Converters  |
Barcode checksum Freeware software that permits to calculate the checksum
number of several barcodes types : EAN13 ,EAN8 , SSCC ,UPC-A ,EAN14 , ISBN |
Bar code
generation Bar code generation |
Bar code
generation |
Barcode server generating a bar
code |
Bar Code Software
Free Barcode Software for Mac and Window |
Barcode: Free bar code
generation Free bar code generation |
Barcode Generator
Generating EAN-13, UPC-A, JAN-13, ISBN, Code 39, Code 128, Codabar, and Code 25 |
Barcode: PHP-Barcode php-barcode can create Image (png, jpg, gif)-, HTML-
and Text-Barcodes |
Barcode: XSL barcode
generator UPC/EAN, Code 3 of 9, Code 2 of 5 (i), Code 128, Codabar, AU Post |
Base converter
convert numbers from one base to another. This base converter supports
conversion between bases 2 through 36 |
Base converter
number base converter |
Base converter
number base converter |
Base Conversion
Calculator allows you to convert a same number between its
representations under different number systems, converts non-integer
values & negative bases too, scroll down,
a tip |
Base converter of
floating numbers Base converter of floating numbers |
Binary to
decimal converter Binary to decimal converter |
Conversion between dBm - dBW - W and dBuV - dBV -
V power levels, amplitude levels
Conversion between U and dBm, dBf, dBW, dBuV, dBV |
Conversion of sound units
sound level SPL --> sound pressure p and sound intensity I; sound pressure --> sound level, sound intensity --> sound level |
dBm, dBW, dBV, dBmV, ... calculator |
dBm /
dBu / dBV / VRMS calculator Interactive Design Tools: Utilities : VRMS /
dBm / dBu / dBV calculator, A utility to convert between standard units of
power measurement and signal strength |
dB/Watts/ERP/EIRP calculator
dB level
conversion |
Decibel conversion
conversion calculator
converts various values referenced to/from decibels
to binary converter |
Morse code
Text to morse converter, Morse to text converter |
Morse code
Text to morse converter, Morse to text converter, Simple Morse Internet
Encoder, A simple 2-way Morse Code encoder for Morse Code practice over the
Internet. |
Morse Code Converter
Text To Morse Code translator, Morse Code To Text translator |
code - text converter
Translate text to Morse Code |
Morse code translator
Online Text to Morse code converter (generates MIDI file) |
Morse Code Translator
This program will convert Text into Morse Code and Morse Code to Text |
Morse Code translator |
Morse code
translator |
Morse Code Translator
Text to Morse Code MP3 conversion |
Number Base
Calculator This calculator is concerned only with changing numbers into
different bases and no attempt is made to explain what these numbers are and
how they work |
Horizontaal |
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