube, Snub
Dodecahedron, Truncated Cube |
3d viewer platonic solids, tetrahedron, torus, octahedron, hexahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron, soccerball, bucky, sphere, moebius, rod, octagon, teapot,
Square |
Platonic solids Platonic solids are perfect regular solids with the
following conditions: all sides are equal and all angles are the same and
all the faces are identical. Here you can find the five platonic solids
(tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedron) as
animated GIF's |
Polyhedra Collection icosahedron, polyhedra with regular convex faces,
representation of classical platonic solids, platonic solids, interactive
building of polyhedra compounds, view inside of polyhedral mirrors,
hyperbolic tesselations, Polyhedra transformations, Kaleidoscopical
polyhedra families, ... |
Soma cube applet |
Triangle Spherical Triangle |
Surfaces |
Icosahedron This icosahedron is constructed as a stereopair |
Stereoscopic Animated
Hypercube |
Surface Graphing Utility |
Uniform Polyhedra |
of a solid of revolution
Visual Geometry
platonic solids, surfaces, curves, ... |
Index of all Uniform Polyhedra octahedron, cube, cuboctahedron,
truncated octahedron, truncated cube, rhombicuboctahedron, truncated
cuboctahedron, snub cube, small cubicuboctahedron, dodecahemidodecahedron,
great icosihemidodecahedron, small retrosnub icosicosidodecahedron, great
rhombidodecahedron, great retrosnub icosidodecahedron, great
dirhombicosidodecahedron |
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