GPS  |
Differential GPS
This article covers the use of differential corrections on GPS receivers,
Beacon Receivers, WAAS/EGNOS (WADGPS), receivers, Internet based
corrections, LAAS |
Differential GPS
Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) is an enhancement to Global
Positioning System that uses a network of fixed ground based reference
stations to broadcast the difference between the positions indicated by the
satellite systems and the known fixed positions, ... |
Differential Global Positioning System, Differential GPS Explained,
Differential correction techniques are used to enhance the quality of
location data gathered using global positioning system (GPS) receivers |
Geographic information system |
Positioning System GPS Global Positioning System,
overview, datastreams, swf file |
Positioning System GPS Global Positioning System |
Positioning System GPS, which stands for Global Positioning System, is
the only system today able to show you your exact position on the Earth anytime, in any weather, anywhere |
Positioning System GPS |
Positioning System Description - How it Works
The satellite's position is determined by high resolution radar
observations, then precision orbital parameters are determined to prepare
accurate ephemerii. Many small perturbations must be included in the
preparation of the ephemerii.
The distance from the satellite is determined by the time it takes for a
radio wave to reach the site from the satellite |
positioning system overview GPS provides specially coded satellite
signals that can be processed in a GPS receiver, enabling the receiver to
compute position, velocity and time |
GPS Animation
Global Positioning System (GPS) |
GPS Animation
How GPS Works |
GPS Animation |
GPS Constellation,
the Global Positioning System is a constellation of 24 satellites operated by
the U.S. Department of Defense, which are transmitting radio signals.
There are 21 navigational satellites and 3 active spares in orbit |
het NAVSTAR/GPS systeem (Navigation by Satellite Timing And Ranging/Global
Positioning System) werd in de jaren '70 ontworpen door het U.S. Department of
Defence (DoD) en het Defence Mapping Agency (DMA). De eerste satelliet werd
gelanceerd in 1978, pdf file, in Dutch |
GPS and precision timing applications
GPS Structure, Control and Operation,
The Theory of GPS Operation, GPS Nonmilitary User Concerns, GPS Synchronization
Products and Applications, GPS Glossary, pdf file |
GPS Active Patch Antenna pdf file |
GPS Antenna
GPS Patch Antenna. The purpose of this application note is to give the reader an
understanding of the basic properties of patch antennas in relation to GPS
reception and help in defining the right patch antenna for his or her
application, pdf file |
GPS Block Diagram GPS Block Diagram |
GPS project in Dutch |
GPS in Dutch |
Consideration for Automotive Applications GPS Consideration for Automotive
Applications, pdf file |
data receiver describes the construction of a Global Positioning System
(GPS) single channel data receiver using the L1 carrier |
GPS Global Positionning System
d'un sytème de positionnement par satellites capables de donner n'importe ou sur
le globe une position a une cinquantaine de mètre prés, en
Français |
GPS guide GPS: how it works, what is GPS, pdf file |
how it works
GPS satellites circle the earth twice a day in a very precise
orbit and transmit signal information to earth. GPS receivers take this
information and use triangulation to calculate the user's exact location |
how it works |
how it works
Principles of GPS positioning, GPS signal and observables, Errors and
corrections, Processing GPS data, GPS measurement strategies, Precision and
accuracy, pdf file |
GPS: Personal
Navigation Device |
GPS, which stands for Global Positioning System, is the only system
today able to show you your exact position on the Earth anytime, in any
weather, anywhere, pdf file |
GPS Receivers
what are GPS Receivers |
GPS resource library
this is a page of links containing information about the Global Positioning
System (GPS) and handheld GPS units |
satellite modulation technique Each GPS satellite transmits a unique
navigational signal centred on two L-band frequencies of the electromagnetic
spectrum: L1 at 1575.42MHz and L2 at 1227.60MHz. At these microwave
frequencies the signals are highly directional and hence are easily blocked, as
well as reflected, by solid objects and water surfaces |
GPS Signal
Structure ppt file |
system overview GPS (Global Positioning System) is a satellite navigation system,
funded by and controlled by the U. S. Department of Defense |
time series
the Global Positioning System (GPS) is a constellation of 24
satellites which is used for navigation and precise geodetic position
measurements. Daily position estimates are determined from satellite signals
which are recorded by GPS receivers on the ground |
tutorial |
How GPS works. GPS is a complex technology but understanding it can be quite
easy if you take it one step at a time. This tutorial is designed to give you a
good basic understanding of the principles behind GPS without loading you down
with too much technical detail |
tutorial GPS receiver |
tutorial DGPS, a worldwide radio-navigation system formed from a
constellation of 24 satellites and their ground stations |
L1 C/A and L2C
Specification pdf file |
L1C Specification pdf file |
Positioning Technology
GSM location positioning uses the internet, Location
Based Services, LBS |
NASA's list of GPS
applications an online information source on the diverse uses of GPS
technology all over the world |
Navigating at the Speed of Satellites Show the advantages and disadvantages
of using a GPS unit, Describes how using a GPS can determine our location,
Describes the effects of the atmosphere on GPS. GPS is based on satellite
ranging, pdf file |
Signal arrival time measurement
GPS Signal arrival time
measurement |
Spread Spectrum, CDMA
and GPS |
of satellites and spacecraft |
Transmitted GPS Signals
GPS explained- Transmitted GPS Signals |
Horizontaal |
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