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Inorganic chemistry 
Atomic structure
Analytical chemistry
Balancing chemical equations Balancing chemical equations
Balancing chemical equations: tutorial a chemical equation identifies the starting and finishing chemical as reactants and products, a chemical equation is balanced when it reflects the conservation of mass and charge, A tutorial on balancing chemical equations
Carbon chemistry
Chemical kinetics
Chemistry and Matter Chemistry and Matter is an introductory summary of the structure of matter and in particular of the three physical states of matter and their properties
Chlorine online chlorine is everywhere. If you drink a glass of water, take medicine, clean your teeth or drive to work, …
Computer-assisted Paleoanthropology (CAP) and the Neanderthals
Crystal structures image simulation in material science
Fullerenes fullerenes are large carbon-cage molecules
Highschool chemistry acidBase, atomic structure, Democritus to Aston, bonding & isomerism, colligative properties, equilibrium, kinetic molecular theory & gas laws, the mole, nomenclature, radioactivity, reduction oxidation, stoichiometry, thermochemistry, thermodynamics
Inorganic chemistry
Inorganic reaction mechanisms kinetics and mechanism, substitution reactions, cis and trans effects, trans influence, anation and solvolysis reactions, electron transfer reactions
Inorganic reaction mechanisms (non metals)
Ionic reactions Ionic reactions, Metal hydrides, Water, Oxygen and oxides, The element, Reaction with metals, Reaction with non-metals, Some reactions of oxides, Combustion
Macrogalleria polymers and polymer science, a polymer is a large molecule, often containing many thousands of small molecules joined together chemically to form one giant macromolecule
Naming inorganic compounds organic compounds: these contain the element Carbon (C). "Life on earth is carbon based" , inorganic compounds: all other compounds
Naming inorganic compounds Ionic Compounds, Compounds with Hydrogen as the First Element, Binary Covalent Compounds
Phases of matter phases of matter, phase, solid, liquid, gas, plasms, kinetic theory, sublimation, vaporization, condensation, viscosity, STP, gas laws, atmospheric pressure
Phases of matter Matter is anything that has mass and volume. Mass is the amount of matter in an obj an object. The mass of an object does not change. The volume of an object is how mu how much space the object takes up, pdf file
Phases of matter The phases of matter represent classes of the type of molecular motion found at different temperatures. The 'motion' of the maolecules is described by the position and momenta of the atomic nuclei. The position of the molecule as a whole is derived from the center of mass of the atoms that compose it, Phases of matter and equilibrium
Phases of matter animation
Phases of matter phase diagram
Rules for Inorganic Nomenclature
Valence Bond Theory and Hybrid Atomic Orbitals
VSEPR - Model
VSEPR - Molecular Models
Gas Laws  related topic: Acids and Bases animations
Gases to understand the definition of pressure. Use the definition to predict and measure pressures experimentally. Describe experiments that show relationships between pressure, temperature, volume, and moles for a gas sample
Gas Law
Gas Law Charles' Law
Gas Laws Gas Laws, The use of Boyle's law, Charles's and Gay-Lussac's experiments, Avogadro's law, Ideal Gas Law and the Gas Constant
Gas Laws Gas Laws, Boyle's Law, Amonton's Law, Charles' Law, Gay-Lussac's Law, Avogadro's Hypothesis, The Ideal Gas Equation, Ideal Gas Calculations, Dalton's Law of Partial Pressures
Gas Laws
Gas Laws Kinetic Molecular Theory and Gas Laws, Boyle's Law (PV vary, nT constant), Charles' Law (VT vary, nP constant), Gay-Lussac's Law (PT vary, nV constant), Avogadro's Law (Vn vary, PT constant), Diver's Law (Pn vary, VT constant), The Gas Law with No Name (Tn vary, PV constant)
Gas Laws Gas Laws, Boyle's Law, The law of Charles and Gay-Lussac, Avogadro's Law, The Ideal Gas Equation of State, The P-V-T surface
Gas properties Properties of Various Gases
Gas Properties Definitions
Properties of various gases mole weight, critical pressure , Psia (bar), critical temperature TC, °R (°K)
Raoults Law
The Ideal Gas Laws Behavior of Gases, Boyle's Law Charle's Law Gay Lusacc Law, Combined Gas Law Ideal Gas Law Equation -Godfather of all gas laws Dalton's Law, Diffusion And Graham's Law of Diffusion, Real Gases vs Ideal Gases, Gas Stoicheometry
Oxidation & reduction 
Oxidation-reduction reactions Oxidation and reduction reactions
Oxidation reduction reactions Oxidation and reduction reactions
Oxidation reduction reactions pdf file
Oxidation and reduction oxidation states, oxidation numbers, oxidation and reduction reactions, ionic compounds, electronegativity, types of redox reactions, combination, decomposition, writing oxidation half reactions, chemical formula writing, determining oxidation states, balancing redox equations, photosynthesis, metabolism, nitrogen fixation, electrochemistryn, photo-oxidation, corrosion
Oxidation and reduction a reduction of a material is the gain of electrons. An oxidation of a material is the loss of electrons
Oxidation-reduction equations
Redox reactions
Reduction and oxidation reduction and oxidation, every atom, ion or polyatomic ion has a formal oxidation number associated with it. This value compares the number of protons in an atom (positive charge) and the number of electrons assigned to that atom (negative charge)

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