Mechanical engineering machine parts  |
Basic machines topics on how machines work,
levers, block and tackle, wheel and axle, wedge, screw, gears, internal combustion engine, power trains |
Basic machines and their components machines are used to convert energy
into different forms and transmit energy, linear motion, reciprocating
motion, rotary motion, oscillating motion |
Mechanics Forces Friction, Torque, Simple Machines, The Inclined Plane,
Levers, The Wheel and Axle, Gears and Belts, Cams and Cranks, Pulleys, The
Screw, Inertia, Rotational Inertia, Springs, Rubber Bands, Counterweights |
Design and analysis of machine elements
mechanical engineering, problem solving, how to design, feasibility, stress, safety, shaft design, curved beams, springs, fatigue, threaded fasteners,
fillet welds, cylinders, pressure vessels, squirrel cage motors, belt drives, brakes, spur gears, buckling, a tip |
Digital Mechanism Library - photos Air Drill, Can opener (automatic),
Carburator, CD Player, Ascender (for rock climbing), Closed-Face Fishing
Reel, Coin Changer, Cork Screw, Door Handle, Oscillating Fan, Linkage-based
Jack, Desk Lamp, Car-Door Latch, Lid-Grapper, NutCracker, Pez Dispensper,
Pliers, Foot-Actuated Air Pump, Ratchet, Open-Faced Fishing Reel, Rivet
Tool, Robogrip Pliers, Bicycle Shifting Device, Shell Loading Machine,
Stapler, Trigger Mechanism, Vice grips, Car-Door Window |
Dynamics of machinery |
Formulae of drive
engineering Acceleration, Deceleration, Lever arm of rolling friction,
Force, rolling resistance, Sliding friction, Static friction, Wind load,
Gravity, Reduction, Moment of inertia, Inertia mass acceleration factor, Braking
torque, Motor speed, Wind pressure, Acceleration power, Lifting power, Kinetic
energy, Rotating energy, Angular acceleration, Coefficient of friction, Angular
velocity, static friction and sliding friction m,
coefficient of friction for bearings mL,
Wheel speed, ..., pdf file |
boekje aandrijftechniek mechanica, motoren, in
Dutch, pdf file |
elementary machines,
drilling, turning, milling, grinding |
tools basics of machine tool use for prototype fabrication, band saw, belt sander, grinding, buffing, measurement |
techniques describing machining techniques |
Terminologies Physical Principles, Mechanisms and Simple Machines, More
on Machines and Mechanisms, Basic Kinematics of Constrained Rigid Bodies,
Planar Linkages, Cams, Gears |
education page milling, drilling, machine tools, design for manufacture, heat in machining, environmentally conscious manufacturing, end milling simulation (EMSIM),
turning tool design and insert selection, fixture modeling and analysis, grinding machines, honing machines |
The Elements
of Machines Simple Machines, Wheel and Axle, Pulley System, Wedge,
Screw, Lever, Gears, Bevel Gears, Worm Gear, Rack and Pinion, Cam, Crank and
Rod, Chains and Belts, Ratchet |
Horizontaal |
Machines and machine parts  |
pdf file, in Dutch |
saw machine selecting and installing a blade, operating a band saw, lubricating the blade, cutting round stock |
CNC Work
CNC means Computer Numerical Control. This means a computer converts the
design into numbers which the computer uses to control the cutting and
shaping of the material, ... |
Numerical Control Programming: Manual CNC |
CNC simulator The CncSimulator has a built in standard ISO interpreter that
can be used for non machine specific simulations |
Combustion Turbine A combustion turbine is a device in which air is
compressed and a gaseous or liquid fuel is ignited |
Rod engine Double Crank Rod engine |
two-stroke engines describes the four-stroke diesel engines commonly found in cars and trucks |
Drilling |
Drill press a drill press is preferable to a hand drill when the location and orientation of the hole must be controlled accurately |
Gas turbine engines introduction to gas turbine engines |
Gyroscope A gyroscope is a device for measuring or maintaining
orientation, based on the principle of conservation of angular momentum |
Hydraulic brakes the hydraulic brake system used in the automobile is a multiple piston system |
engine NOx emissions |
engines How Jet engines work |
Lathe the purpose of a lathe is to rotate a part against a tool whose position it controls. It is useful for fabricating parts and/or features
that have a circular cross section |
with long pulse lasers a tip |
Milling |
Machines The milling machine |
Power hand drill
motor mechanical dissection, power hand drill motor, Series wound
universal motors are used, pdf file |
a tip |
Pulser pump animated |
an introduction to positive-displacement (PD) pumps, and in particular, rotary pumps |
Rotational motion
torque |
dynamics rotor dynamics is the study of rotating machines and has a very important part to play throughout the modern industrial world,
rotating shafts, bearings, seals, rotor unbalance, instability, condition monitoring |
Steam engines
steam engines work |
Steam engines
steam engines |
Steam Plants |
Stirling engines
The Schmidt theory: This theory is based on the isothermal expansion and
compression of an ideal gas |
Stirling engines every Stirling engine has a sealed cylinder with one part hot and the other cold. The working gas inside the engine (which is
often air, helium, or hydrogen) is moved by a mechanism from the hot side to the cold side |
Stirling Engines Mechanical Configurations, The mechanical
configurations of Stirling engines are generally divided into three groups
known as the Alpha, Beta, and Gamma arrangements, ... |
engine How Stirling engines work |
Stirling engine Stirling engine |
Stirling engine Stirling engine |
Stirling engine
animation the stirling cycle explained |
Turbine flowmeters
this article describes the applications, performance characteristics, mode and theory of operation, calibration, installation and maintenance
procedures and the design and construction of axial turbine flowmeters, including two dual rotor axial turbine designs, propeller meters and
spirometers |
tellers in Dutch, pdf file,
Debiets meters in Dutch,
pdf file |
type steam engine info and many links |
woodworking, woodturning, woodcarving |
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