Thermodynamics: general overview
related subject: Physics: temperature,
Thermal physics |
Applied thermodynamics The zeroth law of thermodynamics, The first law
of thermodynamics, The second law of thermodynamics, Definition of: Heat
engines, Turbines , Steam turbine, Gas turbine, Compressor, Thermodynamic
cycle, Working fluid, Ideal gas, System Definition of processes: Isobaric, Isothermal, Isentropic, Isometric,
Adiabatic, Adiabatic mixing, Throttling, Free expansion, Polytropic Heat
transfer: Heat transfer, Heat exchangers, Heat flow through a pipe, Heat
flow through a wall |
thermodynamics applied thermodynamics is the science of the relationship
between heat, work, and systems that analyze energy processes |
a thermodynamics tutorial, enables students to construct and analyze a wide variety of thermodynamic cycles |
Encyclopedia of
thermodynamics |
Refrigerators and the second law of Thermodynamics Conversion of work
into heat and vice versa, The external-combustion engine: such as the
Stirling engine and the steam engine. The internal-combustion engine: such
as gasoline engine and the diesel engine, Rankine Cycle |
Handbook of
thermodynamics and heat transfer |
Heat and
Thermodynamics |
Combustion Engines Web Site Internal Combustion Engine Thermodynamics
Outline, Internal Combustion Engine Heat Transfer Outline, Internal
Combustion Engine Fluid Mechanics Outline, animated |
Steam Engineering
Learning Modules Steam Engineering Principles and Heat Transfer, Heating
Vats and Tanks by Steam Injection, Sparge pipes, Steam injectors,
Alternative method of calculating injected steam load, Flowmetering, Basic
Control Theory, Pneumatic Actuation, Temperature Control for Steam
Applications, Level and Flow Control Applications, Introduction to Safety
Valves, Introduction to Steam Distribution, Pipes and Pipe Sizing, Air
Venting, Heat Losses and a Summary of Various Pipe Related Standards, Steam
Traps and Steam Trapping, Mechanical Steam Traps, Thermodynamic Steam Traps,
Energy Losses in Steam Traps, ..., a tip |
Thermal and Statistical Physics |
Thermal Physics Ideal Gas, Heat Transfer, First Law of Thermodynaamics,
Second Law of Thermodynamics |
Thermodynamics |
The first law, State Functions, Thermochemistry, Entropy, Chemical
Equilibrium, Real Gases, Phase Diagrams, Ideal and Real Solutions,
Electrolyte Solutions, Electrochemical Cells, Thermodynamic Cycles, Brayton
Cycle, Carnot Cycle, Diesel Cycle, Ericsson Cycle, Otto Cycle, Stirling
Cycle |
Thermodynamics |
Thermodynamics |
Thermodynamics |
Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, and Fluid Flow Fundamentals Handbook pdf file |
The First Law of Thermodynamics, The First Law Applied to Engineering
Cycles, Background to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, The Second Law of
Thermodynamics, Applications of the Second Law, Entropy on the Microscopic
Scale, Power Cycles with Two-Phase Media, Generating Heat: Thermochemistry,
Conductive Heat Transfer, Convective Heat Transfer, Generalized Conduction
and Convection, Radiation Heat Transfer |
Thermodynamics - heat and energy Modes of heat transfer, Thermodynamic
systems, The First Law of Thermodynamics, Heat engines and efficiency, Heat
engines can never operate at 100% efficiency, The Second Law of
Thermodynamics |
Thermodynamics: basic terms and theory cycles, steam power cycle, gas turbine cycle, internal combustion engine, turbines, compressors, combustion chambers, pumps |
Thermodynamics in our life steam power plant, fuel cells, vapor
compression, refrigeration cycle, thermoelectric refrigerator, air
separation plant, gas turbine, chemical rocket engine |
Thermodynamics of
Chemical Equilibrium All About Entropy, Free Energy and Why Chemical
Reactions Take Place, Energy spreading and the direction of spontaneous
change, What is entropy? The Second Law of Thermodynamics, What is free
energy? The Gibbs function, Free energy and equilibrium, Some applications
of entropy and free energy |
Horizontaal |
- topics  |
Air Conditioner how an airconditioner work, compressor, refrigerant,
heatpumps, Refrigerant |
Carnot cycle |
Carnot cycle
Carnot Engine |
Carnot Engine All standard heat engines (steam, gasoline, diesel) work by
supplying heat to a gas, the gas then expands in a cylinder and pushes a piston
to do its work. The catch is that the heat and/or the gas must somehow then be
dumped out of the cylinder to get ready for the next cycle |
and Gay-Lussac's Law Animated Charles and Gay-Lussac's Law |
Dimensionless Numbers in Heat Transfer, First Law of Thermodynamics, Thermal
Resistance, Visiting Bernoulli, Windchill Factor |
Diesel cycle |
Diesel cycle the Diesel cycle is a compression-ignition cycle instead of
a spark-ignition cycle like the Otto cycle. Compression-ignition cycles use
fuels that begin combustion when they reach a temperature and pressure that
occurs naturally at some point during the cycle and, therefore, do not
require a separate energy source (e.g. from a spark plug) to burn |
Effectiveness/NTU charts for tubular heat exchangers
pdf file |
introduction to thermochemistry, units of energy, specific heat, molar heat and heat capacity, energy changes in chemical reactions, first law of
thermodynamics, measuring heats of reaction: calorimetry, standard heats of reaction, Hess's law of heat summation, enthalpy diagrams, standard heats of
formation and Hess's law |
Enthalpy diagramsEducypedia, The educational encyclopedia |
Enthalpy diagrams
The enthalpy relationships involved in adding thermochemical equations are
most easily visualized by means of an enthalpy diagram |
Enthalpy diagrams Bond Enthalpy and mean bond enthalpy |
Enthalpy entropy chart for steam |
Entropy |
Entropy and the
second law of
thermodynamics |
Entropy and the second
law of thermodynamics |
Entropy explained thermal entropy is a measure of the amount of thermal energy in a closed system that is not available to do work |
First law of thermodynamics the first law of thermodynamics is the
application of the conservation of energy principle to heat and
thermodynamic processes |
First law of thermodynamics
the first law of thermodynamics |
First law of thermodynamics |
Forced Air Cooling Cooling Rate, Cooling time for various airflow rates,
Cooling wall arrangement with permannently mounted fans, Forced-Air Cooling
Fan |
Four stroke
cycle Intake Stroke, Compression Stroke, Power Stroke and Exhaust Stroke |
Heat and first law of thermodynamics the concepts of heat, internal
energy, and thermodynamic processes |
Heat and first law of thermodynamics
Two bodies brought in thermal contact will change their temperature until they are at the same temperature. In the
process of reaching thermal equilibrium, heat is transferred from one body to the other |
Heat engines
How Heat engines work |
Heat engine a heat engine is defined as a device that converts
heat energy into mechanical energy or more exactly a
system which operates continuously and only heat and work may pass
across its boundaries |
Heat engines and the Carnot cycle a heat engine is a cyclic process that
absorbs heat and does work on the surroundings. "Cyclic" means that the
system returns to its initial state at the end of each cycle so that there
is no permanent change in the system |
Heat transfer
Temperature Scale, One Calorie of Heat, Heat Equivalent of Energy, Heat Flow
between Substances, Latent Heat Of Vaporization, Latent Heat Of Fusion, Heat
Capacities (Specific, Molar, & Volumetric), Specific Heat Capacities Table,
Phase Change, Latent Heats Table, Phase Change of Water, Solving Heat
Exchange Problems, Heat Capacity of an Ideal Gas, Thermal Conductivity,
Table of Values,
Thermal Expansion |
Heat transfer
the physical concepts of heat transfer |
Heat transferEducypedia,
The educational encyclopedia |
Heat transfer |
Heat transfer
the discipline of heat transfer is concerned with only two things: temperature, and the flow of
heat. Temperature represents the amount of thermal energy available, whereas heat flow represents the movement of thermal energy
from place to place |
Heat transfer fundamentals pdf file |
combustion engine fluid mechanics outline with java applets |
Mollier Diagram
(Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram) |
Otto cycle,
Ideal Otto
Cycle |
Otto cycle |
Diagrams which indicate the phases present at a given temperature and
composition, have often proved a difficult concept to understand. These Web
pages provide a simple guide to phase diagrams |
Phase Rules!
Systems, Phases, Constituents and Variance, Some Thermodynamics, Systems
With Multiple Phases, Binary Systems, Ice and Salt, Iron |
Pressure-enthalpy (Ph) diagram basic refrigerator and heat pump
configurations, Pressure-enthalpy (Ph) diagram, enthalpy-entropy (h-s)
diagram |
law of thermodynamics |
Second law of thermodynamics |
Specific heat |
engines How Steam engines work |
Stirling engines every Stirling engine has a sealed cylinder with one
part hot and the other cold. The working gas inside the engine (which is
often air, helium, or hydrogen) is moved by a mechanism from the hot side to
the cold side |
Stoommachine in Dutch |
Stoommachine in Dutch |
Temperature we can describe the temperature of an object as that which
determines the sensation of warmth or coldness felt from contact with it |
Thermal conductivity and the Wiedemann-Franz law |
software java applet to calculate the
thermodynamic properties of fluids, tutorial about thermo dynamics |
Analyse_voor_een_verbrandingsproces analyse van een verbrandingsproces, in Dutch |
type steam engine info and many links |
and Heat The Ideal Stirling Cycle Engine, The Air-Standard Diesel Cycle
Engine |
Work, heat and internal energy relationship between work, heat and
internal energy |
Horizontaal |
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