& data communication tools related topic:
Networking Tools |
Mozilla Firefox download 3.6.2, use this browser together with
Adblock Plus to get rid
of all ads, or go to: Firefox add-ons, a tip |
internet browser, a tip |
FreeProxy FreeWeb
FreeProxy is professional Freeware which channels requests for internet pages
via a single computer and enables many computers to share an internet connection |
access counter and clock a CGI program to keep record of the raw hits of a
web page |
Internet browser
archive browser software archive, a tip |
Internet Explorer |
Nettools contains
a whole variaty of network tools, 1) IP Address Scanner 2) IP Calculator 3) IP
Converter 4) Port Listener 5) Port Scanner 6) Ping 7) NetStat (2 ways) 8) Trace
Route (2 ways) 9) TCP/IP Configuration 10) Online - Offline Checker 11) Resolve
Host & IP 12) Time Sync 13) Whois |
Opera Opera 11 for Windows, a fast, fun and easy way to browse the Web |
tools html editors, graphic utilities, java editors, web design tools,
archive |
Internet tools  |
Adblock Plus Annoyed by
adverts? Troubled by tracking? Bothered by banners? Install Adblock Plus now to
regain control of the internet and change the way that you view the web,
a tip |
Adding Video To Your
Website With iCam Basic simple method for people to put a video stream
on their websites even if their ISP doesn't provide them with a fixed, static,
IP address |
ADSLMonitor.rar |
Anyplace Control
Anyplace Control is a remote control software, that allows you to control a
remote PC over LAN or Internet |
Bandwidth Vista
Bandwidth Vista can meters adsl connections, wireless and Ethernet connections.
A network interface need to be select when you first start Bandwidth Vista. This
dynamic bandwidth meter also indicates the countries of remote computers that
are connected to your system and maps them, zip file, 17
MByte |
CCleaner (Crap
Cleaner) is a freeware system optimization tool. That removes unused and
temporary files from your system - allowing Windows to run faster, more
efficiently and giving you more hard disk space |
Cyber zip file |
CyberKit 3.0
CyberKit is a collection of network tools for Windows. The following tools are
included: Ping, TraceRoute, Finger, WhoIs, Quote of the Day, NSLookUp, Time
Synchronizer, PortScanner, NetInfo and MailChecker, zip
file |
DC++ Home
Direct Connect allows you to share files over the Internet without restrictions
or limits. The client is completely free of advertisements and has a nice, easy
to use interface. Firewall and router support is integrated |
DRTCP v0.19
is your PC configured for broadband? |
FileZilla Client is a fast and reliable cross-platform FTP, FTPS and SFTP client
with lots of useful features and an intuitive interface |
FireTune 1.04
FireTune for Mozilla Firefox v1.x was developed for an easy and fast
optimization of your browsing experience with Firefox |
Free Internet
Eraser Free Internet Eraser protects your Internet privacy by permanently
delete internet history and past computer activities. Free Internet Eraser
allows you to delete Internet history, browser history, address bar history,
Internet cache, cookies, of your browser, and Window's temp folders, history
run, search history, open/save history, recent documents and more |
surfer a free intelligent popup stopper, cache cleaner and surfing
companion |
search tool searching the various newsgroups posts, images, links or stocks in google |
Hamachi is a program that allows you to arrange multiple computers into their
own secure network just as if they were connected by a physical network cable, a
zero-configuration virtual private networking application. Hamachi gives you LAN
over the Internet |
HTTrack is a free (GPL, libre/free software) and easy-to-use offline browser
utility. It allows you to download a World Wide Web site from the Internet to a
local directory, building recursively all directories, getting HTML, images, and
other files from the server to your computer |
HyperTrace Have you ever wanted to know what other computers your
information packets go through on the internet? exe file |
IECacheView v1.33 -
Internet Explorer Cache Viewer IECacheView is a small utility that reads the
cache folder of Internet Explorer, and displays the list of all files currently
stored in the cache. For each cache file, the following information is
displayed: Filename, Content Type, URL, Last Accessed Time, Last Modified Time,
Expiration Time, Number Of Hits, File Size, Folder Name, and full path of the
cache filename |
IE Cookies view a small utility that displays the details of all cookies
that Internet Explorer stores on your computer |
View/Delete the URLs that you visited in the last few days |
Internet cleanup tools
internet cleanup tools, clean your browser cache, surfing history, recently used documents, cookies, stored passwords and much more... |
ISP monitor
monitor your internet usage |
Repairs Winsock 2 settings, caused by buggy or improperly-removed Internet
software, that result in loss of Internet access. LSP-Fix is not a malware
removal utility and does not target specific products. LSP-Fix does not delete
any files |
MediaMaster MediaMaster is a simple no-frills application to stream live
video and audio over a local network or over the internet. By using Windows
Media format, anyone can connect to the stream and view the video by using any
Windows Media-compatible player, such as Windows Media Player 9 either
stand-alone or embedded in a webpage |
MyPhone free download Video communication with 176x144 (QCIF) and 352x288
(CIF) resolution, Audio communication with a number of selectable codecs and
quality, Compatible with NetMeeting, GnomeMeeting and many other H323-based
software and hardware, Direct PC-2-PC communication without any intermediary,
Voice&Video Internet/Lan Chat client based on H323 protocol |
NetSwitch NetSwitch it's a pretty utility that save the current TCP/IP
network and proxy configuration and reload it when you want WITHOUT RESTART YOUR
SYSTEM. You can save several configurations to use when you need |
Colasoft Ping Tool Colasoft Ping Tool is powerful in supporting to ping
multiple IP addresses simultaneously and comparing response time in a graphic
chart |
Ping: Graph-A-Ping Graph-A-Ping, allows you to visually see the ping latency
between ping times. The bigger the gap between one ping to another allows you to
spot possible network bottle neck |
Ping: Konst Pinger
Konst Pinger is a program for ping and trace internet host. Ping host that you
choice. Show results in graph mode. Change delay time for pinging. Store hosts
in a file. Minimized to system tray and background mode ping. Trace route to
host |
PicoPhone is a simple Internet phone application with chat |
Privacy Winner Privacy Winner is the
most powerful privacy software to eradicate Internet traces and program
activities; it is also the easiest way to erase your Internet history, Windows
history, Search history and Chat history. Just one-click erase puts your pc
privacy under control |
Pryme a webcam freeware program,
can capture pictures from your webcam, and upload them to your website using
FTP. Works on Windows 95/98, 2000 and XP |
Process And Port Analyzer
A realtime process and Active Ports Analyzer |
RouterStats Many ADSL modem/routers do not provide a means to
continuously monitor their statistics. Of particular importance are the
statistics associated with the incoming telephone line - generally referred to
collectively as Line Stats. Since the advent of ADSL-Max, line stats of special
relevance are the Downstream Noise Margin and the Sync Rate, ... |
for calling other people on their computers |
TeamSpeak is a quality, scalable application which enables people to speak with
one another over the Internet. TeamSpeak consists of both client and server
software |
URL Snooper
a program written to help users locate the urls of audio and video files so that
they can be recorded |
This utility allows you to easily get information about a registered domain. It
automatically connect to the right WHOIS server, according to the top-level
domain name, and retrieve the WHOIS record of the domain. It support both
generic domains and country code domains |
Horizontaal |
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