Radio Frequency calculators  |
3-Pole Butterworth
Characteristic Bandpass Filter Calculator 3-Pole Butterworth
Characteristic Bandpass Filter Calculator |
Single-Layer Coil Air Core Coil Design |
Bessel function
calculator |
Bessel Function Calculator |
Calculation radio wave propagation for Wireless LAN (WLAN)
radio wave propagation for Wireless LAN (WLAN) |
between dBm - dBW - W and dBuV - dBV - V |
Voltage V to dBu, dBV, and dBm |
between field strength and received power conversions between electric
field strength (E), magnetic field strength (H) and power density (S). |
Conversion Calculator Converts various values referenced to/from
decibels |
Decibel Conversion Calculator
Decibel Conversion Calculator |
Antenna Gain calculator, Voltage Gain calculator, Decibels
calculator, dbW calculator, |
Electro magnetic waves EMG collection of java applets about
electromagnetic waves,
a tip |
strengths, equivalent area and received
power conversions between electric field strength (E), magnetic field
strength (H) and power density (S). Conversions between frequency (f),
wavelength and equivalent antenna area (Ae) |
Fresnel Zone Fresnel Clearance Zone |
Fresnel zone
Fresnel Zone Boundary Calculator,
Calculates the gain, focal point, and radiation distances for parabolic
dishes |
Gray line map program |
Isotropic losses of
free space radiation Isotropic losses of free-space radiation
calculator |
Matching T Attenuator Calculator
Calculates the resistor values,
attenuation, minimum attenuation, impedance, reflection coefficient, VSWR
and return loss of an impedance matching T attenuator |
Microwave Impedance Calculator this applet allows the user, for a given
impedance (or vice versa) to calculate transmission line losses and
temperature rise, obtain line widths calculations for stripline and
microstrip circuits |
PI network calculator |
Pi Network Designer
Enter source impedance Ohms, Enter load impedance Ohms, Enter desired Q,
Enter the operating frequency |
Pi & Tee
Network Resistive Attenuation Calculator “PI” and “T” Network
Attenuators (also known as PAD attenuators) are simple networks to attenuate
an RF signal with or without altering the impedance |
Pi & Tee Network
Resistive Attenuation Calculator
Pi & Tee
Network Resistive Attenuation Calculator |
PLL software
PLL Loop Filter Design Program |
adaptateur d’impédance en Français |
Quarter Wave Line Matching Transformer
This page allows you to calculate the impedance required for a 1/4 wave
(electrical) section of line. To calculate the electrical length of the line
you need to multiply the velocity factor of the line (available from the
supplier of the line) by the free space length of 1/4 wave |
Radiated Power
Calculator ERP, EIRP & dBuV/m |
RF Calculator
Radio and RF units conversion/JavaScript application,
Conversion calculator from Watt to dBm and from dBm to Watt, ...,
a tip |
RF calculator
V/m, A/m, dBm & mw/cm2 |
RF Calculators |
RF Pi Network Designer
C, L, C |
Smith chart
display a sequence of normalized impedance, admittance or reflection
coefficient in a circle of unity radius commonly known as a Smith Chart,
Smith Chart for Viewing User Supplied Impedance / Admittance / Reflection
Coefficient Data |
Smith chart |
Distance & Bearing Calculator
Calculates the distance and bearing between two geographic points |
Terrestrial Distance &
Bearing Calculator Calculates the distance and bearing between two
geographic points,
Terrestrial Distance & Bearing Calculator |
Tuned RLC Circuit
calculator Tuned RLC Circuit calculator, Two variables are required
(besides coil resistance) for each calculation. If two variables are set
without resistance, resistance is taken as zero. If resistance is zero, the
answers are for both series and parallel circuits. If resistance is not
zero, the answers given are for a parallel circuit |
Voltage to Power Conversion Calculator Voltage to Power Conversion Calculator,
Converts power into another form for a given impedance and waveform |
VRMS / dBm / dBu / dBV calculator A utility to convert between standard
units of power measurement and signal strength |
This calculator is designed to model the common configuration
where a transmitter which is designed for a particular load impedance, is
connected to a an antenna of that impedance, over transmission line of the
same characteristic impedance |
calculator |
return loss - reflection coefficient conversions between VSWR - return
loss - reflection coefficient |
Horizontaal |
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