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Electromagnetic waves 
3D wave physlet linear wave, linear wave with polarizer, circular wave, linear E&M wave, Gaussian
Circular polarisation flash
Circular polarisation Circular polarisation of an electromagnetic wave, swf file
Electric and magnetic fields of an oscillating charge Electric and magnetic fields of an oscillating charge
Electromagnetic wave linear wave, linear wave with polarizer, circular wave, circular wave with polarizer, linear electromagnetic wave, Gaussian, beats
Electromagnetic wave this animation shows an electromagnetic wave, namely a plane polarized wave, which propagates in positive x direction
Electromagnetic waves Electromagnetic waves, swf file
Electromagnetic waves electromagnetic fields, wave propagation in uniform media, polarization, oblique incidence on a dielectric interface, symmetric dielectric waveguide
Electromagnetic waves an oscillating electric dipole, an electromagnetic wave moves or propagates in a direction that is at right angles to the vibrations of both the electric and magnetic oscillating field vectors, carrying energy from its radiation source to undetermined final destination
Electromagnetic waves polarization of Electromagnetic waves
Electromagnetic waves and circular dichroism: an animated tutorial plane-polarized waves, superposition of plane-polarized waves, circularly polarized waves, superposition of circularly polarized waves
Electromagnetism Electromagnetism
EM wave movies Polarization, Waves in Media, Reflection, Parallel-Plate, Dielectric-Slab, Transmission Line, Normal Modes, Transients, Hertzian Dipole, Two-Dipole Array, Four-Dipole Array
Generating A Plane Electromagnetic Wave This applet presents the electric and magnetic fields of a moving sheet of positive charge
Interactive animations of electromagnetic waves
longitudinale golf in Dutch
Polarized Wave The following applet show the E/B field for circular polarized wave
Polarized Wave Applet shows a transverse wave traveling in the positive z direction
Properties of Electromagnetic Waves
Propagation of electromagnetic wave the relations between electric field, magnetic field and wave vector when electromagnetic wave propagate through space
Propagation of electromagnetic wave shows the Propagation of an electromagnetic wave, Propagation of electromagnetic wave
Propogation of an electromagnetic wave shows the Propagation of an electromagnetic wave
Propogation of an electromagnetic wave this applet shows the relationships among the electric field, the magnetic field, and the wave vector when an electromagnetic wave propagates through space
Radiation from a wire bend shows the results of a TLM simulation of a Gaussian signal travelling along a wire with a 90° bend in it. When the signal reaches the open circuit at the end of the wire it reflects and goes back down the wire
Radio wave tuner explores how a variable capacitor is connected to a simple antenna in a transformer circuit to select specific radio frequency wavelengths
Reflection, Refraction, Defraction, Diffraction, Scattering, Absorption of electromagnetic waves Reflection, Refraction, Defraction, Diffraction, Scattering, Absorption of electromagnetic waves
Stationary waves what are Stationary waves
Superposition of two waves to understand the principle of superposition
Superposition of two waves interference, standing waves, and beats
Transverse Wave shows a vibration being transmitted from left to right
Transverse waves: reflection & transmission
Traveling wave Traveling waves
Vibrating charges and electromagnetic waves use your mouse to drag the negative charge up or down, then let it go to start it oscillating
Wave interference this applet illustrates the principles of constructive and destructive interference in transversal waves
Wave Reflection and Transmission Reflection of pulse wave at an impedenace discontinuity
Waves traveling on a single transmission line, network control accept loading java plugin 1.2.1 (9346KB), if problems go to help, a tip

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Last updated on: 2011-01-02 | Copyright © 2011-2021 Educypedia.