Bridges - animations  |
Balancing the
Wheatstone Bridge
An understanding of how values of unknown resistances can
be discovered using a variable resistance and a Wheatstone Bridge |
Bridge amplifier
bridge amplifier measurement, In the
(normal) case of a large open-loop gain of the opamp (typically >100 dB) the
feedback mechanism will force the opamp input voltage difference to be virtually
zero. In this limit the amplification factor of the circuit will be determined
solely by the resistance values |
Maxwell-Wien bridge unlike this straight Wien bridge, the balance of the
Maxwell-Wien bridge is independent of source freq |
Pont de Maxwell
en Français |
Pont de Maxwell
en Français |
Pont de Sauty
en Français, le pont de Sauty est
constitué de deux résistances, de deux condensateurs, d'un générateur de tension
sinusoïdale et d'un détecteur ayant une grande impédance d'entrée, Sauty bridge |
Pont de Wheatstone
en Français |
Pont de Wheatstone
en Français |
Pont de Wheatstone
en Français |
bridge the Wheatstone bridge is used to determine an unknown resistance by
adjusting a known resistance so that the measured current is zero |
Wheatstone Bridge |
Wheatstone bridge |
Horizontaal |
Measurement  |
Alimentation réglable en tension et courant
en Français |
meter in order to use a DC-style meter movement, such as the D'Arsonval
design pictured in the applet below, the alternating current must be "rectified"
into DC |
Balayage télévision
en Français |
Capacitance displacement sensor |
this tutorial demonstrates how the electrons create ionizing effects
from residual gas, which results in the visibility of cathode rays |
Drehspulinstrument |
Dreheiseninstrument |
Electroscope Bringing A Charge Near An Electroscope |
Galvanómetro |
Galvanómetro balístico |
Hitzdrahtstrommesser |
Kathodenstrahlröhre in German |
Mass spectrometry |
Mesures de puissance
en Français |
Multimeter |
Multimeter |
Multimeter |
Multimeter |
Shunts and
multipliers |
Stroboscope |
en Français |
en Français |
Thermomètre à
en Français |
Thermomètre à résistance
de platine
en Français |
Superheterodyne spectrum analyzer
a spectrum analyzer
is an extremely useful measurement tool that can show, in the frequency domain,
information not readily recognizable with a time domain instrument such as an
oscilloscope. For example, the frequency content of a signal (e.g. a fundamental
sinusoid and one or more harmonic components) is readily identified with a
spectrum analyzer |
Spectrum analyzer: Oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer
Oscilloscope and
spectrum analyzer measurement |
Spectrum analyzer
showing signals in the time domain and frequency spectrum |
Spectrum analyzer
modulation on a spectrum analyser and oscilloscope |
Spectrum analyzer simulator
Spectrum analyzer simulator, This
real-time simulation of a spectrum analyzer with sample signals gives the
student hands-on practice with the instrument |
analyzer Spectrum analyzer and QPSK,
Multi-carrier amplifier distortion |
Horizontaal |
Oscilloscopes - animations  |
Aimant tournant devant une bobine |
Cathode Ray Tube
This applet traces the path of an electron through the steering plates of a
cathode ray tube. The path of the electron and the image on the display are both
shown. The final deflection of the electron from the axis is calculated and
given |
Cathode Ray Tube
Cathode Ray Tube applet, How a Cathode Ray Tube works |
Courbes de Lissajous |
Courbes de Lissajous |
Demonstration of aliasing of a sinusoidal signal
The applet demonstrates graphically how an undersampled sinusoidal signal
appears as though it has a lower "alias" frequency |
Elektronenstrahl- Oszilloskop |
Lissajous figures
What are Lissajous figures, Lissajous applet, Lissajous figures were used to
determine the frequencies of sounds or radio signals. A signal of known
frequency was applied to the horizontal axis of an oscilloscope, and the signal
to be measured was applied to the vertical axis. The resulting pattern was a
function of the ratio of the two frequencies |
Lissajous figures
What are Lissajous figures |
Lissajous figures
What are Lissajous figures |
Lissajous figures
two oscillations one along the x axis and the other along the y axis when
added result in a two dimensional motion. The path traced is known as
Lissajous figures |
en Français |
Lissajous figures
Lissajous figures were discovered by the French physicist Jules Antoine Lissajous. He would use sounds of different
frequencies to vibrate a mirror |
Lissajous figures
Sinusoidal voltages are applied to the horizontal and vertical deflection plates |
Lissajous figures
two oscillations one along the x axis and the other along the y axis when added
result in a two dimensional motion. The path traced is known as Lissajous
figures |
Mesure de déphasage
en Français |
Mesure de fréquences
en Français |
Modes de balayage
mode alterné, mode choppé,
en Français |
Osciloscoop simulatie |
Oscilloscope |
Oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer
Oscilloscope and
spectrum analyzer measurement |
Oscilloscope |
How an Oscilloscope works |
Oscilloscope, How an
Oscilloscope works |
Oscilloscope How an
Oscilloscope works |
shows the basic functions of an oscilloscope. The oscilloscope is an
electronic instrument widely used in making electrical measurements |
shows the basic functions of an oscilloscope |
shows the basic functions of an oscilloscope. The oscilloscope is an
electronic instrument widely used in making electrical measurements |
Oscilloscope measurements Oscilloscope measurements, with sound |
en Français |
en Français |
Oscilloscope simulation
Oscilloscope simulation, to visualize the concepts of "amplitude" and
"frequency" |
How an
Oscilloscope works, Educypedia |
Principe de l'oscilloscope
synchronisation, mode choppé, mode alterné, courbes de Lissajous,
en Français |
Principe de fonctionnement d'un oscilloscope
en Français,
Utilisation d'un GDS - Exercice sur les réglages,
Utilisation d'un GDS - valeurs moyenne et efficace,
Synchronisation |
RC time constants
Using the Oscilloscope to Measure the Time Constant |
en Français |
Utilisation de
l'oscilloscope |
Virtual oscilloscope1
en Français |
Virtual oscilloscope
en Français |
Virtual oscilloscope
en Français |
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