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Oceans, lakes and seas visit also Environment
Altered Oceans investigation on the health of the world’s oceans
Atlas of the oceans covering about 70% of the earth's surface, the oceans are a highly productive system which continuously recycles chemicals, nutrients and water through the 'hydrological cycle', which powers climate and weather, and which regulates global temperature by acting as a giant heat reservoir from the sun, a tip
Baltic sea region database
Canada: great lakes
Carbon dioxide lakes carbon dioxide lakes, causes, medical effects, Lake Monoun, Lake Nyos, Lake Kivu
Dead seas Central Eurasian water crisis: Caspian, Aral, and dead seas
Deep ocean floor Exploring the deep ocean floor: Hot springs and strange creatures
De Noordzee in Dutch
Exploring Earth from Space- Oceans
Hotspots under the Earth the vast majority of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur near plate boundaries, but there are some exceptions
Hot springs and strange creatures
How deep can various animals and mechanical devices go? deep water is inhospitable for human divers and other animals because it's cold and dark, and the weight of water overhead exerts intense pressure. Many animals can withstand the harsh conditions at surprising depths, but humans need the protection of mechanical divers
Lakes of the world lakes of the world, world lakes database
Life in the deep This site highlights some of the latest discoveries about seafloor volcanoes and vents, and how they create environments for extraordinary lifeforms
Marine Biology Learning Center
Marine ecosystems shorelines, temperate oceans, tropical oceans
Marine science education
Oceans & oceanography the major goals of oceanography are to understand the geologic and geochemical processes involved in the evolution and alteration of the ocean and its basin, to evaluate the interaction of the ocean and the atmosphere so that greater knowledge of climatic variations can be attained, and to describe how the biological productivity in the sea is controlled
Ocean adventure oceanography, hydrothermal vents, marine ecology, smokers, geochemistry, deep sea exploration, origin of life, tubeworm, mid ocean ridge, undersea chimneys, underwater sanctuaries
Ocean alive 71% of the planet's surface is covered by ocean and it is because of this that the Earth is sometimes called "the water planet"
Ocean color viewed from space the "color" of the ocean is determined by the interactions of incident light with substances or particles present in the water. The most significant constituents are free-floating photosynthetic organisms (phytoplankton) and inorganic particulates
Ocean currents
Ocean Explorer Site ocean explorer, ocean exploration, expeditions, discovery, ocean science, oceanography
Oceanographic utilities Oceanographic utilities
Oceanography from the space shuttle a pictorial survey of oceanic phenomenon visible to the naked eye from space. Oceanography from the Space Shuttle comprises a series of photographs taken by NASA astronauts aboard the space shuttle. These photographs highlight oceanographic phenomenon that are especially apparent to the human eye from space. Topics include: coastlines, islands, local winds, waves, ship wakes, pollution, spiral eddies, and suloys
Oceanography: physical oceanography physical oceanography
Oceanography: physical oceanography an overview of the processes which determine the state of the atmosphere and the ocean and their dynamics, planetary environment and the governing cycles and processes which control its behaviour, the processes and phenomena which directly affect the nature and behaviour of the "fluid" Earth, namely, the composition of the atmosphere and of seawater, the balance of forces which controls winds, ocean currents and waves in both media, and their role in climate, the natural atmospheric and oceanic processes
Ocean planet
Ocean world oceanography, ocean world, physical oceanography, fisheries, weather satellites, science, coral reef, iceage, iceberg, forams, foramferia, currents el nino, waves marine
Physical oceanography
Questions and answers about the ocean
Savage Seas
Submarine volcanoes submarine volcanoes and volcanic vents are common features on certain zones of the ocean floor. Some are active at the present time and, in shallow water, disclose their presence by blasting steam and rock-debris high above the surface of the sea
The sea a tip for kids (also the sky)
The sea a source of information about the four oceans, hurricanes, currents and waves, and sea life, sea facts, oceans maps, tides, sea creatures
Tropical oceans & coral reefs a reef is a coral community consisting of several thousand organisms living together. Although it looks like a dormant underwater bush, the reef is very much alive. Reefs grow very slowly over time. In fact, an inch of coral reef takes nearly 100 years to grow
Underwater and topside nature photography underwater and topside photos of marine mammals, fish, invertebrates and pelagic creatures including the blue whale and ocean sunfish
Volcanic lakes and related bodies of water
Water world what would happen if the ice sheets melted?
Wetlands, Oceans, & Watersheds
What Indicators Are Used To Describe Coasts and Oceans? coastal wetlands, coral reefs, seagrasses, and shellfish beds
Why is the Ocean Salty?

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