Geometrical optics: java applets and animations:
lenses  |
Aberrations géométriques en Français |
Construction des rayons en Français |
lens Concave lens, How a Concave lens Works |
Concave mirror
Concave mirror |
Converging Lens Converging Lens sumulation |
Converging Lens Converging Lens sumulation |
lens IFMSA weblab in Italy , How a Convex lens Works |
Corrections de la vision |
De concave
lens in Dutch |
De convexe
lens in Dutch |
De dikke
lens in Dutch |
Dioptre sphérique en Français |
Diverging Lens
Diverging Lens simulation |
Diverging Lens
Diverging Lens simulation |
Eye 1
How a eye Works |
Eye 2
How a eye Works |
Focal Length
To find the Focal Length of a Concave Mirror |
Fresnel Lens
Fresnel Lens, How a Fresnel Lens Works |
formation by a converging lens this applet shows: two arrows, a converging
lens, and rays of light being emmitted by the red arrow |
formation by a converging lens |
formation by a diverging lens this applet shows: two arrows, a diverging
lens, and rays of light being emmitted by the red arrow |
Image Formation by a Diverging Mirror This applet shows the basics of a
convex mirror |
Formation by a Diverging Mirror |
Image formed from rays of refraction or total internal reflection
the inverted moving fish (virtual image) is what the observer (fish on the
left) will see underwater |
How a lens Works |
Lens and
mirror rays of light are focused by a convex lens or a concave mirror, or
defocused by a concave lens or a convex mirror. The optical system consisting of
lens and mirror is utilized in various equipments and devices, such as a reader
of compact discs, a corner mirror, and a telescope |
Action: Interactive Java Tutorials virtual image, real image, images,
bi-concave lenses, focal lengths, light beams, bi-convex lenses, convex, concave
lenses, magnification, convergent, divergent, spherical lenses, meniscus,
f-number, beam expansion, refraction, focal points, imaging, medium, variable
lenses |
Combination Concave lens, Convex lens |
shape explores the effect of lens shape on the interaction of a lens with
light. Each side of the "window" is adjustable to produce a concave
or convex surface |
Lens (thick lens) and Mirror
Adjustable thick lens simulation |
convergentes en Français |
divergentes en Français |
Lentilles minces en Français |
Lens within and without a dielectric of higher index |
Lunette astronomique |
demonstrates how a simple bi-convex magnifying lens works to produce a
magnified virtual image on the retina |
How a magnification Works |
A magnifying glass increases the angular separation of the many point sources
that make up an illuminated object |
the microscope greatly uses two lenses, the objective and the
eyepiece |
Microscope |
Miroirs sphériques en Français |
Oeil simplifié en Français |
Oeil en Français |
Oeil en Français |
Optics for beginners eye, lens |
Optical banc
This applet allows users to simulate standard optic elements (lens, mirror,
dielectrics, sources, apertures) and observe the ways that light rays propagate
through these elements,
How a optical banc Works, a tip |
Optique géométrique en Français |
Microscopy |
Optics of the eye |
Ray Diagrams
This Java applet demonstrates how to draw ray diagrams for spherical lenses and
mirrors |
Reproduction Scale of the Pinhole Camera |
Study of
Lens Images Curved Mirror, Plane Mirror |
The Human Eye a simplified model of the eye in which the front of the eye is
a single converging lens |
An astronomical telescope resolves distant sources that cannot be resolved with
the unaided eye. Like the microscope, the telescope does this by increasing the
angular separation of the focused spots on the retina |
Thick Lens |
Thick Lens
thick lens demonstration, thick lens simulation, How a thick lens Works |
Thick Lens
thick lens demonstration, thick lens simulation, How a thick lens Works |
Thick Lens Ray
Trace |
lens How a thin lens Works |
Thin Lens
combinations This java applets let you understand the entire range of
behavior of a single convex lens or image formed by two lens |
Types de lentilles en Français |
microscopes How a microscope Works |
Virtual Optics Bench |
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