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Basic electric circuit theory: general overview 
Basic electrical laws and circuits analysis & circuits theory voltage, vurrent & resistance, direct currents devices, Ohm's law, superposition theorem, kirchhoff laws.htm, Norton & Thevenin theorem, resistors in series & resistors in parallel, Kennelly's Star-Delta & Delta-Star transformations, node voltage method description & circuit analysis sample, mesh current method description & circuit analysis sample, alternating currents circuits, frequency, period, phase angle of sinusoidal waveform, applying AC voltage to capacitor, coil, resistor, AC circuits power
Basic electrical theory Thevenin's theorem, an unbalanced bridge, analyzing circuits with Norton, Millman's theorem, alternating current, average voltage, RMS voltage
Circuit analysis
Circuit Analysis Techniques Circuit Analysis Techniques, Fundamentals (Ohm's Law, KCL, KVL), Nodal Analysis, Loop or Mesh Analysis, Superposition, Source Transformation, Thévenin's and Norton's Theorems
Circuits électriques en Français
Circuits électriques simples pdf file, en Français
Circuit theory voltage, current & resistance, direct currents devices, Ohm's law, superposition theorem, Kirchhoff's current and voltage laws & circuit analysis sample, Norton & Thevenin theorem, Norton & Thevenin equvalents, resistors in series & resistors in parallel, Star-Delta & Delta-Star transformations, node voltage method description & circuit analysis sample, mesh current method description & circuit analysis sample, alternating currents circuits, alternating current (AC), voltage, sinusoidal waveform, frequency, period, phase angle of sinusoidal waveform, phasor (vector) diagram & complex numbers for AC circuits analysis
DC Circuits- Review ppt file
Electric circuits and network theorems Ohm's law, Kirchoff's Laws, Thévenin's theorem, Norton's theorem, Thévenin and Norton equivalence, superposition theorem
Electrical circuit theorems notation, Ohm's law, Kirchoff's Laws, Thévenin's theorem, Norton's theorem, Thévenin and Norton equivalence, superposition theorem, reciprocity theorem, compensation theorem, Millman's theorem, maximum power transfer theorem, star - delta transformation, delta - star transformation
Electrical circuit theorems pdf file
Elements of AC electricity
Lessons in electric circuits covers everything about electricity ( AC - DC ), a tip
Lois fondamentales d'électricité en Français
Maximum Power Transfer
Théorèmes généraux sur les circuits pdf file, en Français
Utilisation de la notation complexe en régime sinusoïdal en Français
Electric circuit theory: topics 
Bridge Circuits What is a Bridge Circuit? Balancing a Bridge, Sensitivity of Bridge Circuit Output Voltage
DC circuits schematic diagrams, Ohm's law, resistors in series, resistors in parallel, resistors in combination, Kirchhoff's current law, Kirchhoff's voltage law, superposition theorem
DC circuits series batteries, parallel batteries, voltage divider, current divider, potentiometer as a voltage divider, potentiometer as a rheostat, precision potentiometer, rheostat range limiting, thermoelectricity, make your own multimeter, sensitive voltage detector, potentiometric voltmeter, 4-wire resistance measurement, potato battery, capacitor charging and dischanging
Kirchhoff en Français
Kirchoff's laws Kirchoff's laws
Kirchoff's current and voltage laws pdf file
Kirchhoff's current law Kirchoff's laws, Review of circuit analysis, Complex circuits, Kirchhoff’s rules, Application of Kirchhoff to circuit analysis
Kirchhoff's current law animated
Kirchhoff's Laws - Loop and Nodal Analysis Kirchhoff’s Voltage and Current Laws, pdf file
Kirchhoff's voltage law Kirchhoff's voltage law
Kirchhoff's voltage law animated
Ladder networks ladder networks
Loop analysis
Loop mesh analysis ppt file
Millman pdf file, en Français
Millman's theorem Millman's Theorem is named after Jacob Millman. Mr. Millman was born in Russia in 1911
Millman's theorem
Millman's theorem
Nodal analysis Nodal analysis
Nodal analysis Nodal analysis, Loop Current Analysis of Electric Circuits, Nodal Voltage Analysis of Electric Circuits
Norton equivalent Norton's theorem for electrical networks states that any collection of voltage sources and resistors with two terminals is electrically equivalent to an ideal current source I in parallel with a single resistor R, ...
Norton equivalents Norton equivalents
Norton Theorem
Norton's theorem any collection of batteries and resistances with two terminals is electrically equivalent to an ideal current source I in parallel with a single resistor R. The value of R is the same as that in the Thevenin equivalent and the current I can be found by dividing the open circuit voltage by R
Norton's Theorem ppt file
Series and parallel circuits
Series and parallel circuits
Superposition superposition
Superposition superposition, ppt file
Superposition pdf file, en Français
Superposition Theorem Linearity and Superposition Theorem
Thermistors and the Wheatstone Bridge By the use of the Wheatstone bridge, a type of null comparator, the temperature versus resistance behavior of a thermistor is plotted
Thevenin Equivalent and Maximum Power Transfer Kirchhoff’s Voltage and Current Laws, pdf file
Thevenin Theorem
Thevenin ppt file
Thévenin and Norton Any two-terminal linear circuit can be replaced with a voltage source in series with a resistance which will produce the same effects at the terminals, ...
Thevevin and Norton networks
Thevenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits Thevenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits, Thevenin-Norton Source Transformation, Thevenin equivalent of a voltage divider with a series resistor, Procedure to find the Norton equivalent circuit
Thevevin and Norton equivalents using a Thevenin equivalent, using a Norton equivalent
Thevenin equivalent any combination of batteries and resistances with two terminals can be replaced by a single voltage source E and a single series resistor R. The value of e is the open circuit voltage at the terminals, and the value of R is E divided by the current with the terminals short circuited
Thevenin Equivalent Circuit ppt file
Thevenin Equivalent Circuits
Thévenin Equivalent Circuits
Thevenin’s Equivalent Circuit Example- The Bridge Circuit
Thevenin's law using Thevenin equivalents to analyze a simple resistive T network, analysising of an unbalanced Wheatstone Bridge
Thévenin's theorem Thévenin's theorem for electrical networks states that any combination of voltage sources and resistors with two terminals is electrically equivalent to a single voltage source V and a single series resistor R, ...
Thevenin's theorem , Using Thevenin equivalents on Wheatstone bridge
Voltage and Current Division Voltage and Current Division, pdf file
Voltage Divider Rule
Voltage Dividers Why Do People Use Voltage Dividers? What Does a Voltage Divider Do? Using a Voltage Divider to Measure Temperature, Using a Voltage Divider to Sense a Light Signal, Practical Voltage Dividers
Y-Δ transform

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