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Nose, mouth, tongue and throat anatomy  related topic: Tongue - taste, Nose- smell
Anatomy of the nose The nose contains shelf-like structures called turbinates, which help trap particles entering the nasal passages. Material deposited in the nose is transported by ciliary action to the back of the throat in 10-15 minutes
Anatomy of the nose
Anatomy and physiology of the nose and throat the nose consists of: external meatus- triangular-shaped projection in the center of the face; external nostrils - two chambers divided by the septum; septum - made up primarily of cartilage and bone and covered by mucous membranes. The cartilage also gives shape and support to the outer part of the nose; nasal passages- passages that are lined with mucous membranes and tiny hairs (cilia) that help to filter the air; sinuses
Articulatory - resonating system articulation: anatomy definition: movement of structures to produce speech sounds
Ear, Nose, and Throat Facts
Larynx and voice a basic understanding of the anatomy of the larynx and the mechanics of voice production is necessary before a laryngeal disorder can be defined
Mouth and teeth Mouth and teeth, Basic Anatomy of the Mouth and Teeth, Normal Development of the Mouth and Teeth, What the Mouth and Teeth Do, Problems of the Mouth and Teeth, pdf file
Mouth and tongue Mouth and tongue
Mouth and Mastication Mouth and Mastication, Temporomandibular Joint, Movements and muscles of mastication, Comparative anatomy of mastication, Tongue, Nerve supply to the mouth, General sensory, Taste
Mouth 1, Mouth 2 The cavity of the mouth is placed at the commencement of the digestive tube; it is a nearly oval-shaped cavity which consists of two parts: an outer, smaller portion, the vestibule, and an inner, larger part, the mouth cavity proper
Mouth The mouth (or oral cavity) is the first portion of the alimentary canal that receives food and begins digestion by mechanically breaking up the solid food particles into smaller pieces and mixing them with saliva
Nose and mouth Nose and mouth
Mouth, Tongue, Nose, Teeth describes the mouth, teeth, tongue, and nose and its structures
Nose and nasal cavities Nose and nasal cavities
Nose and Throat: Anatomy and Physiology
Oral Anatomy The Mouth, Cross Section of a Molar Tooth, Dental Chart, Types of Teeth, Functions of Teeth, Oral Anatomy, pdf file
Oral Cavity Oral Cavity, pdf file
Section through human nose with olfactory nerve
Swallowing anatomy & physiology of swallowing
The Region of the Nose and Nasal Cavities pdf file
Tongue the large bundle of muscles on the floor of the mouth. The mouth is the opening through which an animal takes in food. It is usually located in the head, but not always; the mouth of a planaria is in the middle of its belly
Tongue & salivary glands Tongue & Salivary glands. Taste is a chemical sense which is detected by special structures called taste buds, of which we all have about 10,000, mainly on the tongue with a few at the back of the throat and on the palate. Taste buds surround pores within the protuberances on the tongue's surface and elsewhere. There are four types of taste buds: these are sensitive to sweet, salty, sour and bitter chemicals. All tastes are formed from a mixture of these basic elements
Nose - smell - olfaction 
Anatomy of the ear-nose-throat system Temporal Bone, Ear, Nose, Paranasal Sinuses, Oral Cavity, Pharynx, Larynx, Salivary Glands, The Neck
Human Pheromones
Nasal passages
Odor An odor or odour is a chemical dissolved in air, generally at a very low concentration, which we perceive by the sense of olfaction, ...
Olfaction Olfaction, How olfaction works, Receptors, Receptor neuron, In the brain, Pheromonal olfaction, Olfaction and taste, Disorders of Olfaction, Quantifying olfaction, Olfaction in animals
Olfaction Olfaction (also known as olfactics or more commonly as smell) is the sense of smell. This sense is mediated by specialized sensory cells of the nasal cavity of vertebrates, and, by analogy, sensory cells of the antennae of invertebrates
Olfactory info explore the current status our understanding of olfaction and provide in some detail the possible molecular interactions that specify odorant signaling
Sense of smell what is Smell, sensory receptors, olfactory epithelium
Smell the nose, nasal cavity, pdf file
Smell olfactory news, sensory system, odors, odours, malodors, malodours, odorants, sensory transduction, transduction, receptor, sensory receptor, receptor potential, smell receptors, theories of olfaction, theories of smell, smell vibration, shape theory of smell, smell of fear, cortex, olfactory cortex, smell brain, rhinencephalon, perception, sense of smell, nose and smell, sensory, nose, aromatherapy, odorant binding proteins, anosmia, anosmics, smell and emotion, smell and memory, olfaction and EEG, odour code, odor code, smell in infants, taste and smell, smell in space, the anatomy and physiology of smell
Smell (Olfaction) A tutorial on the sense of smel, Olfactory bulb, Section of nasal cavity, Therapy using smell, Key Facts Olfactory, connections Smell & ageing, Viagra & smell, Limbic system Olfactory pathways Smell & hormones, Olfactory pharmacology, Smell & Mood, Mate choice, Olfactory system, Smell & Sex, Memory, Perfume
Smelling Smelling
Smell: The Forgotten Sense Anatomy and Physiology of Smell, The Nasal Cavity, The Olfactory Membrane and Transduction, Smell and Attraction, Are there human pheromones? Smell and Memory, Basic Olfactory and Memory Mechanisms
Smell tutorial smell is one of the chemical senses, the other being taste. They are so called because they sense chemicals, and smells are, of course, chemicals. With these senses we sample our environment for information
The human sense of smell The human sense of smell, Emotion, Vanilla, Sex-differences, Sexual attraction, Work, High-tech noses, High-tech smells, History, Culture

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