Semiconductors calculators  |
LED series/parallel array wizard
The LED series/parallel array wizard is a calculator that will help you
design large arrays of LEDs. |
LED series resistor calculator
Current limiting resistor calculator for Led's |
LED series resistor calculator
These calculators work out the values for an LED current limiting resistor |
LED calculator:
current limiting resistor value DO NOT use LEDS without a current
limiting resistor in series with the LED. The forward voltage rating is
TYPICAL and can vary from part to part, so while some LEDS may work fine
just connected to a battery of the proper voltage, others will be overdriven
and be destroyed |
LED candela (millicandela) to
lumen conversion wizard compare the light output of LEDs with different
beam angles |
Horizontaal |
Semiconductors  |
Amplifier designer
one-transistor preamplifier |
online calculations amplifier circuits with transistors |
step down converter calculator Buck step down converter calculator |
transistor calculations and demonstration |
transistor amplifier calculation Bipolair transistor amplifier
calculation |
Buck (Step-Down) Converter Calculation |
Design of Switch
Mode Power Supplies, SMPS calculates the relevant currents and voltages for
various switch mode power supplies and display these graphically.
Furthermore the programs give suggestions for appropriate choking coils and high
frequency transformers |
IGBT inverter design calculator allows the user to calculate the total
semiconductor losses for an IGBT based Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) along
with the required heat sinking. The applet calculates the conduction and
switching losses of the main IGBTs and their antiparallel diodes |
amplifier design J-FET Amplifier calculation |
LED Runtime Calculator program |
series resistor calculator
calculate values for LED current limiting series resistors |
calculator applet
calculates various parameters of the metal-oxide-semiconductor structure |
transistor amplifier design calculation |
NPN transistor
biasing NPN transistor
biasing |
Opamp calculation opamp calculators |
Power supply design tool
online design of your power supplies |
PN Junction
Property Calculator |
Résistance de diode
Zener en Français |
as amplifier calculation |
Preamplifier Calculator hFE = 200 |
Zener diode calculator zener diode
calculator, Zener voltage regulator Calculator, zenerdiode calculator |
Diodes Zener Diode Selector, Maximum Input Voltage (Volts), Minimum
Input Voltage (Volts), Required Output Voltage (Volts), Maximum Load Current
(mA) |
voltage regulator calculator
enter: input (Volts), zener (Volts), load (mA)
Horizontaal |
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