Audio  |
Sound studio and
audio calculations- online - acoustics conversion engine,
a tip |
impedance calculate the acoustic impedance for any material, so long
as you know its density (p) and acoustic velocity (V) |
Aktive audio
filter online aktive audio filter calculator |
Active Filter
Calculator - Bandpass with OpAmp Designer |
Active filter
designer filters with opamps |
online calculations transistor circuits calculator |
Bandpass Filter
Calculator 4 Pole Bandpass Active Filter, 6 Pole Bandpass Active Filter |
Cable Calculator |
Conversion of sound units
sound level SPL --> sound pressure p and sound intensity I; sound pressure --> sound level, sound intensity --> sound level |
voltage V to dBu, dBV, and dBm |
voltage V to dBu, dBV, and dBm A utility to convert between standard
units of power measurement and signal strength, This calculator
interconverts between dBm, dBu, dBV, VPEAK and VRMS |
Crossover Network
Design Formulas & Calculator This calculator will design a two-way
first-order Butterworth crossover network for you |
Crossover enclosure calculators formulas |
dBm to
Watt Conversion Calculator |
dbm voltage impedance calculator
dbm voltage impedance calculator |
Decibel calculation sound intensity in decibels above the standard
threshold of hearing |
Decibels and distance calculator this calculation will give you the amount of attenuation, in decibels, you can expect with a
change in receiver distance, in a free field |
Design and dimensioning of active filters
active low-pass filter design and dimensioning, active high-pass filter
design and dimensioning |
FIR filter design applet |
Frequency response
calculation of microphone cables |
resonance calculator Helmholtz resonance calculator |
Loudness calculator (Stevens Method) to calculate loudness in sones &
phons from octave band measurements |
L Pad Calculator |
Sound Pressure Level (SPL) loudness contour |
sensitivity conversion International standards have established 1 Pascal
(Pa) as 94 dBSPL. This reference point is now accepted for specifying the
sensitivity of microphones |
Ohm's law of
the acoustics |
Perceptual Audio Demonstration an audio demonstration of decibels. A sound card is required to
play the tones, Perceptual Audio Demonstrations |
Quickie 2kHz reverb time
calculator this quickie reverb time calculator can give you a fast indication of how much trouble you may be in with your current
room design |
curve designer audio pre amplifier design, Magnetic Pickup Equalization |
Room mode calculator This JavaScript calculator will determine the
Axial, Tangential and Oblique room modes of regular rectangular shaped rooms
with uniform wall construction |
Sallen-Key Active Low Pass Filter
Calculator |
Sallen-Key low pass Butterworth filter calculator
Sallen-Key low pass Butterworth filter calculator |
of sound calculator speed of sound calculator, Speed of sound, density
of air, acoustic impedance vs. temperature |
of sound calculator speed of sound calculator, Speed of Sound in Air |
of sound calculator speed of sound calculator |
Speed of
sound in humid air Calculation: speed of sound in humid air, Air Density
Calculations |
Speed of
sound in humid air The calculator presented here computes the
zero-frequency speed of sound in humid air according to Cramer , with
saturation vapour pressure taken from Davis, Metrologia, 29, p67, 1992, and
a mole fraction of carbon dioxide of 0.0004 |
Tube Audio Amplifier Design |
WaveGen will read a text file and convert into a Morse Code |
Wavelength of sound
calculator the wavelength of any airborne audio frequency in inches, feet and metres, based on the speed of sound at sea level, and at 20 degrees
Celsius |
Horizontaal |
Audio: Loudspeaker tools and calculators  |
speaker design calculators Driver Parameters, Sealed Enclosures, Vented
Enclosures, 2 way Crossover, 3 way Crossover |
Interactive speaker designer |
filters calculators |
calculators loudspeaker calculators, design a first order 3 way APC
crossover, types of crossovers 1st-6th order, calculate box volumes and port
sizes, Designing a Parallel Notch Filter, Designing a Series Notch Filter |
crossover calculators loudspeaker crossover calculators |
Loudspeaker tools and calculators crossover calculator, 2-way crossover multiple way
crossover, calculator Frequency Response, room Helmholtz resonator, room
resonances, ... |
loudspeaker parameters Measuring Speaker T-S Parameters |
crossover basics 4 different crossover configurations |
crossover filters A passive crossover has no active filters as were used
in the electronic crossover. It uses coils and capacitors to cause a rolloff
of the audio level |
Speaker design calculator
online speaker design calculator |
calculator will compute the predicted maximum sound pressure level (loudness) at the listening position |
Horizontaal |
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