general overview
related topic: Mechanical engineering |
Mechanics Topics Models in Science Linear-Kinematics Vectors Dynamics, Work &
Power Energy Momentum Rotational Kinematics, Rotational Dynamics SHM -
Oscillations Gravity Pressure & Fluids |
Measurement, Motion Along a Straight Line, Vectors, Motion in Two and Three
Dimension, Force and Motion, Forces and Motion, Kinetic Energy and Work,
Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy, Systems of Particles, Collisions,
Rotation Motion, Rolling, Torque, and Angular Momentum, Equilibrium and
Elasticity, Gravitation |
Motion in One Dimension, Constant Acceleration in One Dimension, Vector
Arithmetic, Motion in Two Dimensions, Newton's Laws of Motion, Applying Newton's
Laws of Motion, Circular Motion, Work and Kinetic Energy, Potential Energy and
Fields |
Mechanics demonstration page, Properties of heat
and matter demonstrations |
Mechanics for physicists and engineers |
Mechanics java applets |
online tutorial acceleration, motion, waves, Newton's laws, potential
energy, circular motion, rotation, vibration, gravity |
Newtonian mechanics |
physics online book in pdf format, 4.1 Megabyte |
Physics 121 motion, forces, energy, temperature, oscillations,
thermodynamics |
Physics notes
force, work, energy, waves, ... |
Horizontaal |
Miscelaneous topics about
mechanics  |
aerodynamics, drag, lift, weight, thrust,
aerodynamics is the study of forces and the resulting motion of objects
through the air |
Bridges photographs, diagrams and explanations of the basic types of bridges,
Pontoon bridges,
Pre-stressed bridges |
bridge resonance |
Fluid Dynamics and Bernoulli’s Equation |
States of Matter, Fluid Flow and the Continuity Equation, Pressure, Buoyancy,
Bernoulli's Principle |
pdf file |
Statics Pressure force on a fluid element
pdf file |
Fluids statics
Pressure, Fluids, Pressure and Depth, Pascal's Principle, Archimedes' Principle,
Streamlines and Flux |
Fluid Statics: Pressure and the Buoyant Force |
Gyroscopes |
How a gyroscope works
How a gyroscope works, The Gimbaled Gyroscope |
Hydrostatic Pressure in a Liquid The pressure at a given depth in a static
liquid is a result the weight of the liquid acting on a unit area at that depth
plus any pressure acting on the surface of the liquid |
Solids and fluids
the behaviour of different types of solids under small deformations (called strains), pressure changes and buoyant forces in incompressible fluids,
Bernouilli's equation |
Solids & fluids |
Static equilibrium in fluids: pressure and depth
doc file |
Unbalanced gyroscope precession rotating systems exhibit some behavior that appears strange when we apply our intuition, developed for linear motion, ...,
Theory |
Vibrations and waves
the motion of simple harmonic oscillators. If any object is displaced slightly from equilibrium it will oscillate about its equilibrium
position in what is called simple harmonic motion. The most common examples are a mass on a spring, and a simple pendulum |
works water, fonteins, background, photographs, drawings, movies |
Viscosity is, essentially, fluid friction. Like friction between moving solids,
viscosity transforms kinetic energy of (macroscopic) motion into heat energy, pdf file |
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