General overview  |
Amateur radio and audio calculators |
Measure, conversion table and calculators
units of measure,
conversion table, converter, a tip |
Online Calculators Antennas/RF, Inductors, Capacitors, Physics, Chemistry,
Decibels, Helmholtz Resonator, Kinetic Energy, Harmonic Helper, Cyclotron
Frequency, Convolute Paper Tubes |
Pronine Electronics - Calculators Pi Attenuator Calculator, Tee Attenuator
Calculator, Parallel Resistor Calculator, Series Capacitor Calculator, Capacitor
Impedance Calculator, Inductor Impedance Calculator, RC Circuit Calculator, LC
Tuned Circuit Calculator, Voltage dB Calculator, Voltage - Resistance - Power
Calculator, Voltage - Impedance - dBm Power Calculator, Audio Signal Level Units
- Voltage - dBu - dBV Calculator, Resonant Circuit Quality Factor and Bandwidth
Calculator, Butterworth Pi LC Low Pass Filter Calculator, Butterworth Tee LC Low
Pass Filter Calculator, .., a tip |
Radio calculator scientific calculator and universal converter for radio
communication: a tip
Radio formula calculators single layer coil, multi layer coil, heatsink
calculations, attenuators, capacitor, inductor
online mathematical, physics formula editor |
Horizontaal |
Miscellaneous stuff  |
3 Phase Calculator 3 Phase Power Calculator |
Acceptance Angle Calculator Acceptance angle of a fiber |
Calculate Motor Size Calculate Motor Size, Based on the basic formulas
for the physics of motion we can calculate the theoretical energy needs to
move a vehicle |
Coefficients de Fourier
en Français |
Current source calculator
Current source calculator
Decibels calculator
Decibels calculator
DVB-S & DVB-S2 Bitrates Calculator |
Erlangs and bandwidth calculator this calculator can be used to estimate
the bandwidth required to transport a known busy hour traffic figure through
an IP based network |
Erlang calculator, Erlang B Calculator, Erlang C calculator, Lines to IP
Bandwidth Calculator |
Erlang B
Erlang B calculator, can be used to work out how many lines you need for a
trunk group if you know the Busy Hour Traffic which the trunk group is
offered |
Erlang-C Calculator |
Erlang C
Erlang C calculator, is similar to the Erlang B Calculator but takes retries
into account. It can be applied to trunk groups from which no overflow
facilities exist |
Erlang B calculator
Extended Erlang B calculator |
Inductive/capacitive coupling between two parallel microstrips or striplines |
Magnetic Force on a Current-Carrying Wire |
Network calculators |
Network calculators
Subnet Mask Calculator, Network/Node Calculator, IP Address Converter,
Subnet Mask Converter, Subnet Mask Inverter |
Number Base Arithmetic On this page you can do natural number arithmetic
in the binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal, number bases |
PCB trace impedance calculator
calculates the characteristic impedance and per-unit-length parameters of
typical printed circuit board trace geometries |
Power Supply Calculator
Thermaltake Power Supply Calculator. The total PSU Wattage this tool recommends
will give a general idea of the range of continuously available power (not peak
power) at which you should be looking |
Power Supply Calculator
Design of Switch Mode Power Supplies |
the most comprehensive radio station search engine on the internet |
RGB Color
RGB Color Calculator / Web Page Color Choosing Tool / HTML Color Code Generator |
Signal-to-noise calculator for CCD photometry
allows you to calculate the signal-to-noise ratio for a star observed with
a telescope and CCD
Thermal noise calculation calculator Boltzmann constant = 1,3806505×10-23
J/K (joule/kelvin) |
harmonic calculator select the type of waveform you want to analyze by
choosing the "square", "triangle", or "trapezoidal" tab |
Horizontaal |
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