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Modern physics: Nuclear science-Quantum mechanics  related topic: Nuclear Power plants
Modern physics special relativity, photons, atoms, particles and waves, Schrodinger's equation, many electron atoms, nuclear physics
Moderne natuurkunde uitgebreide website over verschillende actuele domeinen uit de natuurkunde, in Dutch
Nuclear Concepts for the 21st Century animations included
Nuclear physics Background Radiation, The Half-life of Radioactive Elements,  The Uses of Radioactive Materials, Nuclear Fission, Nuclear Reactors, ...
Nuclear physics discussion of radioactivity of heavier elements, nuclear reactions of fusion and fission
Nuclear processes nuclear fusion, nuclear fission
Nuclear science antimatter, beta rays, cosmic connection, radioactivity
Nuclear Reactions Nature and Stability of the Atomic Nucleus, Radioactivity, Speed of Nuclear Disintegration, Artificial Nuclear Reactions, Bio-Medical Applications
Nuclear related terms
Quantum mechanics Quantum mechanics
Quantum physics the modern theory of quantum physics
Quantum physics
The particle adventure a tour of the inner workings of the atom, of what is the world made? What holds it together? topics: dark matter, detector, electrons, fermions, gluons, grand unified theory, hadrons, leptons, mesons, neutrino, neutron, nucleus, particle, particle adventure, proton, quarks
Modern physics: Nuclear science-Radiation - topics  related topic: Nuclear Power plants
Antimatter - Mirror of the Universe Antimatter, CERN, everything you wanted to know about Antimatter, what is antimatter
Atomic physics
Bragg's Law and Diffraction When x-rays are scattered from a crystal lattice, peaks of scattered intensity are observed
CERN's new antimatter factory
CERN exploratorium the heart of the matter, Cern, the world largest particle accelerator
Elementary Particles
Fission and energy theory and operation of nuclear fission reactors
Fusion, Power for Future Generations
Fusion explains research in controlled thermonuclear fusion, What is Fusion? DIII–D Tokamak, Plasma–4th State of Matter, Radiation, Radioactivity and Risk Assessment, Electromagnetic Spectrum, Inertial Confinement Fusion
Fusion Stellar Fusion, The Proton-Proton Cycle
Fusion basics
Fusion Basics & Glossary What is fusion? Conditions for a fusion reaction, Magnetic plasma confinement, the Tokamak, Heating the plasma, Measuring the plasma, Fusion as a future energy source
Fusion energy plasma, fusion, nuclear education
Heisenberg Werner and the uncertainty principle the more precisely the position is determined the less precisely the momentum is known
Ionizing radiation and radioactivity the properties of atoms and nuclei relevant to the understanding of ionizing radiation and radioactivity. It is concerned primarily with those properties relevant to accelerator produced radiation and radioactivity
Magnetic fusion Magnetic fusion: The main principles
Neutrinos what are Neutrinos
Neutrino observatory
Neutrinos what are Neutrinos
Neutrinos what are Neutrinos, The neutrino is an elementary particle ...
Nuclear fusion basics nuclear fusion is the energy-producing process which takes place continuously in the sun and stars. In the core of the sun at temperatures of 10-15 million degrees Celsius, Hydrogen is converted to Helium providing enough energy to sustain life on earth
Nuclear fusion basics of nuclear fusion, fusion energy, advantages of fusion, fusion energy production, fusion reactions, conditions for fusion, plasma heating, fusion power plant
Nuclear reactions nuclear energy can be produced by either of two types of reactions: fission, the splitting apart of a massive atomic nucleus, or by fusion of lighter nuclei into a heavier nucleus
Nuclear Power Mass to energy, pdf file
Nuclear Power Reactors Maps of Nuclear Power Reactors
Nuclear structure and decay data Nuclear structure and decay data, NuBase with the Q-value calculator
Particle physics
Particle physics ppt file
Periodic table of the elements
Plasma ppt file
Proton The Charged Nucleon
Quantum Mechanics of Atoms
Radiation and life life on earth has developed with an ever present background of radiation. It is not something new, invented by the wit of man: radiation has always been there
Radioactivity Radioactive decay and radioactivity
Radioactivity in nature our world is radioactive and has been since it was created. Over 60 radionuclides (radioactive elements) can be found in nature
Radiography radiation is energy in transit in the form of high speed particles and electromagnetic waves, X-ray and Gamma-Ray data
Relativistic heavy ion collider at the brookhaven national laboratory physicists from around the world will use the relativistic heavy ion collider to explore some of nature's most basic -- and most intriguing -- ingredients and phenomena
Stanford linear accelerator
Table of Isotopes
The light cone an illuminating introduction to relativity
Uranium Information Centre Nuclear Power for Electricity, Radioactive Wastes, Other Aspects of Fuel Cycle, Radiation & Health, Plant Safety, New Reactor Technology, Avoiding Weapons Proliferation, Resources & Uranium Market, Particular Countries, Mining & Environment, Climate Change, Non-Electricity Uses of Nuclear Energy
Uranium Radiation Properties
What you need to know about radiation
World Nuclear Association educational papers scroll down

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Last updated on: 2011-01-02 | Copyright © 2011-2021 Educypedia.