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Horizontaal |
types overview  |
AM antenna
indoor AM antennas, outdoor AM antennas |
Amateur radio
Antenna Modeling Software Notes, Practical Antenna Notes: Lower HF (Mainly)
Vertical Antennas, Lower HF (Mainly) Horizontal Antennas, Upper HF (Mainly):
Yagis and Relatives, VHF/UHF, Yagis for 420-450 MHz, Transmission Lines,
Impedance Coupling, and Construction, |
Antenna Construction pdf file,
50 Mbyte |
Antenna design curves Dipoles in front of a Reflector Plane, Cavity Backed
Dipole Antenna, Yagi Antenna, Disk Yagi Antenna, Patch Driven Yagi Antenna, Log
Periodic Dipole Array, Dual Band LPDA, Loaded Broadband Skeletal Antenna,
Inverted F Antenna, Helical Antenna |
Antenna pictures
fed dish satellite antenna, cassegrain antenna, marconi
antenna, zagi-antenna, waveguide-horns, crossed-field-antenna, helix antenna,
yagi antenna, ideband UHF antenna, broadband UHF TV antenna, polyrod antenna,
mobile phone mast |
Antennas for low power applications pdf file |
Antenna typesEducypedia, The educational encyclopedia |
Antenna types
Antenna materials and fabrication methods, Antenna efficiency, Antenna Gain,
Focal Length to Diameter ratio, Antenna beamwidth and sidelobe performance,
Pointing accuracy |
Antenna types
isotropic radiator, directional antenna, omnidirectional antenna, Antenna Gain,
antenna directivity, relative antenna gain, Antenna Bandwidth, Antenna
Polarization, Input Impedance, Antenna Types, Whip (vertical) antenna, dipole
antenna, Yagi-Uda antenna, Helical antenna, Helical Antenna Construction |
Antenna types pdf file |
Antenna types
and antenna patterns pdf file |
Antennas ppt file |
Antennas pdf file |
Les antennes pour très hautes fréquences, en Français |
en Français |
Antennas Yagi antenna, magnetic loopantenna for VHF, ground plane antenna |
EMC Antenna Fundamentals, Antenna Pattern and Beamwidth, Loop and Magnetic Field
Coil, Rod or Monopole Antennas, Dipole Antennas, Biconical Antennas, Calculable
Biconical Antenna, Log Periodic Dipole Arrays, Bicon/Log Hybrid, Conical
Log-Spiral Antenna, Broadband Ridged Waveguide Horn |
Antennas for
low power applications
Basic Full-size Whip, Printed Open Stub, Radiation
Pattern of Open Stub Antenna, Short Whip, Loaded Whip Antenna, Short PCB Stub,
Spiral Antenna, Helical (Coil) Antenna, “Chip” Antenna, Loop Antenna, Folded
Dipole Antenna, Half Open Slot Antenna, pdf file |
selection tips |
Common TV antenna types
radiation diagram for a 9-element Yagi antenna |
Common TV
and FM antenna Types Common TV and
FM antenna Types |
TV & STL antennas |
Microwave antennas
microwave antennas, pdf file |
Microwave antennas
microwave antennas |
ON6MU's Radioamateur
Homebrew Electronics radioamateur schematics, electronics, modem, hamradio,
transceiver, antennas, transmitter, amplifier, transistor, receiver, home-brew
diagrams, 50 mhz converter |
patternsEducypedia, The educational encyclopedia |
Radio frequency antenna types |
TV and FM antennas
anything that conducts electricity is an antenna, (usually a wire, but it could be your body) but the basic unit from which we build antennas is a wire, 1/2
wave length long having a connection in the middle to equipment. Called a dipole, it is an efficient radiator of alternating current electrical energy and
is a standard of reference for other antennas |
Types of
halfwave dipole, single dipole, Yagi antenna, feed horn, ferrite
rod antenna |
amateur radio website |
VHF/UHF antenna
design pdf file |
Horizontaal |
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