Digital calculators  |
16-QAM Demodulator Tool |
calculators monostable timeout calculator and astable square wave
calculator |
calculators monostable timeout and astable square wave calculator, 555
timer |
555 calculator
555 calculator |
555 calculator
555 calculator, This calculator helps design an astable multivibrator from a
standard 555 timer IC |
555 calculator
monostable timeout calculator |
555 calculator
monostable timeout calculator, This calculator helps design monostable
one-shot from a standard 555 timer IC |
Base Conversion
Calculator allows you to convert a same number between its
representations under different number systems, converts non-integer
values & negative bases too, scroll down,
a tip |
Base converter
this simple tool allows you to convert a same number between its
representations under different number systems, Fractions, a tip |
Base converter
This is a Java-Applet to convert between the decimal representation of
numbers (like "1.02") and the binary format used by all modern CPUs |
Calculator Applet |
Block error correcting codes
exercises onn coding theory, in particular Hamming codes |
Computer storage
conversion Bit and Byte Conversion, Common Computer Conversions |
CRC 8 calculator The
following Java™ 1.1 applet calculates the CRC-8 code, C(x) = x8 + x2 + x + 1,
polynomial |
CRC calculator
CRC calculator |
CRC calculation Cyclic redundancy check calculation |
Cyclic and
CRC Codes |
Decimal-Hex-Binary Conversion |
Digital calculators
stolen page |
Gray code
calculator a Java applet which converts an input number given in binary,
octal, decimal or hex standard representation into its Gray Code value or
performs the inverse transformation |
Gray Code Converter
Applet The gray code number system has the property that each number i's
successor and predecessor numbers differ from i in just one bit |
Hamming code tool
Hamming 7-4 Code |
Hamming code tool
this online tool generates sets of codeword having certain properties. Given a
received codeword, the word can be submitted for error detection or correction
in comparison to the generated set of valid codewords,
Error Correction and the
Hamming Code |
Hammingcode |
code Adaptive Huffman Compression |
code Binary Huffman Coding demonstration |
code |
code |
code "Huffman Coding" demonstrates the Huffman algorithm to find an
optimal representation for a finite set of data (characters). The "optimal"
representation is the one that consumes least space for storage, ... |
Encoding |
to etc.. calculator |
Karnaughmap calculator |
map Karnaugh-Veitch-Diagramm |
Karnaugh map minimizer
graphical way to minimize boolean functions |
Karnaugh Map
Minimizer Input a 4-term truth table |
Karnaugh Map
Minimizer |
minimizer trial version only supports 4 variables |
Karnaugh-Veitch-Diagramm |
Karnaugh Veith map |
Lossless Data
Compression The main objective of this page is to introduce two
important lossless compression algorithms: Huffman Coding and Lempel-Ziv
Coding |
astable 555, en Français |
base converter
convert numbers from one base to another. This base converter supports
conversion between bases 2 through 36 |
Logic Controller software on this evaluation applet you can open the
Ladder +Basic sample programs for SIMULATION and EDITING, free downloading
of DOS version of TRiLOGI: version 4.1 (evaluation, 420K)
Quine McCluskey Minimization |
HCT generator calculator
using 74HCT04
Thruth table calculator |
Horizontaal |
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