Muscular system  |
Cardiac muscle the human heart has four chambers: Atria. The top two chambers that receive blood from the body or lungs. Ventricles. The bottom two
chambers. The right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs to pick up oxygen, The left ventricle pumps blood to the rest of the body and is the strongest chamber |
cytoskeleton is a structural feature of eukaryotic cells revealed by high
voltage electron microscopy |
Face |
anatomy Hand anatomy |
Human muscles
human muscles, muscles pull on bones and act as lever systems. Muscles have an
tendinous origin which is immovable, and a tendinous insertion which is movable |
Master muscle list |
Muscle.ppt ppt file |
list body, bodies, shoulder, chest, knees, butts, arms, hands, fingers,
backs, legs, psoas, rotator cuff, pectoralis, pecs, gluteus, calves, calf,
thighs, health, fitness, science, education, posture |
animals use muscles to convert the chemical energy of ATP into mechanical
work. Three different kinds of muscles are found in vertebrate animals |
Muscle contraction |
Muscles in
action the muscle actions of the human body |
Muscle list |
Muscle list |
Muscle list
list of muscles |
Muscle membrane potential muscle membrane potential, animation |
spindle & stretch reflexes muscle spindles are found within the belly of
muscles and run in parallel with the main muscle fibres.The spindle senses
muscle length and changes in length. It has sensory nerve terminals whose
discharge rate increases as the sensory ending is stretched |
Muscle tutorial
allows you to review the names and location of the major superficial muscles |
Musculoskeletal anatomy atlas a musculoskeletal atlas of the human body |
and skeletal systems |
Muscular system
muscular system, musculoskeletal system, tissues, muscle cell types, how we move |
Muscular system (front
view) animation |
atlas A musculoskeletal atlas of the human body |
Physiology of skeletal muscle this animation
describes how the basic building blocks of a muscle fit together. It shows the
myofibrils bunched together with the lattice type network of the sarcoplasmic
reticulum wrapped around them |
Skeletal_muscle a general overview of the membrane potential changes that
occur in the skeletal muscle fiber, skeletal muscle
contraction |
Skeletal muscle anatomy Muscles of the human chest, Muscles of the human
abdomen, Muscles of the human arm, Muscles of the human forearm, Muscles of the
human anterior thigh, Muscles of the human anterior thigh and hip, Muscles of
the human lower leg, Muscles of the human lateral lower leg |
Skeletal muscle biceps, fibres, fibrils and sarcomeres |
Skeletal muscles of the human body
information about the skeletal muscles of the human body |
Skeletal system Skeletal system |
Muscle twitch a muscle twitch is an activation of a muscle fiber by a single
firing of a motor neuron, animation |
describes the neck and its structures, muscles, arteries, veins, lymphatics,
triangles, salivary glands, cervical plexus, ansa cervicalis |
Skeletal muscles of the human body
skeletal muscles of the human body, containing detailed information about the
skeletal muscles of the human body. Included is each muscle's origin, insertion,
action, blood supply and innervation |
Horizontaal |
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