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1.5 Wavelength Dipole Antenna Energy Distribution Radiated By a 1.5 Wavelength Dipole Antenna
Antenna directivity Radiation profile (angular dependence of the Poynting flux = directivity) can be varied by a suitable choice of the number of antennas in an array and the phase angle between neighbouring radiation fields
Antenna pattern of a linear array
Broadband Double - Ridged Horn Antenna Broadband Double - Ridged Horn Antenna
Dipôle en Français
Dipole antenna Dipole antenna Displacement current
Dipole antenna Radiation Pattern of Linear Antenna
Dipole antenna Animation of the evolution of a dipole antenna from a resonant circuit
Dipole antenna Electric force lines radiated from a small dipole
Dipole antenna Radiation Pattern of a Dipole Antenna As a Function of Dipole Length
Dipole antenna beside a head shows a dipole antenna radiating at 1800MHz beside a human head
Dipole array
Dipôle à grande distance en Français
Electric dipole The contour of the potential and the electric force lines produced by an electric dipole
Electrostatic field and electromagnetic field comparison between electrostatic field and electromagnetic field
Electromagnetic field animations
Folded dipole antenna Folded dipole antenna, The animation below shows a folded dipole antenna driven by a sinusoidal signal at 454MHz. The animation shows the magnetic field perpendicular to the plot
Half-wavelength dipole antenna
Handphone Antenna Simulation of Electromagnetic Field in A Realistic Human Head Model under RF Radiation from A Nearby Handphone
Linear antennas linear dipole antenna, two dipole array
Linear arrays radiation pattern of a single element antenna, This applet displays the radiation electric field magnitude of an 'n-element' uniform linear array
Near field of a mobile phone at 2.1GHz Near field of a mobile phone at 2.1GHz. The electric field strength is shown, Radiation of a mobile phone- PIFA-Antenna
Parabole antenne - construction en Français
Parabolic Dish How does aparabolic dish work, swf file
Parabolic Dish Antenna Reflection of Signals by a Parabolic Dish Antenna
Parabolic reflector animation This animation demonstrates the reflection property of parabolae
Parabolic reflectors and antennas this applet helps you understand, interactively, why the parabolic shape is important and its use as a reflector. The parabolic reflector is widely used and it is important to understand its reflecting properties
Polarization and Electromagnetic Waves Radiation field, Polarization and Electromagnetic Waves
Radiation in an automobile with normal and with roof-antenna
Radiation from an oscillating electric dipole Animation shows the electric field lines due to an electric dipole oscillating vertically at the origin
Radiation from a quarter wave antenna part of the course: electromagnetic fields
Radiation from a quarter wave antenna The animation shows electric dipole radiation from a quarter-wave antenna. The radiation generated by this antenna has a wavelength which is equal to four times the the half-length of the antenna
Radiation pattern of a dipole antenna as a function of dipole length
Reflection of Signals by a Parabolic Dish Antenna Reflection of Signals by a Parabolic Dish Antenna
Wave motion in 2 dimensions close to antennas and other conducting structures This java applet is a simulation that demonstrates electrodynamics in two dimensions, including setups which demonstrate electromagnetic waves, reflection at conductors, radiation from antennas, standing waves, waveguides, and diffraction
Yagi Antenna shows a Yagi antenna driven by a sinusoidal signal at 454MHz. The animation shows the magnetic field perpendicular to the plot using a dB scale
Yagi antenna modeling applet you can change the frequency, element diameter, and number of segments used to solve the equations by typing in the input fields provided

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