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Absorption filters this tutorial explores how gelatin (or glass) filters pass certain wavelengths of light while blocking others
Absorption java applet this applet allows you to subtractively mix colors. The beam starts out as white. You may then take out the blue, green, and red components by altering the scroll bars or text boxes
Additieve kleurenmenger in Dutch
Additive colors this demo shows how color addition works on your TV set (or computer monitor). The Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) colors (known as primary colors) can be 'mixed' to produce any other color
Chromaticity diagram and Gamut applet the chromaticity diagram is defined by the X+Y+Z=1 plane. A color gamut is a range of colors defined on the chromaticity diagram. Here you can explore the effect of adding colors together
Color addition create all the color of the rainbow by mixing red, green, and blue, three primary colors
Color addition and subtraction color addition and subtraction
Color box applet red, green, and blue filters, mixing light, color printing, mixing pigments
Color by addition shows how color addition works on your TV set
Color mixing Color mixing applet
Color mixing Color mixing applet
Color by subtraction This demo shows how color subtraction works in the world around us. The cyan, magenta, and yellow colors can be 'mixed' to produce any other color
Colored shadows The image shows a square card on a shelf with a wall behind it. There are colored lights just this side of the shelf that cast huge shadows on the wall
Color filters the color filter tutorial allows students to drag red, green, and blue filters over a set of pre-filtered images
Color separation the color separation tutorial allows visitors to explore how the primary subtractive colors resulting from a 4-color separation can be added together to form an image
Color Space Conversions Applet
Color subtraction create all the color of the rainbow by mixing yellow, cyan, and magenta, three primary colors
Color temperature investigates the apparent "color" of a black-body radiator as it is heated
Color theory of light
Color wheel Experiment with saturation, intensity, hue, and luma, Interactive Color Wheel
Colour and contrast in display technology
Combining Light & Colour Combining Light Colour (additive)
CYM Color Mixing Drag the three squares around and watch their overlap areas for the mixed colors in the addition method. With the sliders on the right, you can adjust the intensity of each of the three main colors, down?
Experiments in color example coloring applet, emission spectrum, absorption spectrum, single filter emission
Interactive color wheel select Hue, Saturation, and Lightness
Kleuren in Dutch
Kleuren mengpaneel in Dutch
Kleurfilters in Dutch
Mixing light Mixing light applet
Optische bank: linsensystem, spiegel mit den üblichen optischen elementen wie linsen, spiegeln, blenden, strahlenbündel, brechungsindizes und quellen können alle schulrelevanten optischen experimente virtuell konstruiert werden, in German
Polarization of light when light travels through a polarizing material, a selected vibration plane is passed by the polarizer and electric vectors vibrating in all other orientations are blocked
Polarized light microscopy polarized light microscopy is a useful method to generate contrast in birefringent specimens and to determine qualitative and quantitative aspects of crystallographic axes present in various materials
Polarizers in this applet, you can pur 1, 2, or 3 linear polarizers onto an optical bench and let a beam of unpolarized red light pass through them
Primary additive colors red, green, and blue are the primary additive colors. When mixed together in different proportions, you can make just about any color
Primary subtractive colors the primary subtractive colors, magenta, cyan, and yellow, are of paramount importance to the color printing and photography industry
Prism & rainbows
Rainbows describes the reflection of light in a spherical water drop. This phenomenon is what allows rainbows to form. Rainbows can be described as a distorted reflection of the Sun in water droplets in suspension in the atmosphere
Refraction simulator
Spectra of gas discharges
Subtractive color cyan, magenta, and yellow colors can be 'mixed' to produce any other color. When you see a certain color on a car, it is due to subtractive color mixing
RGB additive colors shows how color addition works on your TV set (or computer monitor), shockwave
RGB additive colors
RGB bands RGB spectrum
RGB Color Mixing Drag the three squares around and watch their overlap areas for the mixed colors in the subtraction method. With the sliders on the right, you can adjust the intensity of each of the three main colors
Spectrum Applet This applet demonstrates how a spectrum is related to the perceived color
Subtractive colors this demo shows how color subtraction works in the world around us. The cyan, magenta, and yellow colors can be 'mixed' to produce any other color, shockwave
Subtractive colors
The basic of color perception and measurement pdf file
Why things have color white light entering from the left is dispersed with a prism, passes through the material and is recombined in the second prism
World of color a color filter demonstration

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Last updated on: 2011-01-02 | Copyright © 2011-2021 Educypedia.