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Alaska - Antarctica - tundra 
Alaska's cold desert Alaska’s Arctic is a vast wilderness which provides vital habitat for hundreds of animal species including bears, wolves, caribou, musk oxen, and millions of migratory birds. And for those human visitors who sustain themselves on the beauty and solitude of the wilderness, the Arctic provides a chance to escape from the pressures of modern society as well as the knowledge that such remote and awe-inspiring places still exist
Alaska Geobotany Center Arctic Maps, Alaska Geobotany Center, maps, vegetation, vegetation maps, Alaska, Arctic, Circumpolar, geobotany, Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Mapping, CAVM, atlas, cryoturbation, bioclimatic zones, Circumpolar Maps, down?
Alaska wildlife images Alaska wildlife images
Alaskan volcano observatory
Alaska environmental center Alaska's Arctic has been called the last great wilderness
Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station (Bill Spindler's Antarctica)
Antarctica Antarctica is the coldest, windiest, iciest and most remote continent on our planet. It's one of the most difficult and dangerous places to visit, and yet one of the most fascinating and instructive
Antarctic and Arctic icebergs
Antarctic experience a tip
Arctic circle the Arctic Ocean is the centerpiece of the circumpolar north. Lands bordering this region include those of Alaska, Canada, Greenland and Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia
Arctic and Antarctica the Antarctic continent is surrounded by oceans, winds, and circumpolar currents, uninterrupted by land masses. The Arctic ocean is surrounded by continents, a tip
Arctic glossary Northern polar region of the Earth which includes almost the whole area of the Arctic ocean and adjacent areas of Eurasian and North American continents
Castles of ice During the peak of the last ice age, one-third of the Earth's land surface was covered by thick sheets of ice. Their high albedo reflected a great deal of sunlight out into space, which cooled Earth and allowed the ice sheets to grow. (See our Ice Ages web page.) Ice sheets give birth to icebergs
Conservation of Arctic flora and fauna it mission is to conserve Arctic biodiversity and to ensure that the use of Arctic living resources is sustainable
Coastal change and glaciological maps of Antarctica
Crevasse zone Crevasse zone, GPS glacier surface movement and elevation surveys on the Juneau icefield, Alaska
Cryosphere: where the world is frozen
Educapoles les régions polaires, le cycle de l'eau et les glaces sur la Terre, le climat et les changements climatiques, en Français, animations
Glacial geology a tip
Glacial systems the two basic types of glaciers, continental and alpine, form and impact the topography of the earth
Glacier Glacier
Glacier A glacier is a perennial mass of ice which moves over land. A glacier forms in locations where the mass accumulation of snow and ice exceeds ablation over many years
Glacier glacier facts, questions and answers, a glossary, a gallery, bibliography and links to glacier information on the web
Antartica in the winter, the lowest recorded temperatures (without wind chill!) have reached -89°C (-129°F). The continent averages 2.4 kilometers in height (1.5 miles) above sea level, making it 1.5 kilometers (almost a mile) higher than the global average land height!
Glaciers Glacier animation
Glaciers and glaciations
Glaciers and the glacial ages glaciers are large masses of snow, recrystallized ice and rock debris that accumulate in great quantities and begin to flow outwards and downwards under the pressure of their own weight, Educypedia
Glaciers exploring nearly all aspects of glaciers including data and science, facts, a gallery, a glossary and much more
Glaciology Glaciology
Green icebergs
Iceberg photographs
Icebergs an iceberg is a floating mass of freshwater ice that has broken from the seaward end of a glacier or a polar ice sheet. Icebergs are typically found in open seas, especially around Greenland and Antarctica
Icebergs a majority of the icebergs in the North Atlantic come from about 100 iceberg producing glaciers along the Greenland coast while a few originate in the Eastern Canadian Arctic Islands
Icebergs and glaciers an iceberg is a mass of ice that has broken off part of a glacier called calcen and has fallen into a nearby body of water
Nearctica the plants, animals, or the physical environment of North America
Nova- Antarctic almanac Antarctica has some seven million cubic miles of ice, representing some 90 percent of the world's total
Satellite image atlas of glaciers of the world
Snow, Ice, and Permafrost Glaciology, Permafrost, Sea Ice, Snow
Tundra the tundra is the coldest and the driest of all the biomes on Earth. This biome lies above the Arctic Ocean in the world's highest northern latitudes. The tundra covers about one fifth of the land surface found on Earth. These low swampy plains are found in Northern Europe, Siberia, Northern most part of North America, and a few places in the southern hemisphere
Tundra animals
Warnings from the ice white continent, icecore, radioactivity, chernobyl, fallout, south pole, air pollution, climate change, temperature, volcanoes, volcanic eruption, global warming, greenhouse, gases, glacier, Antarctic, circumpolar, antifreeze, glycopeptides, growler, katabatic, neve, nilas, nunatak, polynya, satsrugi
Wildlife of Antarctica no land-based vertebrate animals inhabit Antarctica. Invertebrates, especially mites and ticks, which can tolerate the lower temperatures, exist in the Antarctic Peninsula but are still considered rare. The surrounding ocean, however, abounds in living creatures

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