Educypedia, the educational encyclopedia

 The educational encyclopedia
Audio - acoustics
Audio - electronics
Audio - loudspeakers
Component - sensors
Digital - electronics
Digital - I2C - I2S
Digital - Programming
Electricity High Voltage
Electricity - machines
Electricity - theory
General overview
Power control systems
Power electronics
RF - antennas
RF - antenna - WLAN
RF - communication
RF - radio - tuning
Utilities - tools
Animations & applets
Application notes
Databank - tables
Software - electronics
Local sitemap


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Barcode checksum Freeware software that permits to calculate the checksum number of several barcodes types : EAN13 ,EAN8 , SSCC ,UPC-A ,EAN14 , ISBN
Bar code generation Bar code generation
Bar code generation
Barcode server generating a bar code
Bar Code Software Free Barcode Software for Mac and Window
Barcode: Free bar code generation Free bar code generation
Barcode Generator Generating EAN-13, UPC-A, JAN-13, ISBN, Code 39, Code 128, Codabar, and Code 25
Barcode: PHP-Barcode php-barcode can create Image (png, jpg, gif)-, HTML- and Text-Barcodes
Barcode: XSL barcode generator UPC/EAN, Code 3 of 9, Code 2 of 5 (i), Code 128, Codabar, AU Post
Base converter convert numbers from one base to another. This base converter supports conversion between bases 2 through 36
Base converter number base converter
Base converter number base converter
Base Conversion Calculator allows you to convert a same number between its representations under different number systems, converts non-integer values & negative bases too, scroll down, a tip
Base converter of floating numbers Base converter of floating numbers
Binary to decimal converter Binary to decimal converter
Conversion between dBm - dBW - W and dBuV - dBV - V power levels, amplitude levels
Conversion between U and dBm, dBf, dBW, dBuV, dBV
Conversion of sound units sound level SPL --> sound pressure p and sound intensity I; sound pressure  --> sound level, sound intensity --> sound level
dBm, dBW, dBV, dBmV, ... calculator
dBm / dBu / dBV / VRMS calculator Interactive Design Tools: Utilities : VRMS / dBm / dBu / dBV calculator, A utility to convert between standard units of power measurement and signal strength
dB/Watts/ERP/EIRP calculator
dB level conversion
Decibel conversion Decibel conversion
Decibel conversion calculator converts various values referenced to/from decibels
Decimal to binary converter
Morse code Text to morse converter, Morse to text converter
Morse code Text to morse converter, Morse to text converter, Simple Morse Internet Encoder, A simple 2-way Morse Code encoder for Morse Code practice over the Internet.
Morse Code Converter Text To Morse Code translator, Morse Code To Text translator
Morse code - text converter Translate text to Morse Code
Morse code translator Online Text to Morse code converter (generates MIDI file)
Morse Code Translator This program will convert Text into Morse Code and Morse Code to Text
Morse Code translator
Morse code translator
Morse Code Translator Text to Morse Code MP3 conversion
Number Base Calculator This calculator is concerned only with changing numbers into different bases and no attempt is made to explain what these numbers are and how they work

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Last updated on: 2011-01-02 | Copyright © 2011-2021 Educypedia.