Electronic projects and circuits  |
Transistor Circuits |
Aaron's electronic
circuits light circuits, laser circuits, sound circuits, radio circuits, power supply
circuits, auto circuits, computer circuits, phone circuits |
Bob Blicks
electronic projects servo pulse to PWM converter,
H-bridge, Tektronix THS720 screengrab program, audio preamp, mechanically scanned LED
clock, convert microwave oven to 2.45GHz CW amateur tadio transceiver, 7x10 moving LED sign, PIC chip programmer |
central an library currently containing 285 circuits in 15 categories,
Audio-Related Circuits, Alarm-Related Circuits, Motor-Related Circuits,
InfraRed-Related Circuits, Oscillator-Related Circuits, Computer-Related
Circuits, Telephone-Related Circuits, Home / Car-Related Circuits, Tape
Player-Related Circuits, Power Supply-Related Circuits, Touch / Voice-Related
Circuits, Fun & Games-Related Circuits, Switch / Relay-Related Circuits,
Lighting / LED-Related Circuits, Radio Frequency-Related Circuits |
no printlayout, very little description, modern IC's applications |
Circuits for the
hobbyist alarms circuits, audio circuits, car circuits, computer circuits, design ideas, fun circuits, generator circuits, home and
garden, light circuits, motor circuits, music circuits, oscillator circuits, PC hardware circuits, power supplies, radio circuits, remote control
circuits, robotic circuits, sensor circuits, telephone circuits, test circuits, test and measurement, tutorials,
schematics |
Circuits online
audio, versterkers, VU meter, lichteffecten, 220V knipperlicht, AMV,
modelbouw, treindetectie, meten en testen, voedingen, regelbare 15A voeding,
kristalradio, infra rood microfoon, in Dutch |
Science Centre
The focus of the centre is to stimulate enthusiasm and
experience of science by providing ideas, resources and supervision to enable
students to create experiments for themselves |
CXI schematics
audio circuits, RF, switching, power circuits, PSU, alarm circuits, control
circuits, music circuits |
Dick Cappels' Project Pages
Schematics for free |
DIY electronics projects
a tip!! |
Electric stuff
a tip!! |
Electronic projects
oscilloscope, dso, eprom programmer, function generator, hardware screen blanker, logic analyser, lattice gds programmer |
projects for R/C R/C, radio control, helicopter, gadgets, aircraft,
R/C switch, cycler, chargers, locators, backup, servos, glow driver, navigation lights,
lead - acid battery charger, NiCad voltage monitor for receiver, R/C timer switch adjustable from 20 - 80 seconds,
CMOS timer / oscillator, constant current charger |
projects mostly associated with solar power PIC based solar tracker, 8 bit bit serial I/O, bit serial quad satellite actuator driver |
circuits application garage electricity circuit idea for the car, ultra high accuracy digital clock, ultra high accuracy digital clock, 4 channel
adapter for the oscilloscope, count-down timer, stabilised power unit, dancing lights, supersonic range meter, supersonic alarm, infrared sensor, DC/AC inverter,
supersonic range meter using PIC |
Electronic circuit
beans collection differentiation circuit, integration circuit, 555 timer, 555 oscillator, a-stable multivibrator, AMV, DC/AC inverter, power supply unit,
5V power unit, 30V power supply with +5V, 30V DC-DC converter, switching regulator, electric power controller, thermostat, LCD thermometer, square wave oscillator,
triangular wave oscillator, sawtooth wave oscillator, sine wave oscillator, LED counter, frequency induction switch, digital dial, PLL synthesizing oscillator |
Electronique Réalisations |
Ham radio projects
Antennas, Audio aplications, Frequency meter, digital scale, Generator,
Measuring, Packet radio, Power amplifier, Power source, RF Preampliers,
Synthesizers/VFOs, Transceivers |
homebrew homepages transmitters, receivers, antennas, morse circuits, amplifiers, EPROMS, PSU's, RF converters |
of electronic circuit engineering circuits, PIC
circuits, theory, CPLD |
Hobby Projects to
Build, That Work |
Home and Project Page of Wolfgang Wieser |
Homebrew Military &
Espionage Electronics Schematics for free |
hobby circuits pulse period to voltage converter, charge coupled bi-directional power MOSFET relay, miniature isolated AC/DC power supply, 1 amp currnet injector, solid state relay, micropower C-mos oscillator, a real loud beeper, this circuit delivers about 110db (12 inches away) from a 9v battery using a single inexpensive C-MOS IC,
machine vibration triggers hour meter, low battery voltage flasher, crystal oscillator, 40KHz light receiver, power reminder beeper, 4 line telephone status indicator, 1.5V LED flasher, and much more, a tip |
Laurier Gendron's circuits
power supply, voltage regulators, sound effects, LM386, LDR, timer, 555, ripple,detector, FM receiver, FM transmitter, alarm, TDA7000, dual tracking
supply, capacitance meter, digital capacitance meter, DCM, bridge rectifier, transformer, resistance, inductance
calculator, microphone amplifier, oscillators, digital capacitance meter, DCM, digital frequency counter, computer sound card input, magnetic pre-amp, DC-DC converter,
4001 |
site d'Aurélien : electronique en Français,
zip-files |
Lighthouse Electric - Electronic Circuits Archive, audio, vacuum tube,
electronic, amplifier, kits, power supply, circuit, diagram, hobby, electric,
SMPS, schematic, DIY projects |
Model railroad and
misc. electronics |
Paul's technical projects
MP3, MIDI, 8051, CCDs, audio, filters |
Peter's electronic
projects Schematics for free |
QRP Homebuilder |
Railroad circuits: association des modélistes
ferroviaires de Nice |
Réalisations |
RED circuit design
audio circuits, auto circuits, health circuits, hobby circuits, model circuits, home related circuits, a tip |
Sam electronic circuits
Schematics for free |
Schematics for free
Alarms, Audio, Automotive, Clocks, Computer, Digital, Lights, Marine, Misc, Non
electronic stuff, Power Electronics, Radio, Servicing, Sony, Test equipment,
Video, ..., Schematics for free |
Survival circuits
power supply splitter, HV power supply, voltage to frequency converter, transistor relay driver, filter collection, 2 wire to 4 wire hybrid, AM
transmitter, AM DSB modulator, diode balanced modulator, H-bridge power MOSFETS, PIN photo detector circuit, wet basement sensor, piezo sounder detection
circuit, cold temperature alarm, voltage changer |
circuits frost alarm or cold activated switch, dark activated switch or porch light switch, electronic keypad, light detector circuit, DC push button
motor control circuit, push button switch debouncer, remote doorbell indicator, doorbell with counter, digital combination lock, electronic night
light, sound operated switch, voltage comparator switch, DC motor reversing circuit, water activated relay |
a collection of articles and projects for the experimenter |
Tjaco's design
2 x 40W valve amplifier with active grid biasing, 100W HiFi speakers with transmission line acoustics, electronic
touch switch, manual EEPROM programmer for the XICOR 28C16, 2-stage bug zapper, high power strobe light, IR remote control, HV generator using a TV flyback transformer |
Transistor circuits simple transistor circuits, pdf
file |
World of electronics
electronic projects |
Horizontaal |
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